Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 7: Battle

Chapter 7: Battle

"What?" Suddenly, four of them shouted when they saw the lightning bursting out of his body. But, instantly the lightning disappeared, Qin tapped his foot on the ground and ran away. He didn't even look back because his hands were trembling.

This was the first time he had killed someone. Just when he thought he wasn't ready for this, his heartbeat suddenly resounded loudly and the hands stopped trembling. He didn't know what just happened.

But, he found the hands weren't trembling anymore. And, he wasn't even feeling anything at all. This confused him. He found his body was reacting completely differently from what he expected.

'What just happened? Why is everything happening so differently after I get that bloodline?'

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

But, he didn't get a chance to think more about it. Those men came back to their senses and kicked their foot on the ground. The qi burst out from their feet and they crossed several meters in a single leap.


The man in the middle shouted and jumped. Suddenly, two boys nearly him held each other's hands. The man fall on their hands and they threw him above Qin. He crossed Qin and landed just in front of him.

He instantly swings his sword as he turns around. Qin saw this and slides on his knees. But, suddenly the man kicks Qin's chest.


Qin falls on his back and the man tries to stomp him. Qin raised both of his hands and catches his leg. But, the man was using his full power. With his fragile body, it was almost impossible to hold it.


Qin instantly activates his Lightning Spirit Body and the bolt of lightning moves towards the man. The man already sees that coming and uses his forearms to block it.

Qin's physical strength suddenly rises as he throws away that man's leg. Getting a chance, he instantly stands up on his leg and found himself surrounded by three of them. The Lightning Spirit Body disappears and one of them speaks "What was that? Why can you release lightning?"

These guards were too low level to know anything about Lightning Spirit Body or the blood inside pendant. So, when one of them asked, others looked at Qin as curious.

Qin didn't feel like responding. He was trying to find a way to escape. Unfortunately, it seemed like his paths were blocked. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed as he asked "I know I have betrayed the family but Pendent is not with me. It is with the old man. I only did this for cultivation technique."

"I can give you the cultivation technique and you let me go. How about that? Unlike family's cultivation technique, this doesn't have any restrictions."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When they heard his words, a trace of greed flashed into their eyes. After all, they were also like Qin, wanting to cultivate. Unfortunately, with the restrictions set on family cultivation techniques, they could do nothing.

"Do you think Family Head will let us leave so easily?" One of them coldly stared at him and asked.

Qin pointed his finger at the dead guard and said "You can say that you found me but I was with the old man. The old man was strong enough to kill one of you and escape with me. You can report it like this."

"Humph! Do you think Head will be fooled by such a reason? And, why would we have to follow your command when we can get that technique after killing you?" Another man looked at Qin with greed on his face and spoke.

Hearing his words, Qin's expression turned ugly. But suddenly, he puts his dagger back and unsheathed his sword.

"Since you want it this way, then let's have it this way." At this moment Qin was deeply comprehending those words on Wind Splitting Sword Art.

"Kill him!" The man who previously kicked Qin shouted when he saw Qin deeply staring at him. The other three instantly rushed towards him. They released the white qi in their swords as they slashed at him.

Three swords from three directions. At this moment, Qin released all of his qi. The qi transport from his dantian to his body and formed an armor around him. He had seen many people doing this but it was his first time.

As soon as the white armor appeared around him, the swords strike on him.

Bang! Bang! Crack! Splash!

"Wind Splitting Sword Art"

"First Form- Splitting the Wind"

Splash! Splash! Splash!

As the sword left a deep mark on his body and the blood gushed out, he swings his entire body as he releases a circular arc. It was a qi arc with intense sharpness. Those men were caught off guard. They never thought Qin would injure his body to kill them.

The circular qi slash pierced deep into their bones. Although Qin was injured, he was still capable of moving. He looked at the man in front of him who had already dashed towards him.

His eyes narrowed as he used his sword to block the opponent's sword.


When the swords collided, that man pushed him back. He kept pushing Qin back while releasing an intense amount of qi on his sword.

Crack! Crack! Bang!

The sword started cracking which made Qin raise his foot and kick that man's chest. While kicking him, Qin retreated and dropped the sword on the ground. The man stumbled a few times while trying to maintain his balance.

Crackle! Crackle! Whoosh! Splash!

Suddenly, his eyes caught the lightning sparkling in front of him. Before even he could raise his sword, the lightning bolt appeared in front of him. But, it wasn't a lightning bolt. It was Qin with another sword in his hand. His sword slashed that man's chest. But before that man fell on the ground, he patted a pouch on his waist.

Suddenly, a small red ball appeared in his hand. He pressed the ball and the red light flew towards the sky. Finally, both of them fell to the ground.

Thud! Thud!

Qin had lost too much of qi and blood while that man was dead. But, Qin kept his eyes open as he crawled near that man. There was a brown pouch hanging on his waist. Every guard has this except the normal guards like him.

This thing had already made him curious. It was called Spatial Pouch which can hold a lot of different things in a single pouch. He took the pouch and opened the pouch. As he was shown a few times, Qin inserted a little of the remaining qi into it and the pouch suddenly lets out the dark blue cloud on the top.

He turns the pouch upside and a few things fall on the ground. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. He remembered the small dark blue clouds spurring out of the ring worn by Yue Bin. Suddenly, he tried to relate that ring with this pouch.

'That must be something more powerful than this.' Qin thought to himself as he held the empty pouch. Unlike pouch, there are fewer chances of losing the ring during the battle. But soon, Qin stopped thinking about them and looked at the items that were scattered around.

He moved his hand to catch a blue jar and a white jar. Both of them were nearly a middle finger size long and wide. He opened the blue jar and a small blue ball fell on his hand. It was nearly the size of a thumbnail.

This was called Pill. In this world, there are certain people who are capable to manipulate the fire to the extent of creating miraculous pills using several herbs and plants. This blue pill was called Energy Pill. Once taken, it can restore his stamina. Of course, if he doesn't eat something to refill his stamina and take another, then he will suffer a backlash.

And, that's enough for him. After recovering his stamina, he took out a yellow pill from the white jar and eat it. After that, he maintains his meditation positions for five minutes, and his entire injuries were healed.

That yellow pill was called Healing Pill since it could help him heal mortal wounds. But, he didn't have time to sit around. When that man sent the signal, Qin had already planned to leave. He collected their pouches and ran away. He sucked back the items into the pouch as well.

After an hour,

A group of men in the same black robes appeared on the scene.

One of them touched the corpse and said "It has only been an hour. Since he could kill them, he must be Second Stage. But, I don't understand how can he reach this stage so fast?"

"Maybe, he was already a cultivator before he stole that." Another person expressed himself as he looked at the corpse. He had a dagger in his hand

"So, you mean that guard lied to us?" That man stood up and stared at the man next to him.

"Maybe he didn't intend to reveal that. After all, he did escape without using Qi." The man with dagger shrugged his shoulders and spoke.

"I think he has recently reached the second stage." Suddenly, one of them who was touching the bloodstains spoke. When others glanced at him, he continued "Some bloodstain doesn't have their auras. That means it belongs to him."

"Good! Let's find him and bring him back. Alive if we can, if not, dead!"

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