System Mania!

Chapter 24: A Hell Of A Chase

Chapter 24: A Hell Of A Chase

The city around him was a nightmarish landscape of destruction and chaos, but he couldn't afford to stop and take it in.

The dragon was relentless, and he had to keep moving if he wanted to survive.

The chase continued, with Korig navigating the treacherous rooftops, leaping across gaps, and narrowly avoiding the dragon's deadly attacks.

The city below seemed like a war zone, and the dragon's presence had brought devastation on an unimaginable scale.

Every leap across a rooftop, every narrow escape from the dragon's jaws, and every moment of breathless flight only heightened the sense of peril.

The buildings beneath him were charred and crumbling, the streets filled with wreckage and despair.

But Korig couldn't afford to let fear paralyze him.

The dragon's relentless pursuit left him with no choice but to keep moving, to keep searching for a way to escape the monstrous creature's wrath.

As he sprinted across another rooftop, Korig's heart pounded in his chest, and his legs burned with exertion.

He knew he couldn't keep this up indefinitely. The dragon's sheer size and power made it an almost unbeatable adversary.

And then, as he reached the edge of yet another building, Korig realized he had run out of rooftops. There was nowhere left to go but down.

The ground lay far below, a dizzying drop that seemed impossible to survive.

In that moment of desperation, he weighed his options.

It was either getting killed by the dragon or taking the unthinkable risk of jumping.

With a muttered curse and a defiant determination, Korig chose the latter.

He said, "Screw it," and he leaped from the rooftop, plunging towards the ground below.

The world seemed to blur around him as gravity took hold, and his heart pounded in his chest.

The wind roared in his ears as he hurtled toward the unforgiving pavement.

But then, against all odds, he landed on his feet.

The impact jarred his legs, but he was otherwise unscathed.

It was a moment of pure disbelief as he realized he had survived the impossible fall.

And then, it all came rushing back to him. He had a system, and the status boost he had gained from clearing the mall had enhanced his physical capabilities.

It was the reason he had been able to run faster, leap farther, and now survive a jump that should have been fatal.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Breathing heavily, Korig took in his surroundings.

He was in the midst of the devastated city, where buildings lay in ruins, and smoke billowed in the distance.

The dragon's roars still echoed, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked above.

Korig's heart raced as he sprinted down the main road, the deafening roar of the dragon echoing in his ears.

The creature's jaws had missed him by mere inches, and he knew he had no room for error.

There was only one way to run, and that was straight ahead.

The scene around him was pure chaos. The once busy main road was now a nightmarish landscape of destruction.

Cars lay abandoned and crumpled, engulfed in flames and billowing smoke.

Buildings on either side of the road had been toppled, their walls reduced to rubble.

As Korig leapt past the twisted wreckage of cars, his agility was almost otherworldly.

The status boost he had gained from the mall had turned him into a formidable force.

His muscles propelled him with a strength he had never known, and his reflexes were lightning-fast.

But the dragon was relentless.

It glided down into the main road with a thunderous crash, its colossal wingspan causing even more devastation.

The buildings on either side of the road shook as if in fear of the approaching behemoth.

The dragon's massive form sent cars flying in all directions, its immense strength toppling them like toys.

The vehicles that Korig had leapt past moments ago were now crushed beneath the dragon's weight.

Fire and smoke filled the air, adding to the apocalyptic scene.

The dragon's hot breath washed over Korig as he sprinted, the intense heat threatening to engulf him.

With every step, Korig could feel the dragon closing in.

Its shadow loomed over him, and he knew he had to find a way to escape this relentless pursuit.

The main road seemed to stretch on forever, with no end in sight.

As he continued to run, Korig's mind raced.

He needed a plan, a way to outsmart this monstrous predator.

The dragon's movements were unpredictable, and its fiery breath could strike at any moment.

In the heart pounding moment when the dragon closed in, Korig had no choice but to rely on his divine weapon, The King's Crowbar.

He knew it was time to unleash its power.

With a determined glint in his eyes, he pulled the crowbar from his inventory and gripped it tightly in his hands.

The weight of the weapon felt reassuring, and he was ready to face the colossal beast that pursued him.

As the dragon's hot breath washed over him, he muttered to himself, "Time to see what this divine weapon can do."

Korig's heart raced as he ran with the crowbar in hand.

He could feel the dragon right behind him, its immense presence bearing down on him.

With each stride, the distance between them closed.

Then, with a burst of agility and determination, Korig leaped forward, twisting his body into a daring 180 degree turn in mid air.

His gaze locked onto the approaching dragon, its jaws wide open, ready to swallow him whole.

The scene unfolded in slow motion, every detail etched into his memory.

The dragon's gaping maw seemed like a bottomless abyss, but Korig knew he had only one chance.

With all his strength, he swung The King's Crowbar, its divine power coursing through it.

The weapon struck the very top of the dragon's upper jaw with a thunderous impact.

A deafening crash filled the air as the dragon's momentum was abruptly halted.

The force of the blow sent shockwaves through its massive form.

The creature roared in agony as it lost control, crashing headfirst into the ground.

The impact was cataclysmic.

The dragon's colossal body slid across the road, leaving destruction in its wake.

Cars were crushed beneath its bulk, and the asphalt itself buckled and shattered.

As for Korig, the sheer force of his attack had sent him tumbling through the air.

He toppled and rolled along the road, a frenzy of falls and turns.

Despite the chaos and destruction around him, he managed to keep his grip on The King's Crowbar.

Finally, he came to a stop, his body battered and bruised from the ordeal.

He pushed himself up, his chest heaving with exertion.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the dragon lay in a crumpled heap in the distance.

Korig had done the impossible. He had faced down a dragon and emerged victorious.

The divine power of his crowbar had proven its worth, and he felt a surge of pride and accomplishment.

With a weary but satisfied smile, he muttered, "That was one hell of a chase"

Victory was finally his.

or atleast that's what he thought.


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