Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 313 - Three Hundred And Thirteen : The Engagement

Chapter 313 - Three Hundred And Thirteen : The Engagement

The third point of view :

Isabella stared at the crafty old man, a smirk on her face. Who was he trying to deceive? The grandpa was smart but she had an upper hand: Grown up tend to look down on children.

"Fine, I agree to the deal," Isabella said to the man's surprise. He had seen the girl was a fierce and determined one hence didn't expect her to give in that easily.

At that moment, the door opened and the arrogant bastard called Julie walked in. Sure, she could see why Anabelle fell for him, he was breathtakingly handsome with soft silky blonde hair that fell over his right eye adding to his sexiness, kissable bow-shaped mouth, and blue eyes, however, he fell in comparison to Pedro - at least in Isabella's view. Though Julie had a face most women would willingly die for, his body was nothing compared to Pedro's - and Isabella liked a well-defined sexy chest.

The boy had a smug look on his face and it took Isabella all the strength she could mutter not to lunge at him and punch the daylight out of that annoying pretty face.

"Grandfather," Julie bowed, still staring at Isabella out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh, you're here son," He acknowledged his presence, "How are you doing? Hope the injury wasn't serious,"

"Well, aside from a slight whiplash, I'm good," He said, flexing his wrist and shoulder.

"What a great pretender," Isabella scoffed audibly, "Even Reina didn't get an award for her great acting,"

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Reina gave Isabella the look, why was she dragging her into this matter. She was the one who brought herself into this mess in the first place.

"As you can see.." George ignored Isabella's grumbles, " The perpetrator of the incident has admitted to her crimes, and to make restitution, she has agreed to be your bride,"

Isabella winced at the mention of 'bride'. This man was really shameless, this was the twenty-first century! You can just force a girl to marry your irritating son just because you like her!! - she flips the table out of anger mentally.

"What do you say to that, son?" George asked.

Isabella snorted, the acting between grandpappy and son was so awesome she wanted to puke. Even if Julie doesn't like her, it was obvious he wouldn't disobey his decision.

"I agree to the engagement, Grandfather, " Julie agreed, eyes fixed on Isabella.

Reina was almost angered to death, she was hoping this little male specimen would atone for his sins by disagreeing to the engagement after what he did to Anabelle. It was no wonder her father, Valentino, was shameless too - like mentor, like mentee.

Reina was about to step in and take matters into her own hands when Isabella said.

"Hold your horses, old and young man. This matter has not yet been fairly settled,"

"What are you talking about, young one?" George mumbled.

"I got into this ridiculous engagement because I tried to hurt your precious grandson yet your son went scot-free after he hurt my precious cousin, Anabelle,"

"Don't be ridiculous, you're paying for the sins of trying to harm him in a bid to avenge Anabelle," George argued, almost going red in the face. This was the first time in his entire life to encounter a shrewd child like this.

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," Isabella leisurely quoted Newton's third law of motion, "There's no equal reaction on my part - you duo are the only ones benefiting from this," the girl didn't back down nor show signs of weakness.

A smile crept up Reina's face and she relaxed into her seat comfortably. Isabella already got this covered, she'd see how this brazen granny and his son escape her.

"Don't be too greedy," Julie pointed at her.

"Haa!" Isabella harrumphed, "I'm greedy? So says the two-timer"

"Y-you?!" Julie found himself shooting up to his foot, blood rushing to his face.

"Shut up," His grandfather silenced him, taking control of the discussion once again. He had underestimated the girl once more and this heightened his resolve to make her a member of the family once the time was ripe.

Marriage of convenience was not an uncommon thing in aristocratic families. Noble families marry off their daughters to fellow powerful families to tighten relations and make alliances, with both sides benefiting from the arrangement.

The girl was a rare gem. Her smartness, bravery, and shrewdness were the major factors he needed. With this attitude, she would definitely take their business places - she must be kept in their family. If the girl could already be this smart at this young, what would she be like when she grows up into a woman? Dangerous! indisputable!

"Fine, what do you want?" He asked.

"Since Julie has the nerve to play around with my cousin, I want the right to be with whoever I want for two years too - that should be enough to break his heart,"

"Impossible!" the old man refused, he knew what that means. That indicates the engagement would not be active for two years. After all, what noble family would engage their son to a lady who dates another in public? He couldn't allow this, anything could happen in that two years and the engagement could come to a void.

"What's more ridiculous?" Isabella laughed, "The fact that you engaged me to your womanizer grandson - no pun intended - and the fact I would have my freedom for two years?" was her question.

George negotiated, "A year is all I can offer. Two years is too much," He intentionally didn't say his fear but the crafty girl knew it already. His ignorant grandson could change his mind and cancel the engagement - like he would let him!

"Two years, nothing less," Isabella leaned closer to his desk, holding the old man's gaze, "So you know, just because you're the Falcon's gang past glory..." she didn't hide the sarcasm,

"doesn't mean you can mess with Spencer's group. We are on top of the game too. So you can either take the deal or leave it, we'll gladly go to your childish war, " she seriously couldn't comprehend their nonsensical rule.

How old was this girl once again? George couldn't help but wonder. He suddenly felt jealous, if only this foolish son was as capable as her, he wouldn't have any problem and die a happy grandpa.

But then, he was the only parent left for Julie and the old man wanted to ensure that before he left this world, he had set everything in place for him to have a successful rule and live comfortably.

This young lady was strong enough to rule by his side. Once they both fell in love with each other naturally, they'll surely protect each other fiercely. Which was why he wanted them together now they were still young so the feeling could be deeply rooted. But it seems the universe was working against him.

"Fine," he agreed.

Though he knew it was a low move, George had used the idea of war to scare Isabella into accepting the engagement. He was already old to start a war with another clan - he wasn't that callous. However, desperate times call for desperate measures. Right now, he could only hope and pray that his foolish grandson plays his cards well.

"Fine, I agree. The engagement would go into effect in two years," The old man gave in.

Isabella smiled, it worked. However, it wasn't over yet because this was a reckless gamble. The girl has placed all her cards on Anabelle. Since her cousin likes this pretentious Casanova so much, Isabella hopes she makes him fall for her enough that Julie's willing to annul the engagement, under two years else she's doomed.

"Thank you for your time," She and Reina were already on her feet.

"You're welcome," George added, "Even without the contract, Julie would hang around you from now,"

Isabella featured a smile that didn't touch her eyes. Inwardly, she was seething, that old man! He was trying to trap her from all corners!

"Of course, he's always welcome," Isabella acquiesced with an unusually soft tone that even goosebumps appeared on Reina's arm.

Sure, let him come. She'd have the opportunity to put the fear of God into him plus matching him and Anabelle together would be easier. But If things get difficult, she'd have no more option than to drug both of them.

Sex makes even the worst of idiot fall in love. Take a look at Reina and that man called Niklaus, which fairy in her right senses would like to marry that possessive devil? Yet good-hearted Reina did - both were polar opposite.

Isabella cast one last long deadly look at Julie before leaving after Reina. She can't wait for them -she and Julie- to have so much fun together.

"You do know you have to tell Pedro the truth?" Reina, the killjoy had to comment Of course as soon as they were out. Way to ruin her mood.

Isabella had a somber look on her face as she wondered how to go about this one. She suddenly wished she had heeded Pedro's advice. Now, she had gotten herself into deep shit

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