Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 103

103 Chapter 10On the way back to Blackmount, only Aurora, Artemis, Aeryn and Petrus were inside the golden royal carriage. This gave them the time they needed to bond more and most importantly to speak about Lady Allysa’s sudden decision to abandon her own town, and move to Green Town.

“She knows she has a duty to fulfil in Storm Town, yet she chose to leave all that behind and for what?” Petrus seemed not to pleased.

Aeryn replied with a small chuckle “For sunshine, gardens, fresh vegetables and perfumed streets. You cannot blame your mother for the decision she made, it’s always raining in Storm Town” and then she looked at Artemis “Do you remember brother, when we stayed in Green Town for months ourselves when father took us for a tour?”

A smile escaped Artemis’s lips “How can I forget? We ate every apple we could pick, and drank the best wine in Maldonia. I agree with my sister Lord Petrus; you cannot blame your mother for that”

And so Petrus was overwhelmed with all the support his mother was getting, and later on he admitted if it was up to him maybe he would have wanted to stay in Green Town too, and that’s made both Aeryn and Aurora laugh.

The moment they arrived in the palace, Lord Balrus was waiting at the gates and so was the Hand of the King, Lord Angun. While Aurora, Aeryn and Petrus walked to their chambers, Artemis took another way to the council chamber for a small meeting.

Upon arriving in the court yard, Lord Akirbus was already there and a new Master of Law, who Lord Angun had chosen. It seemed to be a very important meeting, probably something had happened or worse someone died.

“You all look tense, my lords. Did someone die?” Artemis made a joke.

Sadly, no one laughed, nor smiled. That’s when Artemis knew something bad was going on. The last time he felt that rush inside his stomach and fear corrupted his mind, was during the moment of the Battle of Stonedance – the worst battle to ever happen in the history of battles.


Lord Balrus was the first one to speak “We have received news, Your Grace. I am afraid what we predicted long ago about the fate of Stonedance, has come to haunt us”

“Lord Balrus, I’m not fond of riddles and you know that. Do speak plainly so I can understand” said Artemis seemingly unable to clarify what was exactly going on.

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“King Gandalf, the usurper rode to Lawsend City and met with Lord Cregan Lawsend who is supposed to be our ally and friend. For decades the Lawsends have shown no interest regarding matters of the crown and nor did they acknowledge themselves as Prophis subjects, they have been a free colony” continued Lord Balrus.

It was Lord Angun who intervened “But as of recent we have lost that ally to the usurper, Gandalf and Cregan have joined their bond by blood”

Artemis was stunned “By blood?” he asked.

“Yes, Your Grace. There has been a marriage pact between Cregan’s daughter, the two year old Elizabeth Lawsend and Gandalf himself. As of now, Elizabeth Lawsend is in Raven where Gandalf rules from after abandoning King’s City and left it to his spy, Lord Tommy”

There was a sigh of exhaustion from Artemis, he still couldn’t believe he’d lost an ally like Cregan Lawsend wo have been so helpful in matters of the crown. Being the wealthiest house in Raven, the Lawsend controlled all the silk industries, satins, controlled all the ports and harbors especially the Maldonian ships which traded with his ships.

A loss it has been indeed and one which not even Lord Balrus saw it. They went on to talk about Gandalf wedding ceremony to Haniwa Aubrel of Claydall, but what all Artemis could think of was the loss he had encountered for losing the Lawsends.

“I shall write to Cregan, and maybe invite him to the capital so we can see it for ourselves if he’s really on the usurper’s side or ours. I trust you to deliver this Lord Balrus”

“As you wish my king” Lord Balrus curtsied before Artemis. Then Artemis stood up and left the council chamber, leaving his lords to discuss on what to be done after they suffered such a huge loss.

Aurora was inside her chambers in Aurora’s Hill sitting in front a fire looking at her eggs as they warm up. Three months ago they were black stones, as black as soot and hard. But now they had turned to blackish and greenish color, they weren’t heavy anymore as they continued to melt. Since she was so focused on looking at the eggs, Aurora barely noticed Artemis’s presence inside her chambers.

And when she did, she startled and complained “You could have knocked my love” she said while holding her now huge belly “I get so scared these days and anxious”

Artemis smiled and walked slowly towards her, he didn’t seem to be in a good mood. Aurora read his mind quickly so she wouldn’t have to ask, she was good at that too. “The Lawsends?” she asked anyway. Artemis sighed and sat down beside Aurora.


“The marriage, is that what troubles you?”

“It’s losing my important ally, that’s what troubles me”

“Do not worry my love. Once we have dragons every lord, every king and every wealthy merchant would want to be on our side, besides you are not sure if you’ve lost Cregan Lawsend”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You... wanted to write to him, didn’t you?” asked Aurora.

Somehow Artemis was amazed by Aurora’s powers to read people’s minds. She doesn’t always say what she reads on people, but when she does it’s absolute with correctness. “Stop reading my mind...” Artemis laughed and then he laid down looking at the ceiling.

Aurora turned to him “I apologize; I can’t help it” she said caressing his belly softly. Then she went on to sleep on his chest “Perhaps you can invite Lord Cregan Lawsend to the palace, and you can have me read his mind. This way you wouldn’t have to worry whether he’s on our side or not”

“You think I should do that?”

“Yes, it’s the only way we’ll know” insisted Aurora and they went on to sleep on the mat that night while being warmed by the fire.

At such inconvenience times which seemed to shake his household and city, Cregan Lawsend received a letter carried by a raven from Blackmount. It was his master of spy who brought the letter to him, unopened and stamped with “King of Maldonia” sigil. Right there Cregan shut down his windows, barred his door and went on to stash the letter inside his cupboard.

Not even Laisa, Cregan’s wife was aware of the letter and that’s because she spent all her days and night mourning her lost daughter as if she was dead. Laisa wept every time, she neither participated on her duties as Lady Lawsend nor as a wife to Cregan. Their romance and relationship was far gone and beyond saving ever since the day Cregan gave their daughter to Gandalf.

Cregan read Artemis’s letter, word by word, and more than five times. It was a letter of kindness shown by His Grace and Cregan was a first witness to Artemis’s kindness and wisdom. He was invited to the capital once and it was a wonderful experience, although this time Artemis made it very clear. “I want to know if we are still brothers and allies” and that’s when Cregan knew the news had traveled to Blackmount.

It was during this time that Cregan was in dilemma, but one thing he knew was Gandalf would never be his ally nor the son in law he would want. Elizabeth was still young; Gandalf would have to wait twelve years till he will be permissioned to bed her.

Even Cregan knew Gandalf wouldn’t rule past two years let alone twelve. He has so many enemies and no one of high rank liked him, except for the good folks who cheered for him but the good folks had no power. They were just poor folks who didn’t even know what they have or what they don’t, Cregan knew where his cards lied and he chose Artemis once again.

The next day he secretly boarded a ship as a traveler to Blackmount with no servants, guards nor scullions. This was a journey he intended to make on his own for his daughter’s protection because one the Squires knew that he departed to go visit Artemis, then he knew Elizabeth’s life will be in danger and her daughter will be a prisoner.

The ship sailed early in the morning when it was still dark, if the winds would be kind Cregan expected to make it to the harbors of Blackmount by the next morning or evening. He would have a word with Artemis and leave immediately once everything was settled. The visit was important because Artemis needed to hear it from him that he had a plan, and he needed Artemis’s help to execute that plan, and with immediate effect if need be.

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