Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 156 - 156 Chapter 156

156 Chapter 15That night Princess Thelma met Princess Aeryn in what felt like a lifetime ever since the last time they met. They weren’t familiar with one another hence Lord Balrus had to introduce them again to one another. Then Princess Aeryn needed no introduction to Prince Ambrose, she once saw him in Horriss when she visited her late uncle Lord Aethelind ─ that was weeks before the Battle of Stonedance.

“You have a son?” Princess Thelma asked because she saw Princess Aeryn holding Jeremiah in her arms.

“Yes, and you? Did you get married?”

“Yes but unfortunately my husband passed, he gave me a beautiful daughter who looks exactly like him. No day passes when I don’t think of him” There was a somber look on Thelma’s face, then she quickly changed and turned to Lord Balrus “Shall we?”

“Yes, we shall” and with that Lord Balrus led Princess Thelma and Prince Ambrose to their respective chambers and assigned servants who may serve them until tomorrow when Artemis will be ready to see them.

Princess Aeryn was filled with questions and she needed an answer, what the hell were the Taelins doing in the capital? Blackmount wasn’t a place for the Northerners, there was a skit which once said that “When Prophisians come to the South, they melt” and that’s because they believed the Prophisians were made of ice.

Yet here they stood before Princess Aeryn and by the way they looked, it was no secret they just docked. But what business brought them to the capital, this wasn’t a formal visit because Taelins lost their kingdom when Squires took it from them. First it was Gandalf and now a Queen was ruling Prophis, a much better version of the two Squire twins and even Aeryn knew that Queen Aryan might rule Prophis for longer time because she was the stronger one.

With this news Princess Aeryn rushed to her husband who was sleeping inside their chambers. The first thing she did was put Jeremiah on the bed and went after Leoric who was in his deep slumber, it had been a long day for him. “Leoric, Leoric wake up” said Aeryn.

Lord Leoric opened his eyes softly, his eyes squinting and reddish ─ he clearly needed rest. “Is it dawn already?” he asked with his sleepy voice and then yawned loudly.


“The Taelins are in the palace”


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I saw them, Princess Thelma and Prince Ambrose”

This somehow caught the Lord’s attention and he sat on the bed ready to listen to whatever news his wife had. “Go on” he said.

“Apparently they have just arrived, Lord Balrus was escorting them to their chambers and I am positive he will put the Kingsguards on their doors so as to avoid anyone from entering inside. Something is going on, I think my brother summoned them”

“Why would your brother summon the Taelins? They don’t have any power, what could they possibly have to offer the King?” Lord Leoric was stunned and he clearly needed to get all this straight as it seemed confusing.

“I have no clue as to what’s going on, should I ask Artemis as to what is going on?”

“No, you shouldn’t. Your brother already thinks that we are after his crown, the more we mingle into his business the more he will try to figure out what we are up to. Let’s lay low for now and by tomorrow we shall know why they are here” advised Leoric and Aeryn took a deep breath.

Lord Leoric didn’t go back to sleep again, he spent the night overthinking the situation and that’s because he always liked to know what’s going on, although this time he didn’t see it coming.

By dawn both Princess Thelma and Prince Ambrose were taken to Aurora’s Hill. A palanquin fully covered by King’s colors crossed the streets of Blackmount during the time when not so many people had woken up. The sun had even yet to rise fully to the sky, Lord Balrus liked this particular timing of the day because it’s the time the streets are quiet and empty.

It only took twenty minutes for the palanquin to arrive in front of Aurora’s Hill gates. Lord Balrus was on top of his mount as he never preferred to travel inside a palanquin pulled by men, he trusted his horse more than the men. He was the first one to face the guards and without hesitation they allowed him inside the castle and along with him, the palanquin.

Then the gates were closed once more and as usual the guards returned to their position. Once the palanquin was set down, Princess Thelma was the first one to come outside and then followed by her brother Prince Ambrose. Lord Balrus dismounted his horse and made his way to them.

“Is this the famous Aurora’s Hill?” asked Prince Ambrose looking around the impressive tall pillars and long corridors of the castle completely made of stones and marbles painted cream and Earth tones. “The men in Whitebridge described it as impregnable, is that true Lord Balrus?”

“Look around you my prince, you are surrounded by five thousand trained knights. Some you can see, but it’s the archers who you can’t see. Many men died before they even attempted to climb the walls, and if they somehow succeeded, they lost their heads the moment they landed. Any men who dared to enter the Queen’s castle never lived to tell a tale” said Lord Balrus then he smirked. “Follow me please…”

Lord Balrus led the Taelins towards the Great Hall where Artemis and Aurora usually used it for discreet meetings. No servant was allowed even in the corridors of the Great Hall and hence this place was free of rodents who may whisper what was being said inside the walls.

“The King will grace you with his presence soon enough” said Lord Balrus “In the meantime feel free to sit on the chairs and look around. I shall notice him of your presence”

Lord Balrus walked outside the Great Hall and ventured towards the chamber where Artemis and Aurora slept. Sir Dante Lucan, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was outside the chamber guarding it. Lord Balrus asked him if the King and Queen were inside there, the Lord Commander replied “Just the King, Her Grace went flying”

“That’s great, I need to see him” Lord Balrus didn’t even knock he just barged inside the room and found Artemis sleeping while holding his son Jahery between his arms. First he took a moment to appreciate and just stare at how priceless that moment was between father and son. For so long Artemis dreamt of having his own son ever since he was a boy, now there he was taking the joy of being a father by squeezing his toddler tight.

Then suddenly Artemis woke up and turned to look at the door entrance. Artemis was still sleepy and hence his eyes couldn’t properly articulate if what he was seeing was real or was his mind playing games. “Lord Balrus?” he asked but he wasn’t sure.

“Indeed Your Grace”

There was a sigh of relief on Artemis’s voice “What are you doing here? It’s barely morning…”

“The Taelins are here Your Grace. Prince Ambrose and his sister Princess Thelma, as you requested that you wanted to see them discreetly. They arrived yesterday during the golden hour”

Artemis sat on the bed and covered his nakedness with his linen sheets. Then as if he was noticing something, he seemed stunned that Aurora wasn’t in the room. Lord Balrus helped him with that “The Queen went flying Your Grace, your Lord Commander told me so”

“Alright, I… I shall see them right now. Go on my Lord, I won’t be long”

Lord Balrus curtsied softly and then walked outside the room with his head down. Then without wasting any more time Lord Balrus went back to the Great Hall and informed the Taelins that Artemis will be with them soon. Then it was an awkward silence moment again.

Ambrose and Thelma were sitting close together while Lord Balrus chose to stand against a pillar with his hands forward like a good servant he was pretending to be while all the time he was eavesdropping to these two conversations. Ambrose asked about the condition of his wife, and Thelma told him that his wife gave birth to yet another son.

And the baby was bouncing and healthy, Ambrose nearly wept because he was happy. He wanted to be there with his wife but then he said “Duty calls, those were the words of our House” he said this with a straight face.

“You will be King soon brother and I know you will be a good one, unlike Castellan who brought a war to our doorsteps” said Thelma with a distaste look on her face.

All this time Lord Balrus had no clue or whatsoever about a letter that Amabel Taelin wrote to Artemis, and nor did Artemis tell him about it. He knew Artemis will turn the Prince and Princess down but he didn’t know how, and with that he was eager to see.

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