Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse

Chapter 72: Sparks And Flames

Chapter 72: Sparks And Flames

While Alister was lost in thought, a voice called out to him.


He looked up to see Lila running toward him in the distance. She stopped to catch her breath as she arrived before him. "The guild master is waiting for you at the sparring arena. It's your turn to spar with him."

Alister raised an eyebrow. "So he's done with the others already? That was fast. I guess I should hurry over then." He let out a sigh and started making his way toward the massive sparring arena.

On the guild grounds, although there was a general training area, an even larger area existed specifically for showcasing strength through battles. This arena was reserved for elite guild members—the ones who could cause the most damage to their surroundings when they trained. It was a precaution to prevent them from accidentally hurting the lower-ranking members.

Yuuto, the guild master, had decided to personally spar with the team participating in the wasteland display event, Alister included. It was his way of ensuring they were in top shape. While on their way to the sparring arena, Lila glanced at Alister, concern etched on her face. "Are you okay? You don't seem like your usual self," she said, touching his arm gently.

Alister let out a weary sigh, running a hand through his overgrown hair. "I'm just tired. I've been having nightmares lately, so it's been hard to sleep. Combine that with the recent training with the guildmaster I feel like I could fall off my feet at any moment." he said, his shoulders slumping.

Lila, sounding a bit worried, walked closer to him. "Have you tried taking any sleeping medications or pills? There's this rare herb I've heard of that, when used to make a potion, calms the mind, prevents nightmares, and allows for deep sleep."

"Although I've heard you could only get it at the black market."

Alister raised an eyebrow. "You don't say? Well, I'll look into it. Thanks for telling me," he replied, his expression softening slightly.

Lila blushed slightly, looking away and fidgeting with her hands.

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"It was my pleasure." she murmured.

Stuttering, she then said, "A-also, it seems the rumors are true. You seem to have really grown taller," she said, glancing up at him.

Alister looked down at her and smiled slightly. "You don't say? I guess it's really obvious then if even you noticed," he said, straightening his posture.

Lila nodded, a small smile spreading on her lips. "And your hair, it's a bit overgrown. You should consider cutting it," she suggested, brushing a stray lock of his hair away from his face.

Alister chuckled, shaking his head. "Lighten up a little. You're starting to sound like you're a mom," he teased, patting her gently on the shoulder.

Lila blushed deeply, then forcefully slapped Alister's back. "I-I'm not a mom! I'm still young and have a bright future ahead of me!"

Alister winced, rubbing the part of his back where she slapped him. "Oww, that hurt, you know. I didn't say you are a mom, I only said you sounded like one. And what's so wrong with being a mom? What's up with the sudden show of hostility?"

His words made her blush even more, and she quickly turned around, her movements almost frantic.

"G-good luck with your training," she stammered, zooming off before he could respond.

Alister paused, watching as she ran away, her form growing smaller in the distance. He couldn't help but mumble to himself,

"What's up with her? I thought I understood how people worked, but she's a total mystery."

He shook his head, a bemused smile on his lips, before turning his attention back to the path ahead. The sparring arena loomed large before him, and with a deep breath, he resumed his walk, preparing himself for the session with Yuuto.

Stepping through the massive passageway to the sprawling expanse that was the training area, Alister's eyes fell on Yuuto sparring with Ren. Ren, wielding a powerful fire manipulation talent, was unleashing a series of fiery attacks that lit up the arena.

Around the arena, in high-up viewing spaces covered by a powerful protective shield, some lower-ranking members could be seen watching the fight. It was a way for them to pick up a thing or two about combat by watching the guild's best duke it out.

"So much for being done," Alister muttered as he gazed at Yuuto sparring with Ren.

Ren launched a barrage of fireballs, each one crackling with intense heat. Yuuto, however, moved with blinding speed, dodging the flames effortlessly.

As the fireballs zipped past him, Yuuto's eyes locked onto Ren's. "Is that all you've got? Ren?"

His movements were fast, fluid, and precise; one would almost think he was moving more on instinct rather than looking directly to dodge them, a proof of his absurd physical capabilities.

Ren's eyes narrowed as he intensified his attack. He thrust his hands forward, and a massive wave of fire erupted from his palms, rushing towards Yuuto like a tidal wave.

"Wow, did you see that?" one of the lower-ranking members whispered excitedly. "Ren's fire attacks are insane!"

Another nodded, eyes wide. "Yeah, but look at master Yuuto! He's dodging everything like it's nothing!"

Yuuto smirked, his voice cutting through the roar of the flames. "Impressive, but not enough," he said as he prepared to counter.

The heat was so intense that even the spectators behind the protective shield could feel it. But Yuuto remained unfazed. He leaped into the air, leaping through the flames, his form a blur, and landed behind Ren with a thunderous impact that shook the ground.

"Did you see that punch?" someone exclaimed. "He sent Ren flying like he was nothing!"

Ren barely had time to react before Yuuto was upon him. "You're too slow, you are messing up your footwork again," Yuuto muttered as his fist connected with Ren's midsection, sending him sprawling across the arena.

Ren rolled to his feet, flames flickering around him as he summoned his strength for another assault. With a roar, Ren unleashed a firestorm, the flames swirling and coiling like serpents. Yuuto didn't flinch. Instead, he dashed through the inferno, his body a streak of motion. "You've got to do better than that," he said, closing the distance between them in an instant, his fist rearing back for a strike.

Ren tried to raise a wall of fire to defend himself, but Yuuto was too fast. His fist shattered the barrier and slammed into Ren's chest, sending him crashing to the ground. The impact created a crater, and Ren lay there, gasping for breath, his flames flickering weakly.

Yuuto stood over him, his expression calm and composed. "You're strong, Ren, but you rely too much on your fire. You need to learn to adapt, to anticipate your opponent's moves." Ren coughed, a wry smile on his lips. "Easy for you to say, master. You've got the speed and strength of a god."

Yuuto extended a hand, helping Ren to his feet. "Strength and speed are nothing without strategy and adaptability. Remember that. Even the weak can outmatch the strong with a well-thought-out strategy."

The spectators in the viewing spaces clapped and murmured among themselves, having witnessed another display of Yuuto's unmatched prowess.

Yuuto then said, "Alright, now, on to the main course." He turned to face Alister and smiled as he said, "Get over here. I'm curious to find out what you'll surprise me with today."

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