System Mania!

Chapter 22: The Ticket and The Exit

Chapter 22: The Ticket and The Exit

Korig's journey through the dark and desolate mall had been both exhausting and exhilarating.

The weight of his newfound powers and the experience he had gained hung heavily in the air.

He had become a true master of the dark arts, and his control over the undead was unparalleled compared to him a few hours ago.

With every level he had gained, Korig could feel the darkness within him growing stronger.

The lure of the locked abilities in the Necromantic Grimoire was ever present, and he couldn't wait to unlock their potential.

He stood at a crossroads, his mind filled with the possibilities that lay ahead.

The mall's lower levels were still infested with zombies, and he knew that clearing them out would grant him even more power.

The Bone Armor, Raise Dead, and Death Shroud abilities called out to him, promising to take his abilities to new heights.

But he also knew that patience and strategy were key in this new world.

As he contemplated his next move, a sense of determination washed over him.

The Undead King Lich's legacy was now his, and he was ready to embrace it fully.

With renewed resolve, Korig cleared the lower levels of the mall, one zombie at a time.

He emerged into the transformed parking lot, having leveled up considerably.

The system responded with a window that displayed his progress.

Level 10

Korig couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

He had come a long way since his first encounter with the Lich.

Even his Lich powers had grown considerably, making him a true force to be reckoned with.

But he had also discovered another aspect of his powers.

He had learned that if he sacrificed his loyal minion, which he had summoned using his Necromantic Grimoire, he could gain a significant amount of experience points.

With a swift Muay Thai kick, he decapitated his undead minion.

The creature's head went flying, and Korig was rewarded with a surge of experience points. He could feel his power increasing with every point earned.

As he turned to face the exit of the mall, he was interrupted by a screen that materialized before him, blocking his path.

The words on the screen were impossible to ignore.

Main Objective Complete.

Bonus objective complete.

The user is the first player to clear the bonus objective.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The user's reward will be provided in 3, 2, 1...

A blinding flash of light filled the air, and Korig instinctively covered his eyes with his hand.

When the light dissipated, he found himself staring at a floating piece of black paper.

It glowed with crimson letters that spelled out a tantalizing reward.

Weapon Ticket

Korig's eyes widened as he snatched the ticket from the air.

He wasn't naive; he knew exactly what this meant.

A weapon ticket was a rare and valuable commodity in this new world.

The possibilities raced through his mind.

This ticket could grant him access to an incredible weapon, one that would further elevate his power and make him a true force of nature.

With the ticket clutched tightly in his hand, Korig knew that his journey was far from over.

The path of darkness and power stretched out before him, and he was more than ready to tread it.

"This is just the beginning," he muttered to himself, his voice filled with determination.

Korig stood there, holding the weapon ticket in his hand, his eyes fixed on the scythe that was displayed on one of the tabs.

It had the word Legendary written under it, signifying its immense power.

Beside it was another tab that simply said, Choose your own weapon.

As he contemplated his choice, Korig's thoughts raced.

The scythe was undeniably a formidable weapon, and it seemed like a perfect fit for his newfound Lich powers.

The idea of wielding such a legendary weapon was tempting, to say the least.

However, as he stared at the scythe, a sense of unease washed over him.

He didn't want to become solely reliant on the powers of the Undead King Lich.

It felt like surrendering his autonomy to the darkness, allowing himself to be consumed by it.

Korig knew that he needed to be more versatile, to explore and acquire powers from various sources.

He didn't want to limit himself to a single path.

He craved diversity in his abilities, the ability to adapt to any situation, and the freedom to choose his destiny.

With a sly grin, he made his decision and clicked on the tab that allowed him to choose his own weapon.

It was a choice that would define his path, one that separated him from being a mere vessel of the Lich's power.

As he did, something unexpected happened.

From a distance in the parking lot, the crowbar that had been his trusty companion throughout his battles started to shake.

It levitated into the air and flew towards him, landing perfectly in his outstretched hand.

Korig looked at the crowbar, feeling a surge of familiarity and connection with it.

It had been with him since the beginning, a symbol of his survival and determination.

With a sense of conviction, he spoke to the crowbar, "I choose you."

The crowbar, now his chosen weapon, seemed to respond, vibrating with newfound power.

Korig's eyes scanned the weapon as a window displayed its details.

The King's Crowbar.

It was not just any ordinary crowbar. It was tagged as Divine, not just legendary but divine, signifying its extraordinary strength and potential.

Korig couldn't help but smile; he had made the right choice.

With The King's Crowbar in his hands and the powers of the Lich at his disposal, Korig felt like a true force to be reckoned with.

He had the versatility he desired, the ability to switch between his dark arts and his divine weapon as the situation demanded.

As Korig stepped out of the mall, a surge of exhilaration coursed through him.

The world beyond those dark and desolate corridors was a dangerous place, but he felt more prepared than ever to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

His steps were filled with determination, and he muttered to himself, his voice carrying an unwavering resolve.

"I may have the powers of the Lich, but I won't be controlled by them."

"I'll consume all the powers this world has to offer."

With each word, he solidified his commitment to mastering the dark arts and acquiring more power.

He refused to be a mere puppet of the Lich's influence.

His destiny was his to shape, and he was ready to wield it with authority.

However, as he was about to take that decisive step into the world outside, his gaze fell upon a gruesome sight that momentarily froze him in his tracks.

There, lying on the ground, was the half sliced body of Daniel, who had attempted to escape the horrors of the mall.

Daniel's lifeless eyes stared up at the sky, his face frozen in an expression of silent terror.

Korig's own eyes locked onto the grisly sight, but his face remained stoic, revealing no emotion.

Turning his head further, Korig spotted the lifeless forms of Lily and David nearby, their bodies sprawled on the parking lot.

They had been his companions in this nightmarish journey, and now, they too were gone.

Despite the profound loss and the gruesome scene before him, Korig's expression remained unchanged.

His heart felt heavy with the weight of the sacrifices made, but he didn't allow his emotions to surface.

With a determined exhale, he turned away from the lifeless forms and continued to walk.

The world beyond awaited him, and he couldn't afford to dwell on the past.

There were powers to acquire, challenges to overcome, and a destiny to fulfill.

But as he finally stepped outside the mall, a single tear glistened in his right eye, catching the faint light of the sun.

It was a solitary testament to the emotions he kept buried within, a symbol of the sacrifices he had made on the path to power.

Korig knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and darkness, but he was unyielding in his pursuit of becoming something.

That something came out as words from his mouth.

"I'll become unstoppable."


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