Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 111 - Swallowing Pride


He was on his way to the cave, uncertain what he might be about to meet there from Elreth, but as he entered the meadow, the door to Reth and Elia's tree house opened and Elreth stepped out, Reth on her heels.

Bracing a little bit, Aaryn changed direction to join them. As Elreth turned to face her father on the doorstep, his heart clenched. The sunlight scattered reds, oranges, and golds through her hair. She smiled a sad smile and all he wanted to do was gather her into his chest and hold her away from whatever was hurting her. His mate. His True Mate. His One.

Fuck, he'd do anything for her he realized. Including face down her father, the elders, their entire people, if it's what it took. He wasn't giving her up.

But it was apparent as he approached that he wasn't the topic of conversation between them.

Elreth was shaking her head, her face worried. "…you and mom going to be okay?" She obviously hadn't realized Aaryn was coming. The wind blew her scent straight to him and the urge to hold her got stronger.

She was scared.

Reth caught sight of him over her shoulder and his eyes flashed with something Aaryn couldn't identify. "You'll understand with time, El," he said, still staring at Aaryn. "When your mate hurts you, it's a lot harder to overcome than the same exact wound from another. But if you're willing to let healing happen, you'll always end up closer at the end. The problem is when people don't want to allow themselves or their Mate time to recover."

Aaryn's eyes narrowed in confusion. Reth still stared at him as if his message was for Aaryn. But then they snapped away when Elreth spoke.

"Is that what you're doing right now? Recovering apart?"

Reth's brows pressed together over his nose and he looked startled by the idea. "I… I suppose so," he said thoughtfully.

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"Where is she?"

Reth sighed as Aaryn reached them and Elreth turned, surprised, but apparently happy to see him because she took his hand and held it, even when her father eyed the touch.

"Your mother just wanted some time to herself. She's just walking, El. I just don't know where she went. She'll be back later."

Elreth blinked and that fear in her scent spiked. Aaryn got it. He'd never seen Reth and Elia so… ununified. They were always a pair—always aiming for the same goal. Always in love. Even when they fought, they weren't interested in anyone else's time or energy. They circled each other like stars that crashed together when they got past whatever it was that had made them angry.

To go days without a reconciliation was… disturbing.

Elreth let him go long enough to lean in and hug her father, patting his back and telling him she'd drop by again later.

Then she turned to him with a sad smile and he touched her face. "You okay?"

She shook her head. "But I know what I have to do, so…" she shrugged.

He was about to ask when Reth interrupted them. "Good to see you Aaryn, have you seen Gar today?"

"No, sorry. I haven't been over there since yesterday."

"El?" Reth asked.

El growled. "No. And I'm glad. I don't want to. He's hiding something from me and he was a jerk the other night and he doesn't even care."

Aaryn sighed. If she knew she'd forgive her brother. But Gar had been very clear: If Elreth found out, the disformed would be on their own. He had to try to convince Gar to be the one to soften and let him tell Elreth, if Gar wouldn't do it himself.

Reth sighed. "I shouldn't have sent you to punish him the other night," he muttered. "Something's going on there. Your mother says we should be proud of him, but that's yet another secret she's keeping. I don't understand Gar's anger. I love him just as much as I love you, El. But he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you, Dad," Elreth said, putting one hand to her father's arm. "I think he hates himself. The question is, why?"

Reth looked first confused, then disturbed. "That's a very good point, El. I'll ask him."

Elreth snorted. "Let me know how that goes."

Then they both farewelled her father and Elreth took Aaryn's hand and started leading him back towards the cave.

That tension settled in his chest again—was she still angry? Did she still question him? But he could smell her discomfort, the fear mixed with guilt and shame. He didn't understand it. "What's wrong, El?" he whispered as they crossed the meadow. "You were angry when I last saw you, now it's like you're…"

"Eating humble pie?" she sighed. "Because that's what I have to do. I have to go back to the elders and apologize and take back my orders not to ask those questions about you and me and… just the whole thing."

Aaryn was surprised, but could see the wisdom in it. "Why?" he asked curiously, though given who she'd been talking to, he suspected he knew.

"I have to let them question me. And you. It's their job. It's how they figure out where I need help, and where I have the right answers. And it's how I can prepare for the questions or problems I might get from the people," she said, like she was reciting it to herself.

Aaryn nodded, but put his hand to her shoulder and squeezed, holding her when she leaned in to put an arm around his back and hug him as they walked.

"That sounds wise," he said softly, then kissed her hair.

"Do you let the disformed question you like that?" she asked softly.

"They don't question me on being disformed, obviously," he chuckled without humor. "But they challenge me on other things."

"Like what?"

Like, when I turned you down when you offered me the Advisor Cohort. My Second tried to take my seat after that and I had to set him down. He wasn't successful, but there's still some tension about that. I'm sure they're scared I've blocked myself from any position of power. And their fiercely disappointed."

"So… do they want you there to help them, or because they want to build up disformed power in society and take over?"

He shot her a look. "Really? You really think that, El?" he said, his voice edged in anger.


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