System Mania!

Chapter 14: A Horrifying Realisation

Chapter 14: A Horrifying Realisation

And with a battle cry that echoed through the parking lot, Korig charged forward, his crowbar raised, ready to face the Lich head on.

The anticipation in the air was palpable, each step he took fueled by determination and a desire to overcome the malevolent force that had thrown their world into chaos.

The Lich's eerie grin seemed to mock his resolve, a challenge that only steeled his determination further.

As Korig closed the distance between himself and the Lich, the very air crackled with tension.

The ground beneath his feet felt solid, a foundation upon which he would stand against the darkness that sought to consume them all.

The Lich's skeletal form moved with an unnatural grace, its gaze locked onto Korig's every movement.

Its wand, once a source of its power, lay shattered at its feet, a testament to the battles that had come before.

With a sudden burst of movement, the Lich's massive skeletal hands swept toward Korig, attempting to grasp him in a vice like grip.

But Korig was ready.

He ducked and weaved, his body moving with the fluidity of a dancer, narrowly avoiding the deadly grasp.

In a swift motion, Korig leaped onto the back of the Lich's outstretched hand, his agile movement a testament to his resolve.

The Lich's attempts to ensnare him only served to propel him higher, giving him the momentum he needed.

With another leap, Korig soared through the air, his crowbar raised high above his head.

His target was clear: the Lich's skull, the very source of its malevolent power.

As Korig descended, his crowbar came crashing down upon the Lich's skull with a force that echoed through the night.

The impact was powerful, the sound of shattering bone filling the air.

The Lich's skull caved in under the force of his blow, and for a moment, it seemed as though victory was within his grasp.

With a swift kick, Korig landed on the Lich's chest, his body agile as he executed a backflip to put some distance between them.

His breath came in ragged gasps as he landed, his eyes fixed on the defeated creature before him.

But his elation was short lived.

As he watched, the Lich's skull began to regenerate, the pieces knitting back together with an unnatural speed.

The realization hit Korig like a cold wave, the Lich's resilience was tied to something far more sinister than its physical form.

The grin on the Lich's face remained, a twisted expression that mocked his efforts.

And then, as though a realization had dawned upon him, Korig remembered the nature of Liches.

They were bound to the world by a phylactery, a vessel that housed their very soul.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Until the phylactery was destroyed, the Lich would always return.

His thoughts raced as he contemplated their situation.

They had managed to destroy the Lich's wand and skull necklace, but it hadn't weakened the creature.

Their plan had cost them David, and the Lich remained a formidable adversary.

The phylactery was the key, the Achilles' heel that could grant them victory.

As Korig's mind churned, the Lich's distorted voice echoed and as the Lich's voice reached him once again, Korig felt a shiver of unease.

"You are right, Korig," the Lich's voice resonated within his mind, its tone dripping with amusement.

"You can defeat me, but only once you find my phylactery."

Korig's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze narrowing on the Lich.

Why would it reveal its weakness so readily?

Was this some kind of trap, a ploy to manipulate his actions?

The Lich's grin remained, an unsettling curve that seemed to stretch beyond the confines of its skeletal face.

Its voice continued, a blend of dark mirth and anticipation.

"Find my phylactery, Korig."

"Unravel the mystery of its location. Only then will you have a chance at victory."

Korig's thoughts raced, his mind processing the implications of the Lich's words.

If he could locate and destroy the phylactery, the Lich's hold on the world would crumble, and they would finally be free from its malevolent influence.

But the question remained: Why was the Lich revealing its vulnerability?

What was the creature's endgame?

As the echoes of the Lich's voice faded, Korig's resolve solidified.

The battle was far from over, and the truth of the world still eluded them.

But now, armed with the knowledge of the phylactery, they had a new goal, a new path to follow.

With a deep breath, Korig met Lily's gaze.

Their shared determination was a bond that transcended words, a silent promise to continue their fight until the very end.

The Lich's laughter echoed through the air, a chilling sound that seemed to vibrate in the space around them.

"Defeat me, if you can, Korig," the Lich's voice taunted yet again, its challenge echoing in the aftermath of its laughter.


"Why reveal your weakness?" Korig's voice cut through the tension, his gaze locked onto the Lich's eerie grin.

"Why tell me about all of this?"

The Lich's response was a chilling silence, its malevolent grin remaining unchanged, as if it took pleasure in toying with Korig's curiosity.

Frustration and confusion churned within Korig, his thoughts a whirlwind of questions that demanded answers.

He needed to understand the Lich's motivations, to unveil the truth behind its actions.

And as Korig stood there, his determination unwavering, the Lich's skeletal face continued to wear that unsettling grin, a haunting expression that seemed to mock his inquiries.

But before Korig could press further, before he could demand an explanation for the Lich's revelations, a sudden movement caught his attention.

The Lich's skeletal hand conjured a sinister green light, an eerie energy that seemed to pulse with malevolence.

In response to its command, some of the zombies behind Korig and Lily were drawn to the light, their decayed forms animated by the Lich's magic.

Caught slightly off-guard, Korig watched as the zombies surged forward, their dead eyes fixed on him.

They moved with an unnatural swiftness, a relentless drive to tear him apart.

But he noted with a mixture of relief and concern that they showed no interest in Lily, as if she was invisible to their senses.

Korig's crowbar swung with lethal precision, each strike a testament to his determination to protect Lily and himself.

The zombies fell before him, their skulls crushed under the weight of his blows.

One by one, he dispatched them, his actions fueled by the urgency of the situation.

With each swing of his crowbar, he inched closer to completing the bonus objective.

Only one zombie kill remained, a grim reminder of the challenge that still lay ahead.

As the minutes ticked away, Korig's focus remained unwavering.

The main objective was still at play, the urgency of their mission ever present.

Only ten minutes remained to achieve their goal, a fact that heightened the tension in the air.

And then, as if a surge of determination had coursed through his veins, Korig charged forward once more.

His body moved with a fluid grace, his steps sure and purposeful as he closed the distance between himself and the Lich.

But the charge was not without its surprises.

As Korig began his run, his steps gradually slowed, his gaze widening with a realization that struck him like a lightning bolt.

Horror painted his features, his once determined expression replaced by a look of profound shock.

In an instant, his head turned toward Lily, his eyes locking onto her form with an intensity that was difficult to decipher.

His face grew serious, his mind seemingly grappling with a revelation that had shaken him to his core.

The Lich's grin widened even further.

Its skeletal features seemed to exude a malevolent satisfaction, as if it delighted in the turmoil that now gripped Korig's thoughts.

It let out another laughter, the same one filled with malice.

"There you go Korig"


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