Tempting Fate

Chapter 107

107 Chapter 107: The Dream Killer

After the news of the zombies murdering people, there is another story that quickly circulated across the media and social media. Reed and Emy’s checkup had just ended, and Reed had made it appear that he was enjoying the information that the doctor had shared with them regarding having a kid. Because he was more focused on listening than her. They saw the news after leaving the OB’s room. They froze.

“How come no one else was seen on the CCTV entering that place except for him, but look at it. One of the victim’s legs and neck were cut off.”

“Yes, he’s a call center agent. Oh, that poor guy.”

They looked at the two nurses who were talking and watching TV. Reed and Emy walked away from the information desk on that floor. They started walking toward the elevator.

“Do you think that could be true? Why did his leg and head get cut off?” Emy asked.

“Do not think about it. Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.”

“What do you mean by it’s up to you?”

Reed smirked. “That means I’ll handle it?”

“Haist, do you think that what happened here is the same as what happened in that barangay? That one about zombies?”


“It’s possible, but let’s not assume,” Reed said. “It’s lunchtime, so where do you want to eat?”

“Let’s go to a fast food place. I’m missing fast food.”


In the meantime, Dynhir and Devin are eating ice cream at Eve’s house, after hanging out on Emy’s neighbor’s roof. They heard about the man’s mysterious death on the news.

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“Perhaps he cut off his foot before he cut off his head?” Eve said.

Devin chuckled. “You’re a joker, Eve.”

“I am serious, Devin.”

“As for Eve, just think about how he can cut off his neck. There’s no murder weapon, and there’s no potential killer.”

“So that means a demon did it, right?”

“Yes,” Devin said. “I think a dream demon attacked the guy.”

“You’re right, that’s what I figured,” Dynhir said.

Eve cocked her eyebrows. Devin chuckled. “So what? Remember that Reed let loose with his power and woke up all the sleeping demons? He should take care of it, and we will just watch.”

“You are right again, Devin,” Dynhir said.

“So you will not help him, are you?”

“Eve, Reed’s strong, right?” So why does he need help? And one more thing: I’m sure there’s a shaman who can help him.”


“Yes, you remember Reed’s two female employees in his shop? One of them was the granddaughter of a powerful shaman who died, and Reed was the one who killed her. So, all of her power as a shaman was given to her granddaughter.”

“Why would that novice shaman help Reed if Reed killed his grandmother?”

Devin just smiled and didn’t answer. Eve looked sad.

“It’s pointless to talk to you, Devin,” Eve said.

Devin just laughed. “It’s exciting to think about who will be the next target, isn’t it?” Dynhir said.

Meanwhile, Avery and Jasmin were working. They read the news online about a call center worker who died in an apartment under mysterious circumstances.

“So you’re saying that it’s possible that a demon did it?” Jasmin asked.

“Don’t you know where the body is? I’d like to see.” Avery told Jasmin.

“The report said nothing about it,” Jasmin said. “Can you tell Sir Reed your plan before you do anything else?”

“I’m a shaman, Jasmin, and I fight demons. Do you think my grandmother will be glad to hear that a demon is helping me?”

“I just thought that Sir Devin and Sir Reed had a good point. If you’re alone, you might be ruined, and even though they’re demons, they treat you like family. They never think poorly of you.”

“No, Jasmin, you can’t say that. Demons are always demons. They can be bad whenever they like. And I will not take you with me, because you could get hurt.”

“What? You are going to walk alone?”

“Yes,” Avery said, then she turned her back on Jasmin and went right to the pantry.

It was lunchtime, and the construction workers rested after eating. Others just played on their cell phones, and others slept.

A man eats well because they put all of his favorite foods out on a long table for him. He couldn’t believe that his wife would make him delicious food when he got home from work. He quickly grabbed the chicken and cut off its thigh.

Man drives his dream car. It was nice to drive that car, but he didn’t like it. He had wanted to buy it for a long time but couldn’t because his salary at work wasn’t enough. He stepped on the gas pedal and sped the car down the highway.

When he is with his wife and children, a man is happy watching TV. He couldn’t believe that they were a complete family because that only happened once. Both he and his wife are always busy with work. He works in construction, and his wife is a housemaid.

Man who was the youngest of the three was lying on the money. A lot of money was lying around in his room, and when he lay down on the bed, he was almost invisible because of all the money.

But the beautiful things he saw lost their attention when they saw a creature holding a sickle. Its body was full of stitches as if its body parts had just been joined. She covered her mouth with something that can’t be explained.

It started to get closer, which made everyone nervous. It raised the sickle and threw it at the man’s wife, who was watching TV. He screamed when he saw that it had cut the head of his wife off. His two daughters come next. He quickly stood up, crossed the back of the chair, and ran away.

The man stopped driving when he saw a strange creature blocking the road. The man was about to get down, but suddenly, the creature threw the sickle he was holding and it hit the windshield of his car.

“Shit!” The man quickly started the car and drove away.

It surprised the man on the bed when he threw the money and his arm suddenly went numb. His eyes got bigger as his hand hit him in the face and blood spread. The man gave a loud cry.

A sharp sickle that appeared in front of it suddenly cut the meat the man was eating at the long table in half. He got up from his chair and saw the creature pulling on the chain attached to the sickle. The man rushed to the table.

Meanwhile, the workers who were taking a break got panic when they saw what was going on with the four people who were sleeping with them in different places inside the building they were building. A man’s hand was cut off for no known reason. The other workers took a video of what was happening right away, while others called their supervisor and engineer, who were not far away.

Emy put her hand over her mouth as she watched live footage of a construction site. Live footage from construction workers shot from different angles quickly became popular. After seeing how every part of their bodies could be cut off, their fellow soldiers were sleeping. It splattered blood all over the building. It surprised many people to see that the sleeping workers were far from each other, and you can see in the video that there is no one next to them. The engineer and some of the men’s other coworkers tried to rouse the guys up using the available wood, but the men did not wake up.

“Oh, my gosh!” Emy said. When she saw the video, she couldn’t help but cry.

Because of traffic, their car stopped just in time. Reed turned toward Emy.

“What’s going on? Why?”

Instead of answering, Emy gave the phone to Reed, who saw the video Emy was watching.

Reed said, “Dream demon.”

“Dream demon?”

“He murders in victim’s dreams, and it ends up happening in real life. What sort of murder did he conduct in the dream that is the same as the one that takes place inside the body of his victim?”

“I feel sorry for those people. They are only taking a break at this time.” Emy said.

Reed cast his gaze across Emy. It seems to be profoundly influenced by the people who have had their dreams ruined by the dream monster. He took in a deep breath. Since he is responsible for everything, he needs to take responsibility for and rectify the situation he has created.

They had planned to eat lunch with Reed, but he suddenly lost his appetite before they arrived. When the traffic signal changed to green, Reed said, “It’s near, let’s visit the place,” and immediately thereafter, he started the automobile. Reed will help the workers if they arrive on time.

After traveling for fifteen minutes, the group finally arrived at the structure that was under construction. They saw Avery in that area.

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