Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 133

133 Chapter 13Prince Landan Squire had his first feast on his name when he was reached a moon turn. Nobles and Highborn were invited to the feast so they may eat and drink to the crown prince’s health. The whole thing was orchestrated by Lady Aryan, and it was only fitting since it was her and Gandalf’s name day too.

The twins were celebrating their twenty third name day, they were so young to have accomplished a lot of things. Lord of King City Sir Tommy arrived with his new bride, he introduced her to Gandalf and claimed he will be expecting a child soon. The Lord of Bellward, Sir Criston Highrise was also there and without forgetting Lady Catherine, the new Lady of Claydall and mother to the Queen and alongside her daughters.

Lady Catherine was so happy in seeing her daughter Haniwa rising to standards as the Queen of Prophis and she had borne a son for the King. There was no any greater power than that, and for such sacrifice she kissed Haniwa and placate her grandson Prince Landan.

The one in attendance to this joyful celebration was the traitor Lord Cregan Lawsend alongside his wife Laisa Blackwood. It was no secret these two came just to see their daughter, Elizabeth Lawsend. Laisa spent the majority of her stay embracing Elizabeth in her arms, she kissed her, placate her and kissed her some more. There was truly nothing like a mother’s love to her daughter.

With a bouncing baby boy and a beautiful wife by his side, Gandalf had no need for a two-year-old and hence most of the times Elizabeth spent with wet nurses and servants with whom she was very accustomed to in such a way her own mother’s touch felt strange to her.

Laisa noticed the discomfort and complained it to her husband “She is starting to forget me Cregan” Laisa wept. “I am her mother and she is growing accustom to strangers than me”

Cregan sighed, it was vivid he was exhausted by all the tears and complains coming from his wife. “We are at a feast Laisa, try to look happy” he said.

“Happy? While our daughter rots in this hell?”

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“She’s living in a palace with twenty servants, what more could she need?” Cregan locked eyes with his wife. His eyes were hard and cruel, but then he softly softened up and sighed. Then he reached for Laisa’s hands and pulled them closer to his. “We will get her back, soon”


“How? You have sold her to the highest bidder. Even if she grows up she will be trapped here in a loveless marriage to that -” Laisa stared at Gandalf who was cheering with his son on his arms.

Then Laisa left her husband’s side and walked away. The feast was accompanied with cakes, pies, pastries, meats of different tastes and lots of wine. It was a celebration like no other and the palace was crowded with smells of tasty food and perfumed flesh. There were silks and satins everywhere, with a mix of wool and leather. Rush wore a dazzling pale cream silk dress which made her very attractive, she tied her heavy hairs scented with oil and left her long neck on display – Aryan stole her glance from time to time.

When Rush knew Aryan was looking at her, she just smiled and seemed pleased. Olivia went for a dark yellow silk long dress and a black cloak on top. Aryan wore a black trouser and black shirt, on top of it she wore her signature golden yellow cloak with a Square sigil at the back. They were inseparable with Olivia and all the time Aryan seemed to be whispering something to Olivia, and then they laughed.

The sight of the couple laughing and enjoying moments together was distasteful to Rush, she wasn’t a fan of them and it has been long since Aryan talked to her. After that incident with Lord Leoric, Aryan grew wroth with Rush and she didn’t seem to want to converse with her anymore, Rush intended to fix this.

Gandalf chose blue silk robe tall to his feet and dazzled with pearls, sapphires and diamonds. His crown rested comfortably on his head and the diamonds did shine even though it was a bright day with warm sunshine and cool breeze. The good folks said the day was blessed by the gods themselves, the King’s name day and his prince’s first feast. On top of the blue robe, Gandalf wore his golden yellow robe, his hairs heavy with scented oils, and for the very first time Gandalf’s eyes were adorned with K’ohl – the traditional Prophisian eye adornment.

Those who attended that day said King Gandalf looked like a true Prophisian King and one may never tell that he was a Maldonian. Haniwa was the one who dressed him and she wanted her husband to embrace the true nature of Prophisians since he was the King, and the natives did celebrate in that.

Aryan approved of her brother’s appearance for that day, she knew it was time for him to move on from being a Maldonian and embrace his new identity as King of Prophis. The Lords showered Gandalf and Prince Landan with gifts; from silks and satins, horses, servants and slaves, jars of scents, spices of different taste and smell, toys for the Prince and weapons.

Lord Howsley of House Blackgard who grew to be a close friend of the King and Lady Aryan gave out a whole manse in Bellward for the young Prince. “May he find his solitude there and feast on days he feels happy” said the Lord and Gandalf was thankful. He embraced Lord Howsley with a tight hug which melt many people’s hearts.

Cregan Lawsend gave the King two bags of gold and one hundred slaves, but he said the slaves will be delivered in a fortnight. Then he addressed Gandalf as his son in law which made Laisa want to puke, she hated Gandalf to her very last bone. Gandalf cheered for Lord Cregan’s gift which seemed to be the best gift in that occasion, however later on Gandalf announced to every guest that each gift was of importance to him and to the prince.

Then Gandalf added “To my sweet sister too, it’s our name day not just mine. Or do I need to remind you all that we shared a womb?” then he and Aryan chuckled softly. Of course Aryan wasn’t someone for parties and gifts, she never got along with people because her face was always hard and unwelcoming. It seemed she only laughs when she’s around Olivia.

After the gifts and praises, came the christening of the young Prince. The task fell upon the High Septon of Raven Father Stewart, and he held Prince Landan in his arms. The Faith Crones gave the High Septon two bowels full of anointing oils, the Crones wore all white as usual and they hid their faces and obscure it from view.

Father Stewart prayed silently as he anointed the Prince with the holly oils. Then when he was done, he carried him for everyone to see “I give you, Landan Squire. Prince of Raven and Heir to the Silver Throne. May the gods protect him and bless him as they see fit – Hail Prince Landan” he said with his voice full of authority and power.

Then everyone repeated back his words “Hail Prince Landan” and rejoiced with their glasses full of honeyed wine. As they toast to the Prince’s health, Rush’s eyes were fixed on Aryan and she didn’t turn away. Aryan noticed it and she returned the favor, their eyes talked more than their lips could allow. A servant arrived where Aryan stood and he made sure to whisper softly without Olivia’s consent “The Mistress of Whisper will like to see you Lady Hand. In her chambers she says”

Aryan just nodded, she feared if she spoke up then she may alert Olivia. But Olivia was already alerted and she asked “Is everything alright my love?” with intense care for her lover. Aryan looked at where Rush stood but she was no longer there, probably she walked to her chamber where she wanted to meet.

“Yes, I... I have to go fix something in the stables. Would you mind if I leave for few minutes?”

Olivia smiled “Of course not, but don’t be late for your cake” she said and threw a peck on Aryan’s left cheek. Lord Cregan Lawsend was looking on and he knew instantly that Aryan was having an affair with Rush behind Olivia’s back. He sighed and drunk his wine, he wasn’t shocked since all the Squires were known for infidelities and lies.

Rush awaited for Aryan’s arrival inside her chamber, she was nervous and she started to plan on things to say so Aryan can forgive her for what happened. But also she didn’t carry much hope that she will be forgiven, after all it’s Aryan. The door was suddenly opened and she gasped, a tall figure walked inside and when it was fully displayed she saw the only person she loved dearly. That’s when she released a breath and seemed relieved.

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