System Change

Chapter 222: We Have Arrived at Your Destination

Chapter 222: We Have Arrived at Your Destination

While Natalie walked around and opened four cells, Derek opened his Time Prison yet another time. He opened the door and poked his head in.

We have arrived at your destination! He half shouted.

If looks could kill, Geralds face would have Derek dead multiple times over. But they couldnt. They only made Gerald have an even more punchable face. Avery was right. Just looking at the man made a person want to beat him.

Speaking of Avery, the plant user that the man knocked out was still unconscious, along with Cliff. Derek knew why Cliff was still out because of how hard his final hit was, but what did Avery do to the other guy? His fight was well over before Derek finished his.

Derek walked inside and stood in front of Gerald.

You can either follow me, or- he lifted his void covered fist into the air. We can do it the easy way.

Apparently, the previous punch landed on the former advisor was still fresh in his mind, because but for a few grumbles and death stares, along with trying to shrug Dereks hand off the back of his neck, Gerald followed Dereks directions. The man did seem like one of those cowards who would do anything to survive. Derek still felt it weird that he would be a tank and produce a line of tanks.

However, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. For someone afraid of death and injury as much as Gerald seemed to be, building into Vitality for the increased longevity and health recovery made more sense. Derek wondered if the tank had even ever truly tanked in his life.

As he forcefully pushed Gerald ahead of him and toward the exit of the Time Prison, Derek looked back over his shoulder at the others.

Hey, Vanessa. He called to the Shadow Witch. Hed heard others use her name instead of title a few times, and it was just easier. Grab those two and follow me, will ya?

The woman rolled her eyes, but still moved forward and grabbed the two unconscious minions by the scruff of their shirts and began dragging them toward the exit. Yet again, Derek wondered about the womans involvement with Gerald. He shrugged. Natalie would figure that out in time.

When Derek and Gerald finally made their way out of the prison, Derek looked at the empty cells. As Gerald was already completely unequipped, Derek just pushed him into one and waited for Natalie to close the cell.

Once the cell was locked, Gerald began yelling what Derek could only assume was scathing insults, but his voice was dampened and cut off by whatever runes were attached to the cell.

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Neat trick. Derek said.

It is a punishment. Natalie replied. It is not a social visit.

Vanessa soon stepped out of the prison behind Derek, along with the Geralds two grunts. She dropped them onto the floor and looked around. Finally, she sighed and began removing multiple storage rings and equipment from her person.

Derek gave her an odd look.

She rolled her eyes once again and snorted. No sense in fighting it, and Id rather keep some clothing on than lose all my dignity like him. She reached out and dropped the rings into Natalies hand.

Do you even know why we went after Gerald? Derek finally asked.

Vanessa looked at the cell the man was locked up in and shrugged. Nope. Just that I failed my contract, and this is the price.

Derek glanced over at Natalie.

I will check into that. The small woman said. Is that everything? She asked the Shadow Witch.

I swear on the Great System that there is no storage or communication equipment currently left on my person. Vanessa was quick to make the oath and get things over with. Considering nothing untoward happened to her, she was telling the truth.

Pick a cell. Well will talk later. Natalie said, and the Shadow Witch walked to a cell and sat on a cot inside.

Edward and Marcus moved to the two unconscious people and began removing their equipment. They were getting the same treatment as Gerald, because nobody could be bothered enough to wake them up. Before long, Natalie had all the storage equipment, and all four enemies were neatly tucked away in their prison cells.

Natalie held on to the storage devices so she could go through them later and look for any other clues or information they may contain.

Thanks for your hard work. Edward said to both Natalie and Derek.

Ill let the two of you know as more information comes to light. Again, I dont know how long it will take. I could get everything out of him in a week, or it could take months or years. There is really no estimating something like this. Natalie explained.

Derek shrugged. Im fine as long as he is out of my hair. My friends and myself can go about hunting and training without having to constantly look over our shoulders. Thats all that really matters to me. Just keep me informed if you find out anything that affects me or my people.

Natalie nodded. I will.

Oh. Derek suddenly thought of something. If you have a chance, try to find out if he was the one who ordered the kidnapping and murder of Jackson Herretts son and wife. Im basically one hundred percent sure of it, but I think it would give the two of them closure to know for sure. I know they will be happy to know that he has been captured and will be punished.

Ill look into that.

After that, Natalie checked over each cell one more time before leading Edward, Marcus, and Derek out of her dungeon. It was quite the fascinating place with all of its safeguards. Hed have to look into getting him one of his own. Sometimes, its better to not have to wait for the sentencing to finish before being able to bring out a prisoner. That was his biggest gripe about his Time Prison.

It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Hunt. Natalie said as she led him out of her manor.

Likewise even if you are one of the scariest people Ive met. He flashed Natalie a smiled. Her eyes shined white, and he backed away and put his hands up. Please! No!

Her eyes dimmed, and she smiled as well. I would really like to discuss you and your powers more. They are much more intriguing that anything else Ive seen in quite some time. My doors are always open.

Miss. Marcus said.

Well as long as you have an appointment. I am rather busy. Natalie sighed. But you may schedule an appointment with Marcus whenever you wish.

Will do.

Crown Prince, it was a pleasure, as always. Natalie nodded to Edward.

The pleasure was mine, Miss Savannah. Edward gave the woman a slight bow.

Derek exchanged his communication runes with Marcus, Natalie, and Edward then. It would be good to have a direct line to both his landlord and the Crown Prince of the country he was in. Always good to make connections with seemingly decent, powerful people. After that, he and Edward took their leave.

Im happy thats over and done with. Edward said as they made their way through the city.

Derek shrugged. It was a bit anticlimactic.

Yeah to you and my brother, maybe. Edward replied. Do you have any clue what the ramifications of what happened today will be? How they are going to affect the Kingdom moving forward?

Thats not my problem. Doesnt really have anything to do with me. All I know is that I got rid of a thorn in my side and my friends can safely live in Savannah and train. You know, Im not the King or Crown Prince of any Kingdom or anything. Derek said.

Yes you are lucky.

Maybe. Derek said. I dont have it in me to care about a bunch of people I dont know. I have my hands full with the few friends Ive made since arriving here. I definitely couldnt run a city, much less an entire Kingdom. I think Ill focus on making a halfway decent shop and leave it at that.

I envy you.

You could always opt out of taking the throne. Derek said.

Edward snorted. And what? Leave it to one of my brothers? Im sure Edgar would love to be King. Or, I could give it to my sister. Her first command as Queen would be to see which nobles could throw the best balls. He shook his head. No Ive studied for it and prepared for it my entire life. It is a responsibility that rests squarely on my shoulders.

Well it was just a suggestion. Derek said. You would be better than your father. At least from what Ive seen.

Edward sighed again. I dont guess you will ever change your opinion of my father?

I dont know. Not any time soon, at least. Derek said. As mistakes and incompetence go, Gerald was a pretty massive one. There is no telling how deep his roots are in your Kingdom. Alanah told me that his connections were deep, but its probably worse than any of you ever thought it would be.

Edward didnt say anything about his father after that. Finally, they arrived back at Alanahs hotel.

Ill take my leave. Edward said. I am very grateful for your help in all of this. If there is anything you ever need, dont hesitate to call on me.

Derek smiled. Be careful with favors. He said. Thats probably how your father got in the situation hes in. Still, he shrugged. But it cant hurt to have a Crown Prince in my pocket.

Edward shook his head and walked away.

Derek turned to head back home. He needed to find Jacks and let him know what happened. He hoped that learning about Geralds capture wouldnt take the drive out of the man. Hed been pushing himself for revenge. Now that his goal had been captured, Derek hoped he would still keep up the good work.

Well Derek could tell that the man enjoyed his role as well. So, he probably wouldnt have to worry about him.

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