Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 265 - Two Hundred And Sixty-five: Headrub

Chapter 265 - Two Hundred And Sixty-five: Headrub

Reina's point of view.

"Who sent this?" I asked, surprised at the flower handed over to me.

"It came with a card, ma'am. I just need you to sign these," the delivery man handed the paper to me which I penned down my name. I almost wrote "Maya" instead of "Reina'' but was quick to remember the correct one at the last minute. Phew, that was close.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and closed my door.

"Let's see..." I mumbled, opening the perfumed card, "I can't stop thinking about you, you're stuck in my head. Come on a date with me Reina ~ love, Eden."

"He's quite a cute poet but no would do," I said to myself yet breathing in the refreshing smell from the flower.

"You're staying," I pointed at the flower and kept it on my desk, I would find a vase for it later. Right now, I had an important appointment to catch.

There was no room for distraction, I had a war to fight. I found out that Niklaus's daughter wanted me to make jewelry for her and made a VVIP request. And per the rules - created by me - those kinds of clients were mine to take care of personally.

I didn't know if this was another of Niklaus's ploy to get me to talk to him - he's been bothering me quite a lot lately - or truly his daughter's wish, but I had to go. Besides, it was at his place, who knew what secret I'll stumble upon.

So taking one final glance at my appearance, I picked up my clutch purse and left for his house. None of my guards were following me, I had asked them to stay back; I could handle Niklaus myself.

I drove there, arriving some minutes later than the said time. I was let into the house without any questioning, it seems my appearance was highly awaited.

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"Over here, miss," One of the guards led me to the stunning modern front door which was opened before I could even ring the bell.

"You're here," A beautiful girl emerged.

"Isabelle Spencer," I profiled her, "A famous prankster, the only child of Niklaus from his late wife - well not her only, she had siblings now. " A golden yet rebellious child to the point of being a thorn in Niklaus's side".

Amid everything I found out about Isabella, the only thing that warmed my heart is,

"Maya's diehard supporter". Apparently, the little girl had been a shield and protector to me, no Maya. And for that, I was grateful.

"Yes, I am, "I flashed a smile and thrust out my hand," Nice to meet you, I'm Reina Armani, "

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Isabella Spencer, " She enveloped my hand with hers.

While we shook hands, I felt this strong flash of memory; Isabella was much smaller and younger and it looked like?I was trying to get her downstairs as part of a challenge or something.

"Are you okay?" Isabella asked out of worry when she saw me wince, stumbling slightly.

"Yes, I'm okay," I said, gripping onto her for support, " I just feel dizzy and?a need to rest a bit,"

She led me to the living room where she helped me to a couch, I lay back.

"You look sick, do I need to get you medicine?" She gestured and all.

"A painkiller would do the magic, thank you," I told her.

"I think I have one upstairs, I'll get it," she said and zoomed off before I could even say thank you.

With her gone, I closed my eyes and rested. This wasn't the first time I had this mind of migraine. Each time I remember a piece of my life as Maya, it gives me a headache.

But today's own was so strong and overwhelming that I felt like crying. It was as if a hammer was pounding down on my head and I was so grateful that Niklaus was not around. I prepared myself for nothing or so I thought because fate always found ways of messing with me.

"Isabella, where did you say you dropped my...." someone's voice descended the stairs and only stopped when his sight rested on me.

Niklaus. I didn't need to guess that twice.

I unlidded my eyes, staring straight at fiery amber ones, he looked like he could use me for dinner right now.

For a minute, none of us talked nor moved, just stared at each other with emotion till Isabella broke the moment.

"Here's the painkillers - oh, Dad?" She looked genuinely surprised by his appearance. It was impossible to think that this performance was planned.

"Why's Reina here and why does she need painkillers?" Niklaus seemed ignorant of my coming. Was it all planned by Isabella?

"Oh, about that..."She scratched the back of her head, "I need Reina to design a masterpiece for me, so she came over to check the details with me. She just didn't premeditate she would get sick,"

"I'm not sick, it's just a slight headache," I corrected her. I don't need anybody looking at me like I'm some fragile, Chinese ware. Most especially, that look shouldn't come from him Niklaus, he's a great womanizer and actor.

"Headache shouldn't be taken lightly," He said with a look of disapproval, "Some people die from so claimed simple headaches," Niklaus pointed out.

I looked away with a murmur, who was he to give me lectures?

"Here," Isabella handed the tablets to me alongside a glass of water which I used to push the medicine down my throat and laid back again.

"Just so you know, I have a method to help with the headache," Niklaus offered, already going to the back of the couch and tried to touch my hair but I grabbed his hand tight.

Does he think I'm stupid? How could I not know Niklaus wants some strands of my hair for testing.

"What are you doing?" I asked him fiercely.

Niklaus scrunched up his face, "Why are you so jumpy and untrusting? I just want to give you a good head rub, what's so bad in it?"

"H-head rub?" I narrowed my eyes at him in both confusion and suspicion.

"Yes, a head massage," He explained, freed his hands from my grasp, and began to massage my scalp in a way that felt good.

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