System Change

Chapter 389: Of Course

Chapter 389: Of Course

Derek stepped out of the void, carrying a crimson-faced Sabrina. In front of them, Ryven, Edwin, Adviser Musgrave, and Sabrinas maid, Jessica, waited in anticipationRyven already had a stern look on his face. With a shake of his head, barely believing where and how he found Sabrina and Elouise, Derek let go of the soon to be queen and closed the void tunnel once again.

Sabrina! Ryven spoke loudly to his daughter. Where have you been? You were sent here those days ago to get acquainted with your possible betrothed, yet we return and find that youve been missing all that time. What were you thinking? Did you not meet a single person during this time?

I the blushing elf started, but couldnt seem to find any words as she tried to look back at Derek.

Dont look at him, daughter. I asked you a question, and you will answer me, Ryven commanded. I let your childish behavior slide before, but now, with such an important task, you must grow up. No more embarrassing your uncle or meor the kingdom. You must do your duty.

Father I Im sorry, Sabrina finally pulled herself together enough to speak. Even with all that time I spent here in Cydaria before, I never truly got to experience the kingdomespecially with a friend. Elouise and I were mere acquaintances then, but now we have become good friends. Ive not known what it is like to explore a city or kingdom with a friend, so I thought to do so before I married.

Speaking of your friend, Edwin cut in. May I ask where my daughter is? Half of the question was directed at Sabrina, but the other half was to Derek. He had, after all, gone to get the two of them, yet only returned with Sabrina and showed no intent on going back.

Oh, I figured she wasnt as needed as Sabrina was, so I left her with Sabrinas items at my shop where I found them. Shes a princess, so I guessed that she wouldnt have any problem getting back, Derek replied. Besides, its better that way, as I dont know what kind of items they may have been carrying, and I would rather not leave them at my shop.

Your shop? Edwin asked. Why would they be at your shop?

As Edwin asked, Derek saw Ryvens own stern face began to turn a shade of redone most likely from either shame or embarrassment.

Sabrina! Still, with this? Ryven asked. You have gotten your answer and you need to move on. After, Ryven looked past his daughter and at Derek. Derek I am sorry for my daughters continued infatuation with you. Please accept my apology.

Whatever, Derek said with a shrug. Its only a minor inconvenience. Honestly, Im kind of used to her light stalking by now. Though, shes gotten a bit more daring since the times when she used to look at my shop from the distance. To think I found her inside this time. Truly brave.

Sabrina! Apologize to this man.

Its fine, Derek said. Like I said, its nothing but a minor inconveniencemuch less of an inconvenience than taxiing everyone around all the time. You better not get used to that, either. Once all this wedding stuff is finished and the kingdoms are united youll be traveling the old-fashioned way again. No more free lifts. Either that, or Im going to have to start charging you. And Im not cheap. Just look at Astruss treasury. They surely know how expensive I am by now.

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He thought, but didnt say out loud.

Thats Ryven started. Very well. I will drop the matter. And thank you for all your help. Your traveling skill does make this entire process go much smoother. Derek only nodded in affirmation and chose not to reply. The duke then focused his attention back on his daughter. Sabrina, we have come back here with a slight change of plans.

Yeah Derek thought. A slight change of plans. Instead of just marrying someone for the unity of two kingdoms and it only being for show shes going to be marrying for three kingdoms and become a queen of the third one. Just a slight change of plans. Im sure there will be no problems with that.

A change of plans? Sabrina asked with worry. What does that mean? Am I no longer getting married? Oh, no.

No, no, no, Ryven held his hands up to calm his daughter down some. Thats not it. Actually, you will be getting married sooner than we originally planned. After that, he went on to explain to Sabrinaalong with Phillip and Jessica, who were also in the roomwhat had gone on and their solution.

M-me? Queen? Sabrina stuttered. I I I dont think I could do that. I wouldnt make a good queen.

But just think of the big, extraordinary wedding, Derek leaned forward and whispered. All the guests and food cake, even. It will be the event of the decade, or even the century. And think of the clothes you will get to wear with all eyes on you. He repeated to Sabrina all the trope-like things he could remember from the romance movies hed watched before.

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That Sabrinas eyes went wide as she thought about everything. I guess becoming queen wouldnt be such a bad thing. You would be there for me, too? Right, father?

Of course, my dear, Ryven agreed. Ill be there every step of the way.

And after the wedding? When I become queen, Sabrina said. You will still be there? Will you stay in Astrus with me? I dont want to be alone.

That well figure all that out later, Ryven said. Besides, by that time, all the teleporters throughout all the kingdoms other than Vallum will be connected and well all be but a couple of teleportations away from one another.

That is true, Sabrina said. Then who am I to marry? You said it was Robert Cydaria? She looked past her father and at Edwin. King Edwins grandnephew? What is he like?

If you would have followed your instructions, he would have been the first person you me, Ryven muttered where almost nobody could hear him.

Alas, Edwin said. We will no longer be able to introduce the two of you like that. I have already sent for him and his family. They will be here soon.

Not long after, Elouise came rushing into the Throne Room in a huff. She seemed a little put out, but ended up just ignoring and walking directly past Derek and to Sabrinawhere she gave the dukes daughter the storage ring she held for her.

Derek once again got to be entertained as Sabrina told Elouise an abridged version of everything that was going on. Like Derek, Elouise didnt look one bit jealous. It seemed that the princess was opposite to Sabrina in that way. It also made sense that the princess would choose to take Sabrina exploring the kingdomeventually leading to Sabrina wanting to explore Dereks shopinstead of to the men on the list they were given.

Another hour or so passed, and another group was let in by the guards at the double doors to the Throne Room. As the doors opened, Derek turned to see the newcomers. First was a middle-aged couple walking through the doors. The man had the same silver hair that each of the royal family members sharedthe woman, on the other hand, had her very bright blond hair in a braid.

Behind them trailed a young man and womanboth of which seemed to take after the older woman in front, as they had the same blond hair as she did. The young man wore his hair in an almost buzz cut instead of the long hair usually worn by most people from the royal family. The girl imitated the woman and held her hair in the same single long braid.

Once the four people were far enough into the room, the door closed behind them, and they each kneeled in front of Edwin.

Get up, get up, Edwin said to the group. He hadnt bothered sitting on his throne all this time, either. There is no need for any formalities right now.

Uncle, the older man nodded and stood. May I ask why you have summoned Robert to the palace? We were surprised to get your summons. The last we heard, you had flown off on dragon back to finish the war. Edwin may have told him to not act formally, but his nephew seemed to have a hard time doing so.

At the mention of dragon back, Derek, who was standing to the side of the room along with Ryven, Sabrina, and Jessica, saw the young mans eyes flash. Definitely another person like Edgar, just like they said.

Well, Edwin started. I had a few questions for youspecifically Robertthat I wished for you to answer.

Of course. The older man in front quickly grabbed the young man and pulled him to the front with him. Please, ask what you wish.

First of all, I would like to know if there is a person you fancy, Robert? Edwin asked.

Before Robert could answer, the young woman behind them snorted out loud before her eyes widened and she hurried to cover her face. Actually, Roberts mother had done the same, yet was much better at hiding it.

No, Granduncle, Robert answered. There is nobody.

Good! Very good! Edwin smiled. That makes this next question easier. Would you be willing to marry for a more political purpose? One that would greatly help me and the kingdom?

Yes! Of course he would! The woman to the side couldnt contain herself and answered for her son. She looked to have no problem letting her feelings known or carrying on formallyespecially with the prospect of gaining a daughter-in-law. Of course, Edwin. Robert would be more than happy with an arranged marriage. She seemed thrilled at the prospect. I could finally get some grandchildren!

Beside Ryven, Sabrinas face turned red again.

Do you also feel this way? Edwin asked Robert directly.

I cant say that I am as excited as my mother, but it has always been my plan for an arranged marriage. As long as the marriage is helpful to my family and doesnt limit my freedom too much, I am willing.

Great! Edwin said.

He just completely ignored the freedom thing, Derek thought.

Sabrina! Edwin gestured to the elven woman to step forward, and she did. Let me introduce the two of you. This is Robert Cydaria, my Grandnephew. With him are his parents, Hector and Ainsley, and his sister Juliette.

To her credit, Sabrina bowed properly and said, It is a pleasure to meet you all.

Robert, may I introduce to you Sabrina Elrasthe daughter of Duke Ryven Elras and the niece of the King Osian Elras of Indria. With her is her father, Edwin finished the introductions and Ryven came forward to stand beside his daughter.

After that, Derek, for the third time that day, listened to everyone receive all the information about the marriage and why. However, when Robert heard that he was to become king, his only question was to whether or not it would interfere in his training.

Of course not, Edwin said. In fact, you will have even more control. You will, of course, always have guards with you, but you will also have access to many training aids and resources than you would normally. And most of all, you will have access to all the dungeons in the three kingdoms. I just ask that you also properly do your job as king as well.

In that case, I accept, Robert said. As long as Ms. Elras is willing.

Sabrina glanced over at Derek one more time, and Ryven pinched her on her back. She jumped slightly, but then smiled deeply. Of course I accept, she said. Actually, I cant wait.

Oh, this is so exciting, Ainsley said from the side. And shes so beautiful. Come, come. The older woman walked forward and took Sabrina by the arm. There is much for us to discuss and so little time.

Whew Derek thought. Glad I dodged that bullet. I dont know what would have been worse. A marriage to Sabrina or in-laws.

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