Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 255 - Two Hindred And Fifty-five: The Patient Dog

Chapter 255 - Two Hindred And Fifty-five: The Patient Dog

The third point of view

"On your knees, now!" Was Reina's firm order as both kids plopped to the ground.

"Hands up!" She boomed. No smile was found on her face.

They obeyed hastily.

"You would remain that way for an hour for disobeying my orders," She declared.

"But mom -" Ailee whined.

"Don't mom me! " Reina warned.

"This is your fault," Ailee blamed Allen.

"Who came up with the idea in the first place," Allen mocked.

"Who claims to be so smart yet can't plan a simple escape successfully," she taunted back at him.

"At least I'd planned, all you do is sit around and enjoy the effectiveness," He argued.

"Oh really?" Ailee snorted as both began to bicker back and front.

"I gave you both a punishment to reflect on your mistake not disturb my peace of mind," Reina shouted, breaking both up.

"You?" She pointed to Ailee, "The suggester. You were the one who planted the idea in your brother's head, isn't it?"

"Well, I tried to talk to Allen but he wouldn't listen to me until I mentioned that - hinted maybe?" Ailee confessed.

She should have known Ailee speaking to Allen on a diplomatic level was a bad idea.

"And you," Reina faced Allen, "Master planner, how did you pull it off?" the sarcasm dripping from her voice was obvious.

Allen didn't say a word; He was down on his knees, hands raised and lips pressed together firmly.

"Don't make me force the words out of your mouth," she threatened in a low voice.

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"Fine," his resolve broke, "I found a guy on the internet and paid him to pretend he's our guardian so we could get on the plane and the rest is history," was Allen's confession.

Reina was shell-shocked by this revelation, "Did you know how much risk you took coming here? You employed some dude from the internet - you don't even know the person upon knowing the kind of family you're into! '' Reina admonished them and yes, they knew they were from a crime family. The kids were smart, it was not hard to figure that out with time plus the circumstance surrounding them.

"I'm your mother," she pointed to her chest," I know and would do what's best for you, which is why I left you back there to protect you - which you obviously don't appreciate," she was disappointed in their recklessness.

"Yeah, maybe we can start appreciating it if you start telling us about our father," Allen demanded suddenly.

Reina sighed, "Not again, Allen,"

"If you're not enthusiastic to see him, I want to, no, I need to,"

"I told you I'll tell you everything when the time comes," She reminded them.

"That's what you've been telling us since the very beginning," He complained while Ailee remained mum, enjoying the drama.

"Allen, I promise this time you're going to see him soon. And if you miss him so much, just look in the mirror, you'd see him in you," Reina coerced him.

"Yeah, that tactic worked when we were five, now I'm seven - incase you haven't noticed," He stood to his feet.

"What are you doing?" Reina's brows raised at his action.

"I don't need to listen to you," He grumbled, dusting invisible dust on his trousers.

"Allen!" Reina hollered.

"Try again later," He said, striding away from the room.

"Come back here, Allen!" She stomped her feet in anger yet the little boy went his way without even looking back.

That disrespectful pain in the ass!

"Mom" Ailee drew her attention.

She gave her the attention.

"Allen's gone. Technically, doesn't it mean I can go free now?" She inquired, hopefully.

Reina rubbed her temple, raising these kids was not an easy job. They were so stubborn and never even listened to her - where did they pick that attitude from?

"Fine, go away,"?she dismissed her daughter who gleefully sprinted away.

"That went well," Valentino made his presence known just after his granddaughter skidded away.

"They never listen to me," She poured herself a drink, bringing the glass to her lips and taking a sip.

"Do you ever listen to me?" He asked her, his gaze holding hers.

"Well, maybe you do have a point," She took off her gaze, admitting defeat.

"I heard the kids made a scene and Allen got discovered," Valentino said.

"The men had it cleaned up and yes, Allen made a scene - I won the fight by the won," A small smile played at the corner of her lip.

"That woman you fought with, I heard she's with Niklaus. Wouldn't she burst the news to him?" He was concerned about the news of her having children getting out.

"No, she wouldn't," Reina answered, swirling the drink in her grasp.

"How can you be so sure?" Sakuzi asked, going to sit on her sofa. He was not getting any younger - damn, his waist.

"Call it women intuition or something. Jennifer has been with Niklaus for years and must have heard of me being pregnant for him before I died..." she stopped to take another sip, " Year's later, a woman who looks like Maya with a child identical to Niklaus appears out of nowhere, even the dumbest person on earth would figure that out as well. Jennifer's hopelessly in love with Niklaus, she wouldn't dare to tell him what she saw?and would do everything to keep it a secret else it's game over for her,"

Sakuzi was impressed, he nodded his head. She thought everything over.

"Though, I have something to ask you, father, " She dropped the glass on the desk she was leaning against, her expression serious.

Sakuzi prepared himself as well, his daughter had an important issue to discuss with him judging from her taut facial expression.

"What is it, Princess? " he asked.

"What do you intend to do with Niklaus," She went straight to the point, "You're not planning on killing him, are you?" One could sense the anxiety in her voice

"What do you think?" questioned the less tensed Sakuzi.

"You can't! As much as he committed a crime against you, he's still the father of my kids - he can't die," she insisted.

"He'd suffer for what he did, not die," Sakuzi informed her.

"That's better," Reina was relieved. As much as she hated Niklaus, she does not wish for him to die.

"Also, there's another thing, "

"What's it?"

"You might have to take care of the kids for a while,"

"No worries, I'll take care of them. But why?"

"Niklaus is highly suspicious and has begun his investigation. As much as my activities are erased, my going in and out of here puts us at risk of being discovered. I need to find a place - a normal place," She emphasized, knowing her father doesn't understand the word "moderation" when it comes to her comfort.

"I have some apartments in the city. Feel free to choose one. Contact Emerald and he would give you the details," Valentino told her.

"Thank you so much father, I?wonder what I would have done without you,"

Reina walked over to him, stopping to give him a proper hug, rubbing his back affectionately.

"You don't need to thank me. After all, I get to spend enough time with those two cockroaches," He was joyful.

"Those two cockroaches are my kids, father. Never you call them that," she added, "Also warn your men not to use any vulgar language around my kids. I want to train wonderful children, not gangsters, "

Reina had been here for years and knew his men vomited offensive words without considering those around.

"Alright, would do,"

"Thanks so much, dad, I'll go and get my bags ready to leave. Also, I'll visit a lot to check up on my kid's,"

Speaking of the kids :

"You know you can't be angry at me forever," Ailee coaxed Allen who turned the other way.

"Seriously, come on, you got to admit that we work like two wheels on a bicycle, right?"?she tried again.

This time, Allen devoted his attention to the game playing on his phone.

Yet, Ailee didn't give up, "Look at this; I came up with an idea, you execute it, isn't that a perfect teamwork?" she smiled at him.


"Fine, I'll help you find Dad,"

That plucked his attention.

"How do you intend to pursue that?" he asked her, hooked by that sudden proposal.

"I don't need to do that, mom has done the work already,"

"She knows who Dad is, we just need to know what she knows," He figured out the rest of her plan.

"Exactly," she nodded at him, "And you know where she keeps all her secrets,"

"Mom's laptop," his eyes shone, "I need to get to her laptop and copy all the information in there," At once, he picked up his phone, searching around for a USB cord.

"Whoa, slow down buddy," Ailee placed both hands on his shoulder, halting him,

"You might have the high IQ but I got both IQ and EQ altogether, so listen to me" she kind of bragged.

"What if you successfully get the information but mom catches you while leaving, what are you going to say?" Ailee asked him.

"Come up with a smart lie," was his response.

"Exactly, she'd catch you right away. Mom knows us too well and both of you just fought - again- and would guess whatever you did in her office can't be good. Result: busted," she explained to him.

"So, what do you suggest I do?" Allen inquired.

"Wait for the right time," Ailee smiled, "The patient dog eats the fattest bone,"

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