Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 281 - Two Hundred And Eighty-one: Tried To Kill Me

Chapter 281 - Two Hundred And Eighty-one: Tried To Kill Me

The third point of view:


"Hey" Emily was breathless when she saw Kai, no, Judy, ugh! Whatever!

Ever since that time they kissed during their reunion, she's been tactically avoiding him. Yes, she admits she still has feelings left for Judy but then, she's a married woman.

Emily let him in, acutely aware of the way his eyes took her in and the smell of the aftershave he used.

"What do you want?" She asked and turned around to meet him, almost jumping out of her skin as she realized how close they were.

"You've been avoiding me?" He pointed out, closing the space between them.

Emily gulped but she couldn't tell if it was from the seriousness of the question or their proximity.

Yes, It felt good but Emily didn't like it. She felt heady, and whenever she was drunk, her inhibitions lower and she ends up doing something she would regret.

This was why she gave up drinking years ago. As the wife of a man involved in politics, she had to become a proper lady. It would spell scandal and smear her husband's reputation if it ends up on the tabloid that the governor's wife was found drunk or doing something stupidly hilarious.

"Judy..." She placed her hands on his broad chest to push him away, "I need air,"

But he grabbed her hands and pinned it above her head, pressing her against the door, "Are you sure that's what you want?" he whispered into her ears, intentionally nipping her earlobe.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Emily melted inside, her body trembled from that little contact. It was exhilarating, she couldn't remember the last time Ahmed made her feel this way. Who was she kidding? He had never made her feel like this, they always had sex for a purpose.

Their first sex was because of the drugs - the day they established that deal. The second time was to consummate their marriage, the rest of it was always to try out for a baby which has been unsuccessful till now.

"I'm a married woman, Judy," Emily tried to hold on to that tiny voice of reasoning in her head, "What we are doing right now is called adultery,"

"Is that so?" Judy lifted his head to look into her eyes after she made that comment.

Christ! His eyes were still as stunning as before, her heart was slamming against her chest.

"Then, I don't mind going to hell because of you," He said and attacked her neck.

Emily gasped as he sucked on his sweet spot. She was wet below and it wasn't helping matters that she wanted to thread her hands through his hair if not that he was holding them.

"Judy...." She heaved as he kissed his way up her neck and back down before moving to the other shoulder while his other hand traced the curve of her waist.

"We can't do this. Cecil would be back with Akim soon," Emily hardly recognized her voice anymore. She was panting like a wolf in heat.

"Much better,"

"W-what?" she choked, confused.

"This means there's no time left, we have to get down to business," He smirked at her and at once, slipped his hand into the inside of her shirt from below and traced the curve of her waist without hindrance from the fabric.

Shivers ran down her spine, his touch was branding her flesh and crumbling down her defenses.

"Why are you holding yourself back, Emily?" he mused, kissing his way to the corner of her lips, tempting her.

"Because I know I would lose myself completely to you once I give in," Emily said mentally. She couldn't do this, it would be betraying Ahmed.

"You were once the most adventurous and passionate women I've ever known, where has that woman gone? Or were you just pretending to be one all along?! " He growled at her face.

That comment made something snap inside of her, "Damn you!" She gave in.

Emily freed her hands, placed those on his shoulder, and hoisted herself up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Judy smirked, he had awoken the real Emily.

She grabbed his hair tight, lowering it to smash her lips against his. The kiss was needy and hurried while fulfilling her wish of running her hand through his hair.

Judy pushed her up against the door, responding to the kiss hard and passionately. His tongue slid into her mouth as they began a battle of dominance.

Emily moaned, she has not felt this way in a long time; hot and lustful for someone; hence thirsted for it. She began to make a slow, sensual, grind against him. Judy hissed, fisting his hand in her hair and pressing the evidence of his arousal against him. This fervent woman was the Emily he knew.

Both of them were on fire and would have really taken things further, had a knock not sounded on the door - Cecil and Akim were back.

It felt as if cold water was poured on Emily. It dawned on her how far she would have gone with Judy had that knock not surfaced. She almost committed an abominable act. Shame washed over her.

"We would talk about this later," She told him, tidied herself, and went to answer the door.

"Hi, baby," She welcomed her son on a wheelchair.

As expected, Judy was a perfect match and would transfer the bone marrow soon. But first, Akim's body needs to be prepared to receive which is why they've started the conditioning regimen. This would take weeks before the actual transplant - depending on the readiness of his body.

"How was the little walk with Cecil? Do you feel any better?" She squatted down to his level while asking that.

Akim had complained about being bored in here having been cooped up all day and so Cecil decided to take him on a trip around the hospital, just so he could get some air.

"Hey, look, it's the prince again," The boy was excited upon seeing Judy.

Emily met Cecil's searching eyes. Without a doubt, the woman already had an idea of what went on here.

"Hi, boy," Judy also crunched down beside Emily which made her uncomfortable, especially with the way their thighs were slightly touching.

"How do you feel?" Judy asked his son with a smile.

"Well, the treatment does make me extremely tired, so exhausted would perfectly describe how I feel," Akim answered joyfully. Ever since he laid his eyes on Prince Kai, he liked him. The boy envied him and wished to be a prince like him.

Why? Everybody worshipped Royalty and wouldn't dare to speak ill of them. They are honored and loved. Maybe if he somehow becomes one, his father, Ahmed, would treat him better.

"You and my mommy must be good friends because you come here almost all the time," Akim pointed out innocently.

Both of them were taken apart by the bluntness of the question but Judy was quick to reply, "Yes, we are friends, very good friends," He said with his eyes trained on her, she looked away.

Judy had wanted to expose to Akim that he was his father but Emily had stubbornly refused. According to her, Akim was going through a very tough and mentally draining sickness. The least she wanted to do was add to the little boy's problems.

To avoid further unwanted contact, Emily stood to her feet intending to give the father and son time to bond when she heard him say,

"And to reward you for being a strong boy amid this challenging sickness, the queen has decided to come to pay you a visit,"

Emily's head whipped around to him from disbelief. She hurriedly instructed, "Cecil, can you please help Akim settle down while I have a brief talk with Judy- I mean, prince Kai?"

Cecil nodded, "Sure,"

"Let's go," Emily grabbed his hand and led him into the other room, closing the door behind them.

"What was the meaning of that?" she fumed.

"What do you mean?" Judy's brow drew together in confusion.

"You told your mother about him?"

"Why won't I tell her about Akim, he's her grandson for Christ's sake and the future king," he said.

Emily ran her hand through her hair, "You should have informed me at least before making arrangements for a boy who is undergoing chemotherapy to meet with the queen who happens to be his grandmother yet has no idea of that, have you ever wondered if Akim would be able to take all of this in?"

"I'm sorry," Judy was guilty, he didn't exactly think about that. He was just so excited about showing off his son to the world and stopping his mother from sending strange women to his bed.

"No!" Emily refused to take that shit, "You're so fond of doing this! You survived the incident all those years but then you decided all by yourself to let me believe you were dead!"

"I had no choice. Even if I were alive, what could I possibly do? You watched how your father separated the both of us, what could I have done if I came back at that time?!" He flew into a temper too.

"You could have at least called me!" Emily wiped the tears from her face furiously, "You could have given me hope! Told me to hold on that you're fighting to come back stronger and better! I would have fought on instead of surrendering early!"

"I couldn't because your father was the one who tried to kill me!" he blurted on.

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