Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 86 - Eighty-six : He Wants To Murder Me

Chapter 86 - Eighty-six : He Wants To Murder Me

Maya's POV

I must be crazy ! No, I am crazy ! How and where in the world did I get such boldness ? No that can't be , a spirit must have possessed me!

After I walked back to the gala, I realized how foolish I had been, engaging in a bathroom fight? Yeah it was pathetic but I wasn't going to sit and watch some spoilt rich brat step all over me.

Now the adrenaline was spent, the feeling of nervousness overwhelmed me and I stopped a waiter carrying a fresh tray of champagne glasses, grabbed one and gulped it down.

" Wow!" I exclaimed internally and my eyes rolled in delight, that was strong and invigorating. So I took another one and downed it and another and another and ano-

"What do you think you're doing? " Eden questioned and snatched away my fifth drink much to my annoyance.

"Give it back! " I demanded but he simply moved it out of my reach and before I could say a word, drank it till there was nothing left.

" Make sure no one serves her any alcoholic drink again tonight " Eden placed the empty champagne flute on the tray and ordered the waiter who nodded his head and left.

I gritted my teeth and glared at him "I can hold my drink, I grew one-quarter of my life in the slums" I reminded him incase he thinks am one of these barbies in the party tonight that needs protection.

"Drinks from the slums and drinks made from luxury aren't the same, but if you feel you're in the mood to exhaust yourself, let's take it to the dance floor " he told me and that was when I realized the area of the ballroom reserved for dancing was slowly being filled with couples swaying to the romantic number the band were playing.

That area of the room had their lights dimmed and coloured , setting a romantic ambience while the live band played the song to perfection.

My gaze lifted back to Eden's " I'm so not doing that "

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He had a curious expression " Why not? "

"I'm just not doing it, okay "

His eyebrow rose in a challenge"Why? Because you're a chicken? "

My nostrils flared as soon as I caught the scorn in his voice " I'm not a chicken! "

"If you're not a chicken then, is it Niklaus ? " he guessed but I knew it wasn't far from the truth.

I followed the direction of his gaze and it rested on Nik who was engaged in some discussions with three or four people I would like to think of as his business associates.

I took a deep breath and turned to face Eden, looking him straight in the eye " Niklaus doesn't have to say anything to me, but a wise woman knows better than to associate with you "

Eden chuckled, he was amused " Sweetheart, You've sighed a contract with my agency already, so you'll be seeing a lot of me from now on. Now will you stop being such a pain in the ass and have a dance with me? " a knowing smile curled his mouth as he extends a hand to me.

"Don't think this changes anything between the both of us, I still hate you for using me " I spoke to him in a whisper.

"As you wish my lady " He drawled and I put my hand in his as he led me to the dance floor, in the midst of other dancing couples.

My heart was pounding in my chest while a tiny voice in my head was telling me this was a mistake but I didn't heed.

"I might be a little rusty with this dance cause I haven't gone to this sort of event in years. So expect a few stepping on toes disaster " I confessed and his eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Duly noted . " He said but my breath hitched in my throat when he suddenly held me close, his hips pressed flush against mine while bracing his hands on my hips.

" What are you doing? " I asked alarmed.

"Shhhh, relax and just follow my lead " he hushed me and began to sway to the music and I had no choice than to keep up with him. I had one hand in his while the other rested on his shoulder.

Unconsciously , I looked over my shoulder and met many gazes and though we weren't the only one dancing but their eyes were trained on us excluding Nik's . Where the hell was he?

My eyes caught a few reporters at a corner of the room who were given exclusive invitation into the ballroom take pictures of us and my stomach churned.This would definitely make the tabloids tomorrow.

Suddenly Eden spined me around and slowly lowers me in the direction of his knee, letting his hand run down my curves and causing tingles down my spine .

As much as I would love to bash him on the head for such foul play but I held unto his shoulder for support else I'll lose my balance and kiss the ground.

Though Kim's family was an asshole but I was grateful they gave me dance lessons when I was little, though I knew they did it so I don't embarrass them in social events but it sure came in handy now .

With one of his hands wrapped firmly around my waist and the other cradling the base of my neck, Eden pulled me back up and I couldn't have been more grateful.

Breathless,I was still trying to catch my breath when I felt his hand suddenly travel down my side and found the slit in my gown, moved his hand inside the skirt and stroked the skin of my inner thigh causing my eyes to widen.

I tried to pull away but I couldn't move an inch, his grip around my waist was iron and like an impregnable fortress, I couldn't escape.

"What do you think you're doing? " I literally spat fire from my eyes.

He smirked and gestured with his head and my gaze followed as he said "Trying to unruffle my dear cousin "

My breath hitched when I discovered Niklaus was in same dancing floor with us, and even with the distance between us , I could feel the anger coming off of him.

Though he had a partner in his arms - which thankfully was not Tina - but he was the lest interested and instead trained his eyes on us in such a way that will make someone feel self conscious .

To others watching we were waltzing perfectly across the floor since such dance requires intimate contacts and movements but Nik knew otherwise. And Eden was making it worse by creating ambiguous postures.

He pulled me closer, leaned in and whispered into my ears " Do you see the fire in his eyes? He wants to murder me "

I couldn't even bear to look Niklaus in the eye, I've seen those furious eyes before and what happens afterwards.

Suddenly there was a general twirl as all the male dancers turned their partners as if choreographed but there was an interruption.

Instead of spinning back into the arms of Eden, there was a switch and I ended up with Nik instead while Eden ended up with Nik's own partner.

Oh - boy

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