Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 299: Intel that shocked the world!

  Chapter 299 Intel shocked the world!

  For the safety of the world, they resolutely refused to cooperate with Hantang Technology Co., Ltd. and announced the suspension of EDA software support services!

   And these three EDA companies are Synopsys, Cadence and MentorGraphic!

  These three companies monopolize 60% of the world's EDA software, of which they monopolize 60%, and there is no doubt that it is 60% of mid-to-high-end chip design.

  As they discontinue their cooperation with Hantang Technology and are unwilling to let Hantang Technology use EDA software, it is conceivable that Hantang Technology's processors will stop abruptly.

   That is to say, as they discontinue the EDA software, if Hantang Technology cannot solve the problem of self-produced EDA software.

  Don’t think about the CPU processor of Hantang Technology, or the Hantang computer of Hantang Technology!

  And not only the computer CPU processor and Hantang computer don't need to think, what's even more frightening is that Hantang Technology cannot use EDA software.

   Among them, various common circuits such as motherboard circuits can be designed without thinking. It can be said that this time the three major companies announced their cooperation with Hantang Technology at the same time.

   Hantang Technology immediately ushered in a major scientific research stoppage. Hantang Technology can no longer use EDA software for circuit design, and can no longer develop chips!

  Because the current EDA software needs to be connected to the Internet, with the stop of service support in Silicon Valley.

  That Hantang Technology can crack the local version of EDA software even if the computer has EDA software.

  But because they can’t connect to the Internet, they can’t use their company data, so Hantang Technology can’t use it even if it has EDA software!

  The scientific research of Hantang Technology Co., Ltd. has fallen into an unprecedented shutdown!

  After learning from the newspaper what the suspension of cooperation between the three major EDA software and Hantang Technology means, the people of Great Xia were instantly furious.

  Is it over yet? Can they be any more shameless!

  Are the guys at Mediguo so afraid of competing with Hantang Technology?

  Why did they do everything possible to prevent Hantang Technology from solving domestic computer substitution?

  Are they that afraid of competition? Are you so afraid of head-on market competition with Hantang Technology?

   On that day, millions of people in Daxia learned from newspapers and Internet media that the three major EDA software companies, Synopsys, Cadence, and MentorGraphic, announced at the same day that they had discontinued their cooperation with Hantang Technology, and they knew what this meant.

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   Millions of Daxia people were so angry that smoke was coming from their nostrils!

  Faced with the situation that the three companies were overseas, but they had nothing to do with those companies, the common people in Daxia could only be helplessly furious.

   But fortunately, Hantang Technology's action is also very fast, after the three major companies announced that they will stop providing support for Hantang Technology's EDA software.

  Hantang Technology’s official website released an announcement, which made those furious people feel a little better, because in this announcement is Lin Xuan’s announcement:

  "...The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. In the process of our Hantang Technology along the way, we encountered the means and suppression of countless despicable companies.

   Someone once interrupted our chips, and we made Hanfeng, Tangfeng, and Songfeng series chips.

   Also produced super tempered glass that is still banned from sale by foreign companies. So far, all foreign companies cannot use our super tempered glass.

   Let super tempered glass become our flagship product in Daxia, so far no company can produce super tempered glass with the same performance as ours!

   We have been banned from WLANs by mean means.

  As a result, we created wireless optical communication technology, making wireless communication technology a subsidiary technology of wireless optical communication technology!

   And now some guys from the Wintel alliance once again stretched out their evil hands, trying to cut off our EDA software, so that we can no longer make chips.

  I want to say about this, since your three major EDA software companies are willing to listen to the instigation of Intel and Weiruan of the Wintel Alliance, then prepare for their demise.

  Is it difficult to develop EDA software?

   It is difficult for many companies, but it is not difficult for us Hantang Technology Company, because we are a chip manufacturer with the most advanced process technology in the world!

  EDA software is chip design software that serves chip manufacturing after all, and the small means of interrupting EDA supply can only cause us a little trouble.

   But this trouble will not last long, because I will solve the EDA software problem within 15 days!

   In this regard, I want to tell those guys on Wall Street, use any despicable means to your heart's content, and I will follow them all!

  We Hantang Technology will definitely complete and sell our Hantang computer before December 25th! "

  Millions of Daxia people across the country saw Lin Xuan's announcement, and the anger in their hearts eased slightly.

  Interruption of EDA software is a fatal problem for ordinary companies. Ordinary companies must be finished, and the company may even go bankrupt directly.

  But since Lin Xuan said that he would solve the problem of replacing the DEA software within 15 days, the anger in their hearts has also slowed down a little.

  However, although the anger in their hearts has slowed down a little, their anger towards the real culprit behind the scenes is also getting bigger and bigger.

  Wintel Alliance, or more precisely, the two companies Weisoft and Intel have repeatedly prevented Daxia from producing domestically produced CPUs.

   And the blocking method is still so despicable and shameless. First, Intel is unwilling to authorize the X86 instruction set to Hantang Technology.

   Waiting for Hantang Technology to pass VIA (Weisheng Electronics), spent a huge sum of 100 million US dollars to purchase the production and development authorization of the X86 instruction set, and can officially produce computer CPUs.

  As a result, Weiruan system announced that it would not support Hantang Technology's processors, which made Hantang Technology spend 100 million US dollars in purchase funds in vain.

   Not long after that, Hantang Technology finally came up with the processor architecture of big and small cores, which can be regarded as an alternative that can re-produce CPU processors, but the result?

  He N's!

  Wintel Alliance and they even engaged in small tricks, and through unknown means, the three major EDA software companies and Hantang Technology stopped cooperation.

  Let Hantang Technology cannot develop chips and motherboards because there is no EDA software...

   It can be said that Weiruo and Intel of the Wintel Alliance have once again successfully disgusted countless Daxia people, making countless Daxia people really disgusted with these two companies.

   At this time, countless people vowed in their hearts that after the products of Hantang Technology are launched in the future, they will never buy or even use the products of these two companies.

  Because the actions of these two companies are too disgusting and too small-minded, villains are not enough to describe.

  If they defeated Hantang Technology in an aboveboard way, then people all over the country would express their approval and understanding.

   After all, you defeated poorer products with better products through aboveboard means. This kind of success is recognized.

  Even if you occupy a market size that can be called a monopoly, people will only be a little bit jealous at most, but they will also approve of your behavior in their hearts.

  But now you do not use better products to defeat worse products, but compete through various small means that are not on the table.

   This naturally made countless Daxia people feel sick, feel nauseous, and even have a deep disgust for these two companies.

  No matter what their emotions are, they can't reverse the fact that Intel monopolizes the CPU, and the fact that Microsoft Systems monopolizes the global computer system!

  They can only rage impotently in their hearts, making their mood worse.

   But a few days later, after a news broke out in Silicon Valley.

   Half of the millions of people who swore never to use the products of these two companies have changed their attitudes 180 degrees in an instant.

   People have to sigh with emotion, people are such cheap bones.

  The reason for the 180-degree change in people's attitudes is that both Intel and Weisoft of the Wintel Alliance have made earth-shattering moves!

  First of all, Intel Corporation announced a news.

  The news is that they will release their Core processors on November 20 this year!

   As for the Core processor information, Intel did not disclose much information,

   just revealed the name of a Skylake microprocessor architecture and its process technology.

   Among them, the Skylake microprocessor architecture has only one name, and people don't know what it means.

  The information about the process technology immediately excited the computer enthusiasts all over the world, because this time the Core processor uses a 14nm process technology!

   That's right!

   is a 14nm process chip!

  Hearing this earth-shattering good news, half of the millions of people who were angry with the Wintel Alliance instantly defected and changed their attitude!

  14nm may seem like a common term, but just think about the history of global chips.

  The 14nm chip this time is not easy to see how much the performance of the processor is improved by each process advancement!

  Because the most advanced computer CPU process technology in the world is actually still at the 65nm process level!

  Although Hantang Technology has advanced the process technology to 45nm and completed 45nm mass production, the process technology of global computer processors actually stays at the 65nm level.

   From 65 nanometers directly to 14 nanometers, which directly reduces 51 nanometers!

   And how many generations of improvement does this 51nm reduction actually equate to?

   Cannot be measured!

  Now Intel directly plays the big step and directly skips countless generations of process technology updates, and directly jumps to 14nm. By then, the performance improvement of the CPU must be terrifying!

  So when the world heard that Intel was going to release a 14nm computer CPU on November 20, they all got excited.

  At this time, they couldn't help calling Intel YES!

   But the disaster for Hantang Technology has not stopped. If Intel is to release the 14nm CPU on November 20, nearly half of the millions of people will directly defect.

  After that, a news released by Weiruan made half of the remaining half of the people rebel again!

  The news released by Weisoft is the news that they will fully develop Weisoft's intelligent programming technology.

   And the capital investment for the research and development of Weisoft's intelligent programming technology is 2 billion US dollars!

  (end of this chapter)

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