Surviving As An Extra In Fantasy World Isn't Easy

Chapter 183:Testing Water[2]

Chapter 183:Testing Water[2]


A punch that broke through the sky radiated around creating a powerful shockwave.

Dust swept, the ground trembled and the trees exploded into a mass of sawdust opon being hit.

Kevin blocking the punch of Andreas with many layers of ice, smiled and stretched out his hand in front of him.

Mana swirled like a hurricane around Kevin. The air froze and contracted to maximum and then with a sudden jolt, it expanded crazily forming a loud blast.

Andreas raised his fist that shone with a golden luster and threw a punch straight at the powerful blast coming at him.


A huge screen of dust formed in his vision and before he could reach it, a hand covered in ice struck him.


A ripple of air burst forth accompanying the sound of thunder booms scratching one's ears.

"The number of people who dare to take my punch head on can only be counted with one hand."Andreas spun his body in the air and landed on his feet staring at the layer of ice over his frozen hand.

"Let's see if you can take on my full power."

Andreas' body shone with a golden flash and his whole body became enveloped with a golden austere as if the person's skin had suddenly turned into gold.

Andreas compressed his knees and clenched his fist gathering a huge amount of power.

Compressing his body to the maximum, Andreas released all his momentum at once and shot towards Kevin leaving a huge cavity.


Kevin's eyes shone with astonishment and he quickly raised his fist.


Kevin's silhouette was hit hard and he flung through the sky for a distance. Turning his body, he balanced himself in mid-air but before he could stabilize his body, Andreas appeared above his head and punched him again.



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Leaving behind a trail, Kevin's body tearing through the air shot downward and crashed onto the ground making an earth shattering explosion.

A huge mushroom shaped cloud above the horizon swaying the debris.

The smoke from the explosion hadn't even resided when a fiercely strong aura shook the entire place blowing away the mushroom cloud and then with a stomp that sent a tremor across the vast plain, Kevin's image blurred and appearing right before Andreas, Kevin stabbed his fist.

Andreas also threw his fist making the space jolt.

The time seemed to slow down as the devastating attacks reached each other at an unprecedented speed.

Finally, when the two fists clashed, an ear-splitting explosion bellowed in the sky like the thundering boom representing the wrath of heaven.

A crackling sound as if the air sky had been split apart like shattered glass resonated throughout the sky followed by strong shockwaves that sent high blast wind.

Due to the impact, Andreas and Kevin's images blurred as both of them were blown away by the aftermath, getting shot back like a comet.

When things calmed down, a huge crater of a kilometre deep and a large rift extending for a few kilometres formed.

The entire mass of vegetation was blown away by the shockwave leaving behind a bare patch of land.

Emerging from a pile of rocks, Kevin shook his attire and spoke with a sullen expression.

"I don't understand your goals. Why are you biting on us every time we hold an important event? As an Emperor, I am not even able to get a holiday because I have to take care of your shits and handle the aftermath."

"I dont give a damn about your goals. Can you please play somewhere else?"

"I am a human being at the end. Man, I need holidays."

Andreas, who pulled himself up from a rift, almost lost his footing and fell back into it.

Getting up, Andreas stared at Kevin with his jaw wide open upon hearing Kevin's cold words. He had thought about many cool dialogues to speak about when the enemy asked.

Who are you?

What are you?

What is your goal?

However, seeing Kevin talking about holidays, he didn't have words to refute.

"You are running your mouth even at this moment. Shouldn't you be worried about your people there?"Andreas teased, raising his fist and punching immediately.

Kevin's figure blurred letting the shockwave pass through the place he stood, creating a mayhem of destruction.


Kevin swung his hand, freezing his entire hand to make it hard and covered it with many layers of ice making his fist strong enough to contain Andreas' blow.

"That's a weird way to use your Ice power."

"You haven't answered my question."

With a clicking sound, the ground collapsed and various after images clashed with one another trading punches with one another in rapid sequence.


"We just want to mess up. As you know we are just a group of misfits abandoned by the world. Since we are abandoned, we just wanted the world to repent for creating us."Andreas replied, taking the blow head-on with his chest, which sent him crashing down to the ground.

However there was no scratch over his golden body and he counter-attacked instantly.

Kevin's body was flung into the air and a powerful ring reverberated around dispensing the sky.

"What happened to you in the past?''Kevin held Andreas' fist in his palms which almost made his hands numb but ignoring it, he looked straight into Andreas's eyes.

"Past..."Andreas lost focus for a moment and then his face became dark.

"I don't like to talk about it.'' Andreas' whole body shone, his muscles bulged becoming harder and pressing his fist, he generated a shockwave that pushed away Kevin.

"Do your Empire lack fighters because of which you have to fight here," Andreas asked with a confused expression.

"Nah, I was just bored lazing around. There is nothing funny going around so I came here to have some fun."

"You are here for fun?"Andreas' eyes shone with disbelief as he pressed his fist against Kevin to push him back when he heard laughter.

Kevin shook his hand and just as he prepared to go on offence, his body froze on hearing loud cackling laughter that sent him chills.

"Shit!"Kevin's eyes turned seriously, startling Andreas.

Andreas concentrated his aura to strike again but something obstructed him.

"Youuuuu....."His eyes shone with disbelief.

As he channelized his aura, he found the remnants of Kevin's aura that sneaked inside his body were turning his blood cold and making it frozen.

"You were really playing with me," Andreas asked with a dangerous glint and shook his whole body like a maniac.

Previously he felt that Kevin was joking when he said he had come here to have fun but now he felt an excruciating pain in his body due to his freezing blood, he knew this guy's power control over his bloodline ability had reached the peak.

Not only can he freeze himself hard to a terrifying extent without any backlash, but he can even freeze the enemy after pouring his mana into their body.

"What did you think? Just because I talked to you normally, did you think of me as your friend?"Kevin shrugged his shoulders and turned his gaze.

"I planned to converse with you and understand you people, but it seems things aren't going to happen like this."

Dense cold energy poured over Andreas trying to freeze him to death and a bad premonition welled up in his heart seeing those serious icy eyes sending a chill down his spine.


Meanwhile, on the other side, disgruntled voices squirmed one after another.

Kai swayed his body to and fro dodging the scythe strikes. Unlike the other two, his expression was quite leisurely.

Large cracks cut through the place leaving huge crevices on the ground.

Since both parties weren't willing to turn this battle into a full-fledged war, things were quite restrained. Otherwise, if a 9-Star puppet master took out all the puppets, then things would be really worse.

"Stop avoiding. Fight like a man if you dare unless you aren't!" Shana shouted and stumped her feet with a pout making her look cute but those who had thought of her as cute weren't able to see the next day.

"Dare...Why don't I dare? Just ask my wife about my skills in bed and you will know whether I am a real man or not.''Kai chuckled and flicked his hair with a suave look.

"Kill that asshole. Cut him into pieces."Shana raised her palm and flicked her fingers several times.

The Scarecrow let out a terrifying shriek.

Seeing things getting serious, Kai closed his eyes, twisted his body and swung his sword coating it with a compressed layer of rocks.


A powerful ring of air pressure spread through the place dispersing the air and sweeping away the dust and debris.


What followed after that was the sound of something cracking and Kai didn't even need to raise his head to see what was happening.

However, Shana's face became as pale as a sheet of paper.

The huge scythe in the scarecrow's hands started crumbling into pieces.


Shana's angry voice resonated. Throwing away the umbrella, she pulled her two golden hair piggy ponytails in anger.

"I will ki..."Shana swallowed her words seeing the situation of the other two changing.

Andreas was in bad shape while Zod seemed in a pinch.

At that time, Kai also noticed the odd laughter and cursed.

"Am I hallucinating? How can I hear Frank laugh?"

Kai turned his gaze which landed on Frank far away from them and screamed in shock.

"Holy shit!"

"You managed to make this ice-faced bastard laugh."

"Fucking hell!''

"This is unbelievable."

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