Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 278 - Two Hundred And Seventy-eight: Rescue Mission

Chapter 278 - Two Hundred And Seventy-eight: Rescue Mission

Reina's point of view

"What was the meaning of that?! " I?yelled, following him into his office. He has to give me an examination for that charade earlier.

"You've already done your part, there's no need to bother me," Father replied, plopping down on his swivel chair with a tired sigh.

"That's the point, father! We never discussed bringing Niklaus over and imprisoning him. He came here to see his children and possibly talk with you but you just made it seem like I betrayed him!" I was slowly running crazy. That look Niklaus gave me earlier pierced my heart, I was no more than a stranger in his eyes. All I wanted was for him to meet his kids, not this.

"That's why I'm thanking you for making the job easy and rest assured I won't kill him as promised," He said casually, opening the laptop on his desk.

I grabbed my hair, pacing to and fro the room. Father was doing this on purpose, he just doesn't understand me at all.

"Niklaus is the father of my kids, you can't do this to him. Have you ever wondered how the twins would feel if they know you're keeping their father hostage? "

He glanced up, saying seriously,

"They'll feel bad at first but with time, they'd understand the reason for this and get over it. I should be the one advising you not to think of accepting Niklaus as your husband - not even in your wildest imagination because that is not going to happen, "


I was so shocked by that statement that I took a step back. There was no way on earth that my father meant that, right?

"You heard me right, Reina. There's no way on earth you're marrying into Spencer's family, that's over my dead body," He declared.

It dawned on me, my father was joking with my happiness. He wasn't the one who would end miserably as a wife to a man I don't love, it's me. I'll be the one living in such loveless marriage. I had to speak up now or forever hold my peace.

"Why do I even have to obey you?" I blurted out.

"What?" Sakuzi was taken aback.

"I like Niklaus, no, I love Niklaus, I should fight for that, not listen to you tell me who to love,"?It was as if my eyes were suddenly open and I could see what I've been missing out on all this time.

"Reina?" he growled. That was a warning - that I wouldn't listen to.

"I'm sorry father," I apologized, already making it out of his room at full speed.


I heard him continuously yell my name but I didn't listen rather sprinted down the fleet of stairs and headed for the holding room.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And there I found him.

Niklaus was standing with his hands chained to the wall while someone was hitting him.

I came closer to discover it was?Andrew again! What the hell was his problem?

Searing hot anger blinded me and the next I knew, I grabbed the metal chair that must have been used to restrain Niklaus earlier and brought it down on the asshole's head.

You should see the surprise on Niklaus' face when Andrew got knocked out only for I to appear in his line of view.

"Reina," his eyes widened, "I thought you were -"

"Think no more," I grabbed his hair, pulled him closer, and kissed him as passionately as I could. The thought of losing him scared me so much that I'll rather die with him. I tasted blood from his lips, Andrew must have hurt him there.

When we separated for air, Niklaus looked me straight in the eyes, searching for something.

"Did you recover your memories?" He asked, awe still plastered on his face.

"No," I replied, "But I think I'm hopelessly in love with you,"


"I love you, Niklaus," I confessed, a weight being lifted off my chest.

"Tell me you didn't fall for me a second time," He smiled, his sexy bruised lips kinked to the side.

"I think I did," I smiled back at him.

"I guess you can't resist my charm," He flirted with me.

"Don't get too cocky, Niklaus," I told him, my eyes moving to the binds on his wrist, "I need to get you out of these,"

"You can't sweetheart,"

"I don't need that kind of negativity, Niklaus, especially from someone who always knows a way out of every problem," I said, checking how to hack them

"You give me too much credit," Niklaus chuckled, "But this is the truth this time: This place is a fortress, even if you get me out of these binds, we won't make it out of here..." There was a sudden commotion, "And speaking of which,"

That comment made me turn around to see that my father has arrived here with his men. Oh no.

"Reina," Niklaus called me as I hastily searched for a way to release him.

"Reina," He called again.

"No, just give me a bit of time. I can just -"

"Reina dear, come here," I heard my father's taut voice, he was on the verge of exploding.

I shook my head stubbornly, pulling on the chains all to no avail. This was frustrating! And Niklaus added to that by saying, "Go with your father,"

"Shut up, you're talking bullshit. I'm busting you out of here," I said, but inwardly knew it was impossible. Even if I got him out of those restraints, there was no hell on earth father would let us leave without a fight - which he would win of course.

Fresh tears fell from my eyes, I've never felt as helpless as I felt now except that time I felt off the bridge - that was the only memory I never lost for once.

"Go with your father, I'll be fine," Niklaus told me as I cried on his chest. We just reunited with each other, why can't everyone just let us be.

The anger and the frustration added, made me kiss him again, this time with heated intensity.

I rested my forehead against his when Niklaus abruptly mumbled, "Call Eden,"

My eyes twitched, what did he just say?

"Call Eden," He whispered once more, "He'll know what to do. Now, go,"

I pretended not to have heard what he said so as not to arouse suspicion from my father who had his eyes trained on us.

I went back to him, saying sarcastically "Hallelujah, you won,"

Sakuzi simply gestured to the man by his side, who came up to me and grabbed me roughly

"What the hell are you doing?! " I was flustered as he began to search me.

"Take every electronic gadget she has on her and make sure she doesn't get her hands on one. Then lock her up in her room, ensure she doesn't leave till we're done with this bastard," My father instructed.

And just like that, I was stripped of my phone that could get me the help I wanted.

"Niklaus! "I called him but he wasn't in the position to help me.

They dragged me into my room and locked me up. I banged and banged against my door but they didn't open up. I was worked up for about an hour before I decided to calm down and think. Getting angry would not solve my problem and I refuse to let my father maltreat Niklaus.

Suddenly, it clinked in my head: Ailee and Allen.

"Hey!" I banged hard on the door.

"What is it?" I heard the gruff voice of whoever was stationed outside my door.

"I need to see my kids, "I said to him.

"I'm sorry but they gave us no instructions regarding them hence I can't grant that, "

"You have me locked up, the least you can do is let me see my children and make sure they're okay! Their father is standing helpless in that holding cell and I'm running out of my mind with anxiety, I need to see my children before I go crazy. I'm so tired and scared," I intentionally let my voice crack at the end, sniffing and making it so emotional - thanks to whoever invented acting.

I didn't hear any reply from the guard for about a minute until he said," Fine, you'd see them but for just ten minutes,"

"Alright, thank you so much, I'll forever remember this," My voice sounded like I was crying when in reality, I had a smirk on. I just hope the kids don't fail my expectations.


"Did you know that our father's here?" Ailee barged into Allen's room, closing the door hard.

"Yes, so?" Said Allen blandly, eyes fixed on the book he was reading.

"Weren't you the one who was so anxious to meet him and now he's just a few rooms away from you, your excitement dies down?" she gestured and all.

"Grandfather has him hostage and mom started the whole mess, she should clean it up," He said without a care.

With anger, Ailee strode over to him, picked the book, and flung it halfway across the room without a care.

"Have you lost it!" Allen shot up to his feet, fuming.

"I'm sorry but I have not waited seven years plus to meet my father for nothing. So unlike you my bastard twin brother - pun intended by the way - who hides his emotions and thinks everything is okay, I'm going to go release my father!" Ailee spat in his face.

"Do you think I don't want to save him too?" Allen retorted, "Grandfather has him and mom failed to rescue him, what makes you think we'd be able to succeed where the adults fail? "

"Because we're kids and kids think out of the box, unlike adults!"Ailee said to him with hands akimbo.

"Fine, so what's the plan, Mrs know it all?" was his sarcastic reply, throwing his hands up.

"I don't know but I guess, you know... " She shrugged, "Go with the flow of the situation,"

"Such as….?" Allen inquired, hopefully.

A knock came on the door.

"Your mother wants to see you both,"

Ailee tilted her head in the direction of the door, "Such as that," a sly smile pulled her lips to the side.

They opened the door and left with the guard who brought them to the entrance of the room.

"Hand over all electronic gadgets you have on you," the man commanded, reaching out his hands to collect them.

The twins handed their phones. However, the man still watched them expectantly.

"I've watched spy kids. Hand. Them. All," He enunciated.

With a sigh, Ailee handed her hairpin and bracelets while her brother removed the studs in his ear, releasing them all to him.

Still doubtful, the man searched them from their head to the sole of their feet to which the kids complied.

"You have just ten minutes," He informed them, opening the door to let them in.

"Oh my God," Reina came over to hug them all, the door closing behind them. She pulled back, anxiety written all over her face. "I love you kids but tell me you have something for me,"

Allen and Ailee looked at each other briefly before the girl pulled out something from behind.

"I guess someone didn't watch the whole series of spy kids," She smirked, handing the phone to her mother.

Ailee and Allen might have done a bit of collaboration to keep that phone from being discovered: while Ailee was being searched, the phone was tactically moved to Allen and vice versa.

Reina was relieved, she had never been so proud of her children till now.

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