Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 184 - 184 Chapter 184

184 Chapter 18Princess Aeryn sat quietly on top of a balcony which was at the top of the castle she and Lord Leoric lived. It was a beautiful day; Prince Jeremiah was between her arms suckling his mother’s milk softly with his eyes closed. It had been a month and fortnight ever since the young prince came to the world, the princess never let him out of her sight not even once.

From the balcony, one can see half of the city because it was sixth story upwards. Lord Leoric uses the balcony as his place of solitude and to see what’s going on in his city. This day, it was Princess Aeryn who first noticed strong winds which blew the sands.

She held on to Jeremiah and stood up to take a closer look, two female black slaves were standing at the end of each corner to serve the princess, but usually Princess Aeryn paid them no mind. The way the sand was moving, this wasn’t a sand storm and the princess knew better, the thudding on the ground clearly notified her that an army was approaching.

Hence she turned to the slaves, “Go summon your master, now” she ordered them.

Lord Leoric was on top of a naked whore thrusting his hard phallus inside her with haste, the heat of the day made him sweat even though five slaves were fanning him. He had booked the whole brothel as he usually does, while many preferred to visit it during the night, His Lordship chose the day because it was less crowded.

Not to mention Princess Aeryn forbade him from roaming around during the night, although Lord Leoric was never a man to listen to commands, he listened to his wife because he still wanted his son to be second in line to the throne and that meant he was supposed to be obedient to his wife. If he loses Aeryn, that meant he will also cost his son a chance to the throne.

So every morning Lord Leoric deceived Aeryn that he was going to work, while he was fucking whores of different colors and sizes until noon. That’s when he usually comes back and attend to matters which actually consisted of him ruling, and the whores knew very well of their Lord’s presence during every morning and they prepared themselves for him.

The brothel was dark inside even though the sun had risen outside, the Madam in charge covered the windows with heavy curtains which didn’t allow not even a single sunlight ray to penetrate. Instead she lightened up the whole place with two or three oil lanterns which gave out the yellow light ─ Leoric loved the yellow light.

Apart from that, the brothel smelled of perfume and scented flowers. There were also scented spices which were put on small bowels containing heated coal, the spices gave out the most satisfying smoke which smelled so good and it covered the whole place. This wasn’t your usual type of brothel during this time, and that it costed Leoric five golden coins whenever he stepped inside.


The courtesan who was fucked by Leoric kept on moaning hard as Leoric reached out to a sexual climax, she knew he was close when he grew ruthless and started to go faster ─ as if he was fucking a horse. Then just like she expected, few seconds later he growled like a lion and released all his seeds inside the woman’s vagina knowing too well she wasn’t his wife.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The slaves who stood firmly fanning Leoric didn’t stop even after he came, Leoric grew angry and sent them off. “Get out! I need privacy…” he said trying to cover his manhood with a piece of silk. As if the slaves hadn’t seen him so many times. Then he turned to the courtesan, “You too, get out” and the girl walked out of the room naked with her nipples on display.

There was a mug full of honeyed wine on the table, Leoric reached out for it and poured some for himself then he drank it slowly. Suddenly, his moment was cut short when the Madam of the brothel walked inside his room. “Your men await you outside my Lord” she said.

“My men? Didn’t you tell them I don’t want to be disturbed?”

“I did my Lord, but they say an army is approaching our city’s gates”

Leoric stopped drinking the wine and he suddenly grabbed his white tunic, reached out for his leather shoes and walked outside of the brothel in a hurry. Ten of his knights dressed in grey cloaks awaited him, and they told him an army awaited him outside the city’s gates and they demanded to see him.

Lord Leoric asked the most important question, “Are they carrying an orange fire with a sun on top of it sigil?”

“Yes, my Lord”

“Good, then he is here…” he said and exhaled softly. His lead general was there also, a tall man almost six foot five and carried the grey cloak with pride. “Are the Killers ready?” Leoric asked him.

“Yes, my Lord”

“March them towards the city’s gates, all thirty thousand of them”

“Yes, my Lord” The general went on to order his men to start collecting the Killers, while five of the men escorted Lord Leoric towards the city’s gates.

When the army was outside of the city, Aeryn could see them clearly and she was certain it was Prince Ambrose. First it was because of the sigil which was raised high above the sky, Princess Aeryn could never have forgotten the Taelin sigil, and secondly when she saw her husband riding towards the army while being followed by an army of Killers, she knew Prince Ambrose had arrived.

The exchange was simple, thirty thousand Killers for a passage across the Freezing Sea. It was worth it especially since they wanted to kill the dragons, and the book which was given to them once by a stranger showed exactly where they may find these Dragon Hunters who have been hiding from the rest of the world for centuries.

Although Princess Aeryn believed these Dragon Hunters lived across the Freezing Sea, but she didn’t believe that Prince Ambrose will win the war especially since his nephew Prince Amabel was also after the throne. She said this to her husband but Leoric was stubborn and he trusted his Killers to single handedly win the war. He told her, “Thirty thousand of our Killers is equal to the whole army of Prince Amabel and the Queen combined, the best fighting men in Maldonia”

Prince Ambrose wore a huge fur coat on top of his black trouser and black shirt, he was covered in layers in such a way he was so heavy even for his horse to carry him. His men too, and that’s because he knew the winters in Prophis more than anyone else. He was born in the coldest city in the whole realm, the King’s City and he has lived there all his life. Princess Thelma stood beside him also fully layered and trying to balance her horse.

Sometimes Ambrose referred to himself as Ice Breaker, because of his ability in surviving the cold. Lord Leoric arrived at his city’s gates and he passed through them with thirty thousand Killers dressed in iron armors and carrying their swords, spears, archers and war harmers. No one could see the faces of these Killers since they all wore iron helmets, and they were forbidden to take them out.

Leoric dismounted his horse and so did Prince Ambrose and Princess Thelma, they approached each other like soldiers about to do a single duel, but instead when they were close to one another, Prince Ambrose and Lord Leoric shook hands and chuckled softly.

“It’s hard to admit, but you do look like a King” said Lord Leoric with a smirk, then he turned to Princess Thelma, “My princess, you must be worn out after a long journey” he said calmly while trying to observe the princess.

Princess Thelma exhaled, “The journey has yet to begin my Lord. Are the slaves ready?” she went straight to the point.

“Yes they are, and they are ready to serve their new masters. Come, let me show you…” Lord Leoric led both Princess Thelma and Prince Ambrose towards where the Killers were standing firmly and obediently.

The sun was shining but it was so cold, and this is how the winters were in the Mines, Leoric told the Taelins that the sun will soon disappear and it would be dark.

“My slaves are the most obedient slaves in the realm, they do as I command. Now, they will do as you command ─ I only have to say a word”

“Do they have war experience?” asked Princess Thelma.

“Not only war experience my princess, they have fought in arenas across the cities. These who you see now have emerged victorious against some of the best gladiators in the whole world, you are getting the best” Lord Leoric smiled and winked at the princess, however, Princess Thelma wasn’t amused by the Lord’s charms, she seemed immune to them.

When Lord Leoric noticed it that the sister was tougher than the brother, he turned back to the brother. “Which route will you take to Raven?” he asked Prince Ambrose.

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