Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 139 - 139 Chapter 139

139 Chapter 13On a day that was sunny after a huge storm last night seemed to heal a lot of Loni settlers who suffered the carnage of heavy storms taking their things off shores and even killing domestic animals. The storm was accompanied with lightning and thunderstorms, some may say the Lord of Loni was having it easy in his manor but Lothar wasn’t, he was forced to shackle his horses and sheep under one roof for the storm to pass.

But this new day proved to be better because the sun was shining brightly and it brought a smile on everyone’s lips. Princess Thelma just found out she was with child, the second one after her first daughter with Lothar Taelin, her cousin. They couldn’t celebrate last night because of the storm, Lothar planned to throw a small feast on his wife’s honor to congratulate her.

What made their day even better was when Lord Balrus’s trusted rider arrived in Loni with the King’s letter sealed in Maldonian sigil. “It’s for Princess Thelma Taelin, from His Grace Artemis Arteides first of his name. King of Maldonia, Lord of Ten Houses and Protector of the Realm” he said and then when Princess Thelma assured him that it was indeed her, the rider handed out the letter and rode back to Blackmount.

Both Lothar and Thelma looked on as the rider disappeared from view, they were so excited to read the letter hence at that moment Princess Thelma tore down the sigil and opened the letter. She read it silently at first, her facial expression grew into a smile when she read the part where Artemis promised her that she will support the Taelins in taking back their home.

“He says he is willing to help us” she said with excitement.

Lothar took the letter and read it aloud, when he was done he asked “But Gandalf is dead, so is his son and his wife. Will he still give out his support, this was written before Gandalf’s death”

“Does it matter Lord Husband? The Usurper maybe dead but still his sister lingers around our home and I’m sure she will take the throne for herself”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Lady Aryan is dangerous” warned Lothar “But even her can’t withstand the dragons and their flames, what should we do next my love?”

“I shall write to my brother and beseech him to come back to Loni, and I will forward the King’s letter to him so he knows I am not lying. He needs to be here so we can match together to Blackmount” said Princess Thelma and her husband agreed.


The next day Artemis’s letter with his own sigil ─ the King’s sigil, was sent in join form with Princess Thelma’s letter to her brother. Thelma thought she needed to send Artemis’s letter too so as to convince her brother to see it was all true. A loyal rider was summoned and trusted with the letters. “Take them to the Liberty Cities especially Whitebridge, find Princess Ambrose and give this to him” those were the princess’s instructions and the rider promised never to let the her down.

Now back to Raven things were going slowly and the time seemed to have stopped. But the main question amongst the Lords and nobles of the kingdom were the future of the kingdom now that Gandalf and his heir were murdered. No one dared to speak about it in front of Lady Aryan who was always unapproachable and with a frown look on her face.

Rush advised Lady Aryan to take the throne for herself and avenge her brother, Olivia also wanted Aryan to take the throne since she was the last living Squire. With nine cubs and three mighty lions the future of House Squire was as bright as a sunny day, and the only way for Aryan to avenge her brother was if she was on power.

The Lords of three cities of Prophis met in the courtyard to discuss, Lady Elizabeth of Claydall said she couldn’t attend because she was still grieving the loss of her daughter Haniwa, she sent her second daughter to attend on her stead. Apart from Lady Elizabeth’s, all the lords attended and they talked for hours.

Rush was also there as Mistress of Whispers and Olivia sat close to Aryan as her comfort, during these hard days it was Olivia who became Aryan’s shoulder to lean on. The main topic was about the new sovereign, it had already been three weeks since Gandalf’s death and the kingdom had yet to announce who will take on the new role.

The arrival of Queen Aurora in her she-dragon days ago terrified the good folks, the Lords said. Prophis is a powerful kingdom and it must have a new sovereign sooner rather than letter. “I will take it!” Lady Aryan finally spoke and raised her head up high. “I shall take the silver throne and become the Queen of Prophis. My brother is dead, his son is dead and so is his wife. By all rights and legitimacy, the throne passes to me” she said.

Suddenly the whole chamber was in silence, no Lord dared to challenged Aryan’s claim or speak out in plain sight. All the lords chosen were Gandalf’s friends and they wouldn’t even dream of betraying him or his sister, that’s why it was easy because most of them were Gandalf’s friends. During this time Lord Cregan Lawsend was gone and he took his daughter with him, of course he had to ask for Lady Aryan’s permission and he was allowed to take her.

Lord Tommy of King’s City rose up from his seat and spoke loudly “Then if we all agree, Long Live Queen Aryan Squire, First of Her Name. Queen of Prophis and Good Folks and Mighty Lions. Lady of Stonedance, Raven and Protector of The Realm”

Then all of the Lords and Ladies stood in unison “Long Live the Queen” they chanted for over two minutes while Aryan sat in silence just observing what has really come to. Now she was the ruler of Prophis, a position she never really thought about it and that’s because she thought her twin would rule for more time, yet there she was crowned and being titled as “Queen of Prophis”

The news travelled across the realm, from the freezing lands in King’s City to the Freezing Sea and Green Mountains. The small folks cheered for Lady Aryan and feasted on her name for days, they said Gandalf was resurrected in her twin’s soul. Maybe it was the uncanny resemblance between the two Squires which made Prophisians celebrate Queen Aryan’s new role.

Just like the day when Gandalf was crowned King, Queen Aryan’s coronation was of no difference. The Sept was full and fifty thousand Prophisians showed up to witness Aryan anointed and take the silver throne in front of masses. Aryan wore her brother’s crown ─ made of gold and surrounded by blue sapphires at the front. Her sharp brown eyes reflected the blue and made her look like a fairytale doll in the sun.

The same outfit Gandalf wore during the day of his coronation was the same thing Aryan wore, and in order to look exactly like her brother Queen Aryan cut her hairs short. The folks who attended the coronation that day spoke of how many thought Gandalf had come to life once more, some were even shocked and terrified by the resemblance especially since Aryan’s hairs were short too just like her brother’s.

Inside the attire Queen Aryan wore a corset which tightened her small breasts and in turn made her chest bare, some men claimed Queen Aryan didn’t have tits and maybe she also had a man’s private part hidden underneath her trousers. This day she wore her golden cloak with a lion sigil at the back, Olivia gave her a sword and Father Duba placed the crown on her head.

The bell rang twice, and then when it rang for the third time Father Duba raised his voice “All Hail Her Grace. Queen Aryan Squire, First of Her Name. Queen of Prophis and Good Folks and Mighty Lions. Lady of Stonedance, Raven and Protector of The Realm” and the cheers which came from the fifty thousand people was enormous.

Even the toddlers who were carried by their parents screamed “Long Live the Queen” and showed every bit of happiness as their parents. Aryan never smiled, she just looked on at her people with a crown on her head. This was a journey not meant for her but now she had to take it if she wanted to avenge her brother, the envoy sent by Aurora was also inside the Sept witnessing this historical moment and just counting minutes until he will deliver the letter to the new sovereign.

As per tradition Queen Aryan stepped outside of the Sept and went outside, a black huge lion was waiting for her. She mounted it and raised her sword. The good folks cheered even more for Aryan than they did Gandalf, women showed out their tits to her and some tried to kiss her. The procession started to the main palace, Aryan on a lion with her people escorting her while shouting her name.

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