Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 309 - Three Hundred And Nine: Daddy Terror And Dearest Mommy Goody

Chapter 309 - Three Hundred And Nine: Daddy Terror And Dearest Mommy Goody

Isabella's point of view:

I take back my word, I hate children!

Allen and Ailee were a nightmare, they weren't what I imagined them to be for Christ's sake! They were supposed to be sweet and docile but all they do is infuriate and play pranks on me - they don't even obey me!

I blame this all on my father, Niklaus, he's the reason they turned out this way. If he had married Maya on time, she would have had these annoying little devils here and I would have trained them the way I wanted them to be- they wouldn't be so fearless to my authority. Take Neon, for example, he loves and adores me or so I thought until these devils came around.

Currently, Neon doesn't spend time with me any longer, he's always with the twins. The excited glint in his eyes is reserved now for Ailee and Allen. How could he abandon me like that? I was his mother; I trained him for seven and in return, he betrayed me - what an unfilial child. Even I didn't betray Niklaus - wait a minute, did I?

But then, amid that, I still very much love Allen and Ailee and Neon - I don't know what charm they used over me that even though they piss me off daily, I still end up forgiving them, grudgingly.

If not my strange love for them, I would have skinned them alive for that paint prank. Although Pedro was partially the reason I didn't give them a piece of my dark mind - he pleaded on their behalf. Moreover, I didn't want him to think I was too harsh on them- Pedro should see the image of the world's most magnanimous sister ever.

But inwardly, I was seething with anger. Yesterday had been the best day to taint that pure soul Pedro before Daddy Terror- Niklaus- returned from his trip with Dearest Mommy Goody-Reina- yet those kids ruined it for me. This is why this morning I gave no shit to them resulting in the fire incident.

I knew Allen, Ailee and Neon were up to no good especially when they were being sneaky early this morning. My conscience told me they were up to another prank, but I ignored them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

From the scare I gave them yesterday, they wouldn't come up with another trick on me for a while. So that means they were either having their nasty crazy experiments or planning another hoax on an unknown target - none of my business since it wasn't on me.

I ignored them and focused my attention on my computer, lifestreaming to my eager fans about the latest everyday hacks when an unexpected boom occurred, shaking me to the core.

Before I knew it, the entire house lit up with a bright red light preceded by the noise of the fire alarm resounding throughout the house. Someone or something triggered the fire alarm and I didn't need to guess who or why.

Without wasting them, I abandoned the life broadcast and the questioning looks of my fans - they too heard the alarm -?and hurried downstairs just to see the trio running out of their burning room.

Their eyes were wide as soon as they saw me - were they planning on escaping alone? Their faces were covered with soot and even from a distance, they smelled of smoke.

"What the hell did you do?!" I screamed, eyes scanning the thick fume emerging from the room - at this rate, the fire would escalate pretty soon.

We had a sprinkler system in place and contrary to what the movies portray that all the sprinklers in a system are tied together and when one is triggered by heat, they all activate - If this was the case, putting out a fire would simply be trading fire damage for water damage - but that wasn't how it worked, sprinkler heads function individually.

Normally, fires should be completely extinguished after just one or two sprinklers activate, but the heat from that room told me it wasn't close to stopping.

Less than a second, all the workers in the house came out and we were led outside and that leads to this current moment.

Niklaus and his wife Reina were heading to us and from the look on their faces, no one was getting out of this one.

"Oh thank God!" Reina cried out, hugging both of her kids tight, a huge relief on her face.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" She began to check the twins who now had a naive look on their faces - those damn pretenders!

Reina's gaze suddenly settled on Neon who scratched the back of his head, feeling left out.

"Neon, come here," I watched her call to the boy who timidly walked over to her.

It gladdened my heart that Reina didn't conserve her motherly love alone for her twins. Though Neon wasn't biologically her son, he was a member of this family now - We've accepted him by heart. And I knew she wasn't faking her affection for him else I would have seen through her act. Maya or Reina - whatever she calls herself - just has a big heart.

"Are you okay baby?" She checked Neon just as she checked the twins earlier.

The boy barely nodded, short of words. Though Neon wasn't as smart as the twins, he was knowledgeable enough to know that Reina wasn't his biological mother and shouldn't expect equal treatment. So it wasn't surprising he was stunned by her concern - not that Reina has ever maltreated him anyway.

Left for me alone, I would have persuaded my father to adopt Neon and add his name to the family registry. But then, it wasn't our call to make since we have to take consent from his mother Jennifer and there was no doubt, she would agree right away - and that was the problem.

No matter how much we train Neon, Jennifer is still his mother and the same blood runs through his veins. What's the probability Neon won't change in the future and usurp a position that isn't his and wouldn't be his once he's adopted fully into our family?

Though I was sure that such a scenario would never happen especially now Neon's in the care of Reina, however, the human heart is wicked and one can never tell what would happen in the future.

"What the hell happened here?" Niklaus asked with a not so pleased expression - he was restraining his fury.

Since that question was directed at nobody in particular - thankfully -?the three of them all began to speak at the same time. Though it was more of a squabble, the truth came to light.

Turns out that the kids have been binge-watching Teen wolf - I can confirm that - and got to the episode where Lydia and Stiles created a molotov cocktail they threw at Peter. So you could guess what happened next?

Reina's crazy, adventurous, risk-taking twins decided to create the molotov cocktail otherwise known as a petrol bomb, gasoline bomb, bottle bomb, poor man's grenade, firebomb - you name it - all by themselves.

How they even got the complete chemical by themselves scares me. Wait a minute, it shouldn't surprise me since they had an unlimited credit card to make their purchases - how do you think I did mine years ago?

Though I didn't understand what they said happened next - it was more of an argument between the trip-but it seems Neon unintentionally tampered with it and boom, the explosion - they were extremely lucky enough to have escaped unharmed.

"And what were you, Isabella doing?" Niklaus asked one strange question.


"Where were you when all this was going on?"

I stared at my father in disbelief, "You're not seriously blaming me for this incident, are you?"

"I'm not blaming you for this but you sure contributed to it,"

I scoffed, "Allen and Ailee are responsible for this!" I pointed to him in case his sight was broken.

"Yes, because you didn't keep a close watch on them! " he yelled at me.

"I am not their babysitter! "

"You are more than that, you're their elder sister; a sister who's supposed to take care of them not ignore them while they stupidly put themselves in danger. Isabella, you are supposed to be the sensible one here, that's your responsibility now the family circle has grown,"

Guilt hit me hard as I realized my father was speaking the truth. I shouldn't have let them go ahead with their stupid plan when I sensed it earlier. What if they had hurt themselves? I was just too selfish to care because of yesterday's prank - call that childishness.

I was just about to open my mouth to apologize when Niklaus made a comment that made anger fill me.

"I'm so disappointed in you, Isabella,"

I clenched my fist, eyes simmering with rage. I wasn't the one who started the fire yet he hadn't scolded the kids who started the whole thing and took it out on me. Though the feeling was new to me but Instinctively, I knew elder siblings shouldered the whole blame in such a situation but my father's words really hurt me.

I was new at this big sister role of a thing - it has always been me and Niklaus- yet he didn't consider that and instead was quick to get disappointed in me? I gave Niklaus an icy look and left notwithstanding Reina calling after me.

I don't need her appeasement.

FUCK them all.

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