Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 152 - 152 Chapter 152

152 Chapter 15Artemis truly didn’t care about his sister anymore or what happens to her. Maybe Aeryn must have thought that her brother still cared for her after all the dramas but he didn’t, he was a dragon rider now and with a completely new attitude and feelings. If it was the old Artemis, maybe he would have grown softer and rushed to his sister’s defense.

But this new one with pale and bright long silver hairs didn’t care, the only thing which mattered to him was his silver hairs ─ and how he looked. He sent the merchants to Lyme, Arkala and Penrith to bring forth verities of scented oils which would make his hairs shine brighter. Aurora would laugh every time Artemis complained when there was even a simple stain on his hair, it was the most treasured thing at the moment.

The long silver hairs made Artemis the most handsome and dashing King in all realms. Songs were sung about this comely dragon rider and the maidens grew jealous of Aurora who got to have him all to himself, and their jealousy heightened when Aurora announced that she was with child two moons after they grew their silver hairs.

There has never been a day Artemis was so happy than that day Aurora told him she was carrying another child. He jumped up and down, kissed and hugged his wife like she was the most treasured thing on Earth. Jaherys was approaching his first name day, and it was supposed to be as grand but also as private especially after what happened to Gandalf’s name day. Aurora didn’t take any chances, she said the food will be tasted by the cooks at the feast before they eat it.

The good news of the Queen’s new bundle of joy reached the Mines, exactly two moons had passed since Lord Akirbus came to the city and both Princess Aeryn and Lord Leoric played mind tricks on him. The mind tricks worked but they didn’t work on the King, and that pissed off Lord Leoric. Every single day he would ask “Has your brother written to you?” but the answer would remain the same “No” throughout all those days.

Now they learned that Aurora was expecting, while Princess Aeryn was in her last days till she experiences her labors. These were days when Princess Aeryn needed her husband by her side, but Lord Leoric was nowhere to be seen. He spent most of his afternoons in brothels where he met with his friends and they would plan discreetly on how to kill the dragons ─ he was obsessed. The book explained about using bolts and axes, but that was it.

The confusion and disappointments made Lord Leoric blame himself for letting that strange man go while he was yet to find a more suitable way to kill the dragons. “It says here that our ancestors used bolts with high range and height to fire upon the dragons. Also axes and swords, but how do you use a sword against a fire breathing dragon?” asked Lord Leoric. His friends were silent and that’s because he’s been asking the same question over and over again for a moon turn.

Before he could continue, suddenly his slave entered inside the brothel breathing heavily and panting hard. He seemed to have raced his horse faster so he can make it in time to his master, when Lord Leoric looked at him, he knew exactly what was going. Instead of being excited, Lord Leoric sighed softly and asked “Is it a girl or a boy?” with disappointment in his tone.

“It’s a boy, My Lord” replied the slave.


“Argh! I’m done here my lords, to be continued…” Leoric picked up the book and several drawings which he’s made over the time about the dragons. Then he busted out of the brothel and straight to his palanquin. His slaves carried him back to the castle.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After a grueling thirty hours of cruel labor, Aeryn finally gave birth to her second son after the first one with Lord Petrus proved to be a stillborn. This one was healthy and agile just like his father, but where was Lord Leoric when his wife was going through the most difficult moment of her life?

It could have been the first question Aeryn asks when Lord Leoric arrived but the joy of holding her son in her arms erased all those negativities. They just dived into the new experience of being parents with excitement, this was the first legitimate son of Lord Leoric and he felt good to hold him. The next day Leoric called out his Lords and nobles to his council and announced that his son will be named Jeremiah Arteides of House Arteides since he had abandoned his house name.

“My son will carry his mother’s last name since I was disowned by mine. I am no Walsen and hence neither is my son, he will bear the title of Prince and he will be second in line to the Sweet Waters throne after Jahery, his cousin” and this was said in plain sight, and Leoric made sure the rumor reached out the capital.

Princess Aeryn wasn’t against her husband’s decision, in fact she was actually happy that her son bared her House name. She was overjoyed, and loved Leoric even more. When the news reached Blackmount, Artemis and Aurora were stunned.

“Can she do that?” Aurora asked Artemis.

Artemis shook his head “This isn’t her, it’s Lord Leoric. He disowned his family name and took ours, since he is my good brother in the eyes of the gods and law, then yes he can actually do that”

“And proclaim Jeremiah as second in line to the throne?”

“He can also do that, it’s legitimate by law since he is the son of the Princess until you give birth to a second son. This law, it’s all confusing”

“What if I give birth to a girl?” asked Aurora now she was even more confused than before.

“Then I’m afraid Jeremiah will remain second in line to the throne and he can have a place at court”

There was a sigh coming out of Aurora, Lord Leoric seemed to have beaten them in his own games. From the very first day Aurora met Leoric, she knew he was trouble. First he murders Lord Petrus and whisk Aryan away, secondly he names his son Jeremiah Arteides so as to cause a rift in the family. It was wide in the open that he was after the throne and not to be trusted.

Hence Aurora proposed “What if we invite them to the capital, for Jahery’s name day next week?” she asked Artemis.

“No, I will not have a man who disgraced my family’s name inside my palace. That will never happen”

“It’s the only way I will know his intentions, if I get close to him or to one of his things. He always wears jewelries doesn’t he?”

Artemis nodded “Leoric loves his golden bracelets, and necklaces”

“Then one of his piece must go missing that day. I shall ask the trees to grant me power to see, he could be our great foe and we wouldn’t be aware. Jeremiah Arteides could be a threat to the kingdom, and to our children”

This time Artemis agreed “Especially with parents whose hearts are as cold as ice. He will grow up hating Jahery and yearning for his position as King of Maldonia, but Jahery will have a dragon and he will not”

The next day Lord Balrus was given the task of sending a letter to Lord Leoric and Princess Aeryn in the Mines. “Tell them the King will be delighted to see them in the capital, and of course my nephew” Artemis gave an order.

Lord Balrus kept on writing, but then he stopped and looked at Artemis “Your Grace, you do realize that Lord Leoric named his son Jeremiah Arteides so that he can get close to the throne?”

“I am well aware my lord”

“Then pardon me, but I don’t think it’s wise to invite him to your son’s name day. He has every intention to harm Jahery, and if the crowned prince somehow is harmed then…”

Artemis interrupted “His son will be my heir; may the gods forbid that day I will have Lord Leoric’s son as my heir”

“Not only his son Your Grace, but your sister’s… this is your nephew” Lord Balrus’s words somehow made Artemis realize that he had so much hate for Lord Leoric in such a way he even forgot that his sister had finally gave birth to a son.

Artemis found himself to be weak on his knees, and he had to sit down. Lord Balrus pulled a chair for him, they were all alone inside the council chamber. Most of the crucial moments in his life Artemis shared it with Lord Balrus who seemed to understand him more than the other Lords. Jeremiah Arteides was his nephew, his own blood and no matter how much he hated Lord Leoric but this was his kin.

His father would want him to treat his sister’s son with love, no matter who sired him still it was his sister who carried him in her womb and birthed him.

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