Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 143 - 143 Chapter 143

143 Chapter 14The dust seemed to have settled between Aurora and Artemis, they went back to their usual activities in ruling the realm, hosting feasts in the mean time they had forgotten all that seemed to have caused a rift between themselves. Although they didn’t forget that any time from then Princess Thelma will arrive at the capital and they had to make it discreet.

But things weren’t settled as they thought they were, it had come a time Visenya approached them with a matter they had never thought about it — not even once.

“Inorder for dragon riders to have their silver pale hairs, they must have dragon blood in their hands” she said one day when she talked to them both.

Maybe the issue was written on a page where Aurora failed to find amongst all those books she’s read about House Morrow and her origin as a seer and a Dark Crawler. Or mayhaps whoever chronicled the lives of Morrows left that part out, but why.

Artemis was even more shocked “We have to kill a human being?” he asked.

“Not you... but you have to say incendio and let your dragon do the work. Once the person is dead, your hairs will automatically turn to silver. Dragons only recognizes silver hairs, they are bound to that. Once Artodo and Vizoro grow old, they will refuse your orders if you will not resemble what they are bound to obey. And that is a rider with silver pale hairs” added Visenya.

Aurora seemed to disagree “I thought you said dragons obey whoever claims them” she said.

“Yes they do, but they are Morrows by nature. And one can’t outgrow their nature, it needs to be done Aurora, quickly”

“You never told me about this babushka”


“I’m sorry my grandchild, I may have seem to lost myself on that”

There was an awkward silence in the room, now everything was put on plate for Aurora and Artemis. It was up to them to decide whether they were willing to burn their first victims and claim their silver hairs, or will they let it all pass?

“We are going to burn villages when the war comes, I say we just go with it” said Artemis with a smile.

“What will people say? I am already getting rumors that I’m a witch. Now I have to walk out of court with silver hairs?” Aurora panicked. She got up and started pacing around the room.

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Visenya attempted to calm her down “They’ll think you dyed it” she said. “Right?” Then she looked at Artemis for support.

Artemis nodded in agreement “Yes, they will... Aurora my love, the good folks should be the least of our concerns. We are the King and Queen of Maldonia, the most powerful realm ever known to man. Let them talk, it shouldn’t bother us” he tried to talk some sense to Aurora.

He was right at least, but Aurora cared so much for her people more than Artemis did. It should come naturally for Artemis to care for his people since he was the King, but he didn’t give a damn about them. Aurora was the one doing charitable donations, feeding the poorest families in Blackmount and also providing comfort when one needs it.

After the whole conversation with Visenya, they agreed altogether to bring out the murderers, rapists, and outlaws in order to burn them — Artemis preferred to carry out these sentences in front of his people so they can witness the power of the dragons. “If they see it, they’ll fear us. A good King must be feared all across the realm” he insisted.

Hence from there the task fell upon Lord Angun, the Hand of the King to fetch out the worst criminals who have committed crimes which can’t be forgiven. If they were going to burn a criminal then let it be those ones who were known to be the worst, and truly deserved to die.

There’s nowhere one may find such people other than the Mines, that’s where people are sent to die. Lord Akirbus said he will take the matter on his own hands, “I shall travel to the Mines and come back with them. Besides, I need to collect Lord Leoric’s gold contribution for the royal treasury” he added. By the next day he took fifty knights ahorse and adorned in their red armory and carried Maldonian sigil high above the ground.

He carried the King’s letter which ordered Lord Leoric to released twenty of the worst criminals, and also to contribute his monthly donation to the royal treasury. Once Lord Akirbus arrived in the Mines as he expected he wasn’t met with smiling faces from either Lord Leoric or Princess Aeryn. It’s like these two hated anyone from the capital and King’s circle.

When fifty of the Maldonian knights who accompanied Lord Akirbus stood in front of Lord Leoric’s castle, it was at this time his Lordship had no other option but to open his city’s gates and welcome Lord Akirbus. Princess Aeryn was by his side and she didn’t seem so pleased with the visit.

“What brings you here my Lord?” Leoric asked straight away, he didn’t even offer Lord Akirbus a place to rest after a long journey.

“It’s time for your monthly donation to the royal treasury” replied Lord Akirbus.

“I’m aware, but did you really have to travel all this way? I usually send my slaves to the capital”

“And I usually receive them since I’m the Master of coin. But this time I bring a letter from the King” Lord Akirbus dismounted from his horse and walked towards Lord Leoric and Princess Aeryn.

The princess looked pale, unwell and possibly she’s been either vomiting or crying — Lord Akirbus couldn’t tell which one was correct but she didn’t look good at all. His eyes were fixed at her, Aeryn had to look away so that she can escape his fierce and sharp eyes.

Lord Leoric snatched the letter from Lord Akirbus and opened it with haste, still his face sour and he didn’t hesitate on showing it. When he finished reading it, he locked eyes with Lord Akirbus silently.

Then he handed the letter to Princess Aeryn, and she also read it slowly. When she was done she seemed to be shocked. “Why does my brother need twenty criminals?” she asked.

“It’s His Grace’s needs, I don’t ask” replied Lord Akirbus knowing very well he was lying.

“But he can’t just take twenty of my criminals. This is my city, these criminals have already been sentenced to work in the mines, they are serving their punishment already”

“Lord Leoric might I remind you of your position?” This came with an angry tone from Lord Akirbus.

Then an awkward silence passed through, Lord Leoric was fumed with anger but he dared not speak back to Lord Akirbus because he feared Artemis’s wroth. The last time he saw Artemis, he was on his black dragon’s back and he could have burned him and his slaves to ashes, yet he chose peace and left him with his sister.

That was a show of mercy to him, Lord Leoric knew it better that Artemis will not be so merciful next time. Hence instead of showing rebellion to Lord Akirbus, he sighed softly and said “Whatever His Grace desires, I will be honored to do it” with his head down. That must have taken a toll on his ego which was as big as an elephant.

“You will not do anything my Lord. My men are here to pick the twenty criminals. We just needed a pass...”

“You may pass my Lord”

“The King will be pleased” Lord Akirbus signalled his men to pass through when the gates were raised.

All fifty of them ahorse raced inside the city leaving brown dust behind as Lord Leoric watched, then it was Lord Akirbus who entered last. The men rode straight to the mines while Lord Akirbus rode with Lord Leoric and the princess to their castle.

The mines were situated very far from the modern city, almost twenty kilometers. Hence at the centre of the city everything looked colorful, cheerful and everyone seemed happy. The market square was crowded with goods from Penrith, Arkala, far away lands like Andreia and across the Green Mountains.

It was so civilized, just like Blackmount, Green Town, or Old City. During the early days the Mines was a place where people went to die, but now all Lord Akirbus could see was dazzling lights and humor. Lord Leoric had done a tremendous job in turning the place into a trade city and keeping the mines very far from civilization.

Leoric noticed the shock on Lord Akirbus’s face, he chuckled softly. “When was the last you were here my Lord” he asked grinding from ear to ear.

“Twenty years ago I’m afraid. Everything looks —”

“Clean?” Lord Leoric intervened.

“Yes and... civilized. I never dreamt of seeing these many men living in the mines. It’s a whole city just like what they say”

“You think the King is pleased? Or is he jealous that I have my own trade city bigger than Blackmount?”

Lord Akirbus chose to be silent, he knew Leoric was trying to provoke him. He was good at that, he maintained his silence and just smirked.

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