Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 137 - 137 Chapter 137

137 Chapter 13A week after the “Bleeding Feast” and Gandalf was yet to be buried. The High Septon Father Stewart was amongst those who ate the cake and for that he bled out and died. Three Faith Crones died along with him, and that’s why the funeral was put on hold ─ the septas had to select a new High Septon so he may lead the King to the afterlife.

When Aryan was asked if she was okay with waiting for five days so the septas may appoint a new High Septon, she didn’t say a thing. Ever since her brother died Aryan grew silent, Olivia was the one running things in the palace and preparing for King and Queen’s burial, alongside their son. Maybe if it was just her brother who had died, then Aryan would have remained with her nephew Landan the heir to the throne.

But when the servants said they found Landan’s throat open, that completely turned her dumb and the grief changed her. She didn’t even want to see her nephew’s body and ordered the Faith Crones to wash him and place him beside his parents. Hence they waited for a week, and within those seven days Aryan didn’t eat a thing nor did she speak to anyone.

The rumors of her not speaking spread all over Raven and they titled her the “Silent Lady” but those who fully understood the loss she just endured didn’t blame her for taking such acts. They even defended her when some of the people spoke bad about her decision to be quiet, “She lost her whole family, give her a break” they said in taverns, inns, ports and brothels.

On a Thursday morning came the eighth day ever since the “Bleeding Feast”, many of the deceased lords, ladies and children were already buried at that time although the realm was still grieving. The newly appointed High Septon, Father Duba led the funeral prayer for the King which meant to guide the dead to the new life. The Faith Crones surrounded all three bodies, Haniwa, Gandalf and their son. They threw white flowers at them while repeating the High Septon’s prayer.

All this was new to Aryan who she wasn’t used to Prophisian gods and ways of live. In Maldonia the dead were just burned, no need of prayers of silent whispers. But in Prophis the High Septon must guide the dead to the new life using his chants and candles. The Sept was full of people wearing all black, Olivia had a soft transparent black scarf over her face as she stood close to Aryan who was also in all black.

Just few invited guests attended the burial ceremony and amongst those guest was Lord Cregan Lawsend who wore black too and his wife Laisa, they pretended to have somber faces and feeling bad for the death of the King while they knew very well they were responsible for the death of Gandalf. They didn’t leave the capital since the Bleeding Feast and they have been a good help in organizing and comforting the guests who just arrived.

After the brief ceremony, the procession started towards where the pyre was already set. It was inside the palace and that’s because they needed the privacy. Elizabeth, Lady of Claydall and mother to the Queen couldn’t stop crying as she looked at her daughter and her grandson laying down and they were ready to be set on flames. She wanted to wake up from this bad dream, first her husband Lord Aubrel and now her first daughter, mayhaps she was in deep agony more than Aryan.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Aryan was supposed to be the first one to set the pyre on fire, the High Septon handed her the torch. Aryan looked at Father Duba, her eyes reddish and she couldn’t help herself ─ tears fell down effortlessly between her cheeks like a cataract of water over a broke dam. Father Duba held her right hand softly “He’s ready, you must escort his soul to thy rest, he will lead his Queen and his son along the way” and then he nodded.


After saying those words Father Duba walked a few steps back and allowed Aryan to take lead. Aryan walked slowly towards the pyre, she looked at her twin brother laying down as if he was sleeping. She remembered those days she would stay awake just to see him sleeping, Gandalf always smiles on his sleep but this time he was just silent. Then she turned to Haniwa, she was so beautiful like a sleeping beauty dressed in white silk and a white flowery tiara on top of her dead, this all felt unreal and like a bad dream.

Aryan couldn’t look at her nephew who was tightened up in a black silk robe just like Gandalf. Landan was just a moon old with a bright future ahead of him, the heir to the throne and he was supposed to carry the family’s name to glory. His life was cut short, and that pained Aryan more than anything.

And for the first time she talked “I will avenge you brother” she said with tears rolling down between her cheeks, she couldn’t control them anymore. “I will find out who did this to you and I promise I shall slaughter their whole family and dance on their ashes. I will wage wars for you brother, I will give my life for you, your name will never be forgotten. I will fill the gates of your city with their heads and I promise you I will make you smile from the heaven” and with that Aryan dropped the torch on the pyre and walked away.

While everyone else remained behind, Aryan took off crying and she didn’t want to stay behind and watch her brother burn. Rush was there, she wanted to go after her but she knew Olivia will suspect of their discreet complicated relationship and that wasn’t the time for her to start acting out.

The news of Gandalf’s death spread all over the Liberty Cities, and in particular Whitebridge. Aprophil heard this news and shared it with his mother, Katarina Tully heard about the shocking news when she was purchasing her daily needs in the Market Square. She quickly went back to her manse and called upon her son Amabel, who had grown so tall and he was now towering his mother at just thirteen years old.

“The Usurper is dead” said Katarina with excitement.

“Gandalf Squire?’ Amabel asked, he was shocked rather being excited.

“Yes, the man who murdered your father and took Prophis from you. They say he was poisoned at his son’s feast; they are now calling it the Bleeding Feast”


“Because apparently whoever ate the cake dropped down, bled out and died quickly” continued Katarina still with excitement. Then she dropped down the groceries and looked at Amabel who didn’t share her excitement. “You know what this means right?” she asked.

Amabel turned and looked at his mother “That I am the true heir to the Silver throne” he said softly. “Lady Aryan may have helped us escape but she will never put me on that throne”

“I know but this isn’t her decision to make. The Usurper is dead so is his son and his Queen, she knows you are the true heir but you are right she will not install you in that throne unless we do something”

“What are we going to do mother? We are refugees here with no army and no powerful friends to help us”

“I can write to your aunt, Princess Thelma. She is currently in Loni and if I get to her and tell her that you are alive… that we are alive then she may find us help to restore you to the Silver throne” Katarina seemed to be so sure of her plans.

Right there she walked out again to fetch an ink and quill, when she came back Amabel sat right next to her as she penned that well worded letter to Princess Thelma. They were all alone inside Katarina’s chamber because they feared the servants may overhead their conversation and spread gossip.

The letter explained what happened from the start of Battle of Stonedance to the day Lady Aryan freed them and helped them cross the Silent Sea. Katarina told the princess that Amabel, Barkis and Frost were all alive and well although she didn’t disclose her whereabouts for fear what if it falls on the wrong hands. Katarina said how she raised the boys well and that she missed the princess, she was only reaching out after she found out Gandalf was dead.

At the end of the letter she concluded “The Usurper is dead, your nephew is the true heir to the Silver throne. I am asking for your help and Lord Lothar’s to install Amabel as the King of Prophis and let the people be reminded of the strength of House Taelin. I am your good sister, Katarina Tully” and with that Katarina carefully folded the letter and placed a Taelin sigil on top if.

Now that everything was well equipped, she only wanted a loyal trade man who can help to send the letter and she knew no one apart from Aprophil. Hence she called out her servants and ordered them to ride the carriage to Aprophil’s manor.

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