Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 196 - One Hundred And Ninety-six: Make Me

Chapter 196 - One Hundred And Ninety-six: Make Me

Maya's point of view

Niklaus' jaw was clenched tight as he led me out of the restaurant. He didn't even glance back at me, just walked straight ahead to the car and dumped me in like I was a sack of potatoes.

I get that he was angry and I knew how much of a bastard he could be when furious, but could he be a little bit gentle.

He got into the seat beside me and Micheal, his favorite chauffeur drove off.

The drive home as expected was quiet. No one dared to make a sound with this kind of tension hanging around. But the silence was torturous and Niklaus wasn't looking at me. He just gazed out through the window, making me wonder what was going in that mind of his.

I remained mum, sometimes silence was a better form of communication. With what happened tonight, temper was sure to fly if I dared open my mouth.

At last, we reached my place and I got the chance to step out of the car before I have a mental breakdown. To my surprise, Niklaus followed after me.

He probably wanted to check up on me but it made me unsettled. Not because he was angry but because we both know it was hard to keep our hands off each other.

So, whatever he was going to do, he better do it fast. I can't tell how long I was going to fight against the urge to touch him, feel his lips on mine, and do many, many, dangerous things I had in my head right now.

Gosh! Maya, get a grip on yourself. Why are you behaving like a wolf in heat?

"They hacked the lock," He observed.

That was the first word he had spoken to me since the incident at the restaurant.

"Luckily, he didn't damage it, so the door is still intact" I went to the door and held it out, "Thank you for rescuing me tonight but I need to sleep right now. So can you do me the favor of leaving, please?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Niklaus gave me a piercing look that pinned me to the floor but I refused to be scared off. I stood stubbornly by the door, hinting he should take his leave already.

"You can't stay in here, is not safe for you," he continued "I have an apartment downtown, you should spend the night here"

I rubbed my temple feeling a slight headache, "You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine" was my assurance to him.

"You're fine?" Niklaus threw his head back and laughed, a mirthless one that made goosebumps climb my arms.

He spat, "Apparently, you were fine, when you got dragged by Sakuzi into a car that wasn't mine " He taunted me, "You were obviously fine when you requested for my help!"

This angered me, just because he rescued me, he was rubbing it all over my face?.

"Well, it was a mistake calling you since Sakuzi wasn't intent on harming me anyway!" I spat back.

"Oh really? The Sakuzi who almost killed you and still wants to kill you doesn't want to harm you,"

I threw up my hands in resignation,

"You know what? I'm not having this discussion with you," came the best answer I could come up with at the moment.

But Niklaus held me on the arm tightly," I'm not done speaking to you so don't treat me like shit," he growled at me.

My scowl deepened," Let go of me, Niklaus. Maybe you're the one being so paranoid right now"

"I'm paranoid?" He asked with his features distorted in disbelief, "Clearly, my rescue today was not appreciated since you value your time spent together with Sakuzi instead.!"

I sighed running my hands through my hair, this guy was seriously becoming an asshole right now.

"I'm grateful that you saved my ass Niklaus, so stop making this sound like I was doing something wrong with him," I said to him tired of his pretty argument. What was the point of all of this?

I continued, "Sakuzi never intended harming me from the very start, he just wanted to spent time with me"

Niklaus snorted, "Can you listen to yourself, Maya? Sakuzi of all wanted your companionship and you believed him?"

"He didn't exactly leave me a choice" I explained.

"Oh maybe, you inwardly wanted that attention "

"Huh?" I felt like I heard wrong.

"Come on, let's not pretend here Maya, Judy told me everything" he laughed sarcastically, "You must be screaming with joy right now"

"Stop it " I ordered him but he continued.

"You must be taken in by his care, money, and his sugary words but trust me, this is all a ploy of his to get at me. Once he's done with you, he'd discard and end you like? - "

"Or maybe you're the asshole that needs to stop this nonsense right now!" I pushed him on the chest to shut that mouth of his.

There was a momentary silence before us, our chest heaving with emotion.

"My decision is final" Niklaus broke the silence, "You're not spending the night here"

"Need I remind you that you're an engaged man, Niklaus. What right do you have to force another woman who isn't your fiancée to spend the night at one of your apartments?" I touched that part of him that was sure to elicit a response.

Niklaus' jaw ticked, "I don't care what game you're playing but I'm not leaving here without you," he gripped my arm.

"You have no right over me,"

"Trust me, I do and you're going to come with me"

"Fine, make me"

Without warning, I punched him straight in the face and kicked him at the back of the leg which forced him on one knee, having known it would be easier to incapacitate him that way than having him at his full height.

Somehow hitting him made me feel good, he was the person who led me into this mess in the first place, and right now, he was behaving like it was all my fault.

But Niklaus swept out my legs from beneath me without warning and I fell on my back with a soft groan.

Hovering over me, he tried to pick me but I reached out and kicked him in the guts causing him to stagger a few steps back.

I got to my feet quickly, my blood boiling with excitement. I rushed at Niklaus and launched a blow in his direction but he dodged it, instead grabbed that arm.

Infuriated, I threw a blow with my other arm too but he grabbed it too, rendering me defenseless or so he thought. I brought up my knee, intending to hurt him really badly in the place where the sun never shines but I guess Niklaus knew me too well.

He clamped my knee tightly in-between his thigh, I was unable to move. Right now, the only thing keeping me from falling was my unbalanced one-foot support and Niklaus's body.

My breath came in gasps and it wasn't because of his burning gaze holding mine but the vigorous activity I just did, probably.

"You're going to pay for punching me," he whispered into my ears, sending delicious shivers down my spine.

I knew I was making a huge mistake here but I would bear the consequences later. Right now, I needed this - I needed him.

I licked his face, purring into his ears, "I bet you have a good punishment in-store for me"

I felt the changes in his body instantly; his body heated up, his breath became shallow and I could feel his arousal through our closeness.

My words must have lowered his guard since he loosened his grasp on my knees which made me move it up, rubbing against his obvious bulge through his pants.

His laughter was mixed with a soft groan, "You're one formidable temptress"

The instant he released my hands, we were all over each other like vultures upon a carcass. Our lips met in a frantic rush while our hands ripped each other's clothing, searching for bare skin as if our life depended on it.

Our kisses were hard and born out of need, swiping past the boundaries of our mouths to intertwine with our tongues. My hands dug into his scalp just as my last clothing met the heap on the floor.

Niklaus lifted me and I wrapped my feet around his waist. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me.

My leg anchored me to him while his hand went around to cup my ass, rubbing me against his warm arousal already standing at attention.

My head fell back, eyes rolled back from the sensation of pleasure coursing through my body, I was so wet and ready for him.

Niklaus slid his massive length inside of me and began to thrust into me with careless abandon while my wild cries filled his ears and the room.

"Oh my God... Niklaus!" I screamed from the bliss rippling through me, my nails digging into his back as he rammed into me harder.

Niklaus was not slow nor gentle, he just kept pumping into me until we both came with a loud cry.

That was the best angry sex ever.

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