Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 163 New Car

Leaving the potion shop, behind Nathan is the vendor waving him goodbye with a bright smile on his face.

Since he bought a lot of things, the vendor, or Pon as he introduced himself, was very enthusiastic with serving Nathan.

Besides the 50 Health Potions that he bought, Nathan also bought 50 pieces each of Mana Potion, Antidote Potion, Strength Potion, and Agility Potion.

From the name of those, you can already guess their uses.

Overall, he spent 7,500 Null Energy Stones.

(AN: Health/Mana Potion = 10 Null, Antidote Potion = 30 Null, Strength/Agility Potion = 50 Null.)

To note, the currency being used in this market is Null Energy Stones.

Nathan doesn't have a complaint since he has a lot of it in stock.

After buying the potions, Nathan decided to leave the market so he walked back to the door he used to get in here.

Passing through it, his vision darkened again and the next moment, he was already in the white room.

"Shopping in that Fantasy Market was quite an experience, I should do it more often." Nathan said.

Then, without stopping, he exited the market.

Appearing back outside the market, Nathan went to the planting fields and called Natura.

Immediately, the small spirit rushed towards him.

Flying around him full of enthusiasm, Natura asked,

"Master! Master! What did you need me for?"

Feeling her emotions, Nathan was also happy.

After a light chat, Nathan said his purpose for calling him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Natura, I want to ask you guys to stop planting crops for now."

Puzzled, Natura asked, "Eh? But, why, Master?"

"Well, I want you guys to focus on planting this for now."

Nathan gave Natura a bag of seeds.

Curiously, Natura took a look at it.

"Bean Soldier seeds?"

Immediately, she realized what was inside the bag was a bunch of Bean Soldier seeds.

Subconsciously, she turned her gaze at the Bean Soldier at the field, farming with a smile, before looking back at Nathan.

Nathan nodded, "That's right. I want you guys to focus on planting Bean Soldier seeds for now."

"Oum, understood, Master!"

Natura immediately responded without question.

Inside her, she was honestly curious for this sudden change but she decided not to ask.

After that, the two talked for a while more before Nathan left the space.

Back in his house, Nathan looked at the time and saw that it was already 8 in the morning.

"Hmm, I did not notice that I've been gone for 2 hours, huh." He said, "I guess I should make some breakfast first."

On his way to the kitchen, Nathan saw Natalie wearing a pajama with panda designs on it, walking in the hallway with a sleepy look.

Raising an eyebrow, he said, "Oh, Tal, you're back. What time did you come home last night?"

Hearing his voice, Natalie looked at him while yawning.

"Yawn~ … Last night? I don't know, brother." She said, "I was too tired so I went straight to bed when I came back."

Nathan nodded in understanding,

"Is that so?"

Then he added, "Well, I'll go to the kitchen to cook breakfast, you go call the kids."

"Okay…" Natalie nodded.

After saying that, Nathan continued his way to the kitchen.

Half an hour later.

The group finished eating and was now all in the living room, watching TV.

At this time, as everyone was relaxing, the doorbell suddenly rang.

*Ding Dong~*

Nathan stopped the others from getting up and said, "Wait, I'll get it."

Opening the door, a man in a uniform appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Nathan, right?"

Nathan nodded, "Yes, is there something you need?"

The man introduced himself and Nathan realized that he was from the car dealership that he went to yesterday.

The car that he bought, the Ferrari 485 Italia, is now outside.

Learning that, Nathan let them place the car in his garage.

After Nathan signed a few papers, the people from the car dealership finally left.

Looking at the new addition on his cars, Nathan was very satisfied.

With the key in his hand, he stepped inside the car.

"Since I'll be using this one from now on, I guess I'll test drive it first."

Starting the car, the low rough sound of the engine echoed inside the garage.

*Vroom Vroom Vroom!*

The next moment, the car shoots out of the villa, showing its beauty on the road of Olongapo City.

The cars around automatically gave way to him, afraid that they might accidentally put a scratch to it.

After driving for a while, Nathan finally stopped his car.

When he stepped out of his car, the sound of construction echoed on his surroundings.

A man wearing a construction helmet hurriedly approached Nathan at this time.

"Sir Nathan! I didn't expect that you would be coming today. If I knew, I would have prepared something for you." Said the man.

Nathan waved his hand, "Ha, no need for that Mr. Jerry. I'm only here as I have things to do up in the mountains."

Right now, Nathan is at Mount Tralala.

It's been a while since he last went to the camp, that's why Nathan decided to take a look at it.

​ He also wants to see how Mook is doing now.

Besides those, he also wants to look at the control room and search if there's some information about the Naeco Prison that he went to last time within the files inside it.

He wants to know everything that he can so that when he goes there again, he won't be as clueless as before.

"Oh, since that's the case, then I won't disturb you anymore."

Said Mr. Jerry after hearing Nathan's words.

Looking at him, Nathan said, "I'll go first. After I finish what I need to do, I might take a look at the site to see how it's going."

Mr. Jerry showed a smile at him, and said, "Good, good, then be careful on your way up, Sir Nathan!"

Nodding at him, Nathan proceeded on his way towards the camp.

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