Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 1 - 1 Betrayal.

A random bridge, in a random city.

In a very deep dark night.

The nature was very calm and still as if it was silently witnessing the injustice happening to a girl.

The girl's pleading could be heard in the surrounding area. Her yearning for life was so saddening that people who could hear it would find their heart wrenching due to immense grief.

If Some passer-by were to come here, they could vaguely see a girl hanging by the side of the bridge and a young man was gripping her right hand. He was wearing black from head to toe; very much like a devil who was doing a sin without any morality like it was nothing. There was a nonchalant yet murderous expression on his face when he cast a look on the girl.


"I don't want to die. Please don't kill me!"

Luo Lixi wanted to cry but couldn't. She was way too shocked after the events took place in front of her. 

Even in her wildest dream, she didn't have such a moment. She felt like her entire life was crushing down to dust then and there. 

She was losing her consciousness due to immense pain but bit down hard on her lips to remain awake. 

There was only one thought in her mind 'How... just how could he? Even if I am to die one day, it can't be today. I can't... I won't die here! My grandpa...my dreams... I didn't even achieve one of them. I have to live no matter what!'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She had a deep cut on her right hand. Blood was flowing down from it slowly. Her bright white dress was stained with deep crimson colour as time went by. It appeared  as if several red roses were blooming in the snow.

The eerie sound of the water below and this scene in the middle of the night could give goosebumps to anyone and definitely would be a reason for a heart attack.

The man sneered as he shot a disgusting look towards the girl.

"Huh! How can I spare you! You're like a thorn in my life. If only you weren't born, I wouldn't have done it to you. You were a nightmare to me, the source of my sorrow and misery. Don't you love me a lot? Didn't you always pray for my happiness? Then you should just die and I'll be HAPPY! Just die for me my lovely sister and your wish will come TRUE!"


The man ungripped his hand slowly as he saw the panicked expression on her pale face. Luo Lixi tried to grab his hand desperately but he opened her fingers one by one with his other hand and took away his hands.


Luo Lixi gave a heart-piercing shriek as she dropped on the turmoiling water of the river.

Then came a sound of water splashing from below. She was thrown down from the 63m high bridge. She was struggling desperately but the chaotic flow of the water washed her away who knows where. After some time the surrounding regains its peacefulness.

It was so calm as if the happenings of before were merely an illusion. 

Luo Lixi was thrown into the river in the middle of the night. Never did she imagine, one day her own little brother whom she loved and doted on the most would want to kill her.

She was a lovely and cheerful girl and loved by her grandpa the most. She lived a happy and carefree life under his shade. 

Nearly ten years ago, her parents died because of a mysterious car accident. Afterwards, it was her grandfather who looked after them and brought them up with a lot of love and care.

From childhood, she was groomed to be an heiress who could one day inherit the "Luo Corporation" from her father. But after her father's sudden death, it was her grandfather who had to take the responsibilities again. 

Even in a hundred busy schedules, he would spare some time for them. She was most grateful in her life to this old man.

Currently, She is 25 years old and has a little brother who is younger than her by two years. She loved him dearly from their childhood and hoped he would be happy and safe throughout his whole life. But the reality was cruel. This brother whom she cared so much for, today wanted her to die.

... ...

"Young master, you shouldn't have done that. What if young mis...no, I mean what if that woman comes back. Then, won't you be in danger?" said the butler named Hua Xiamin.

"Uncle Hua, don't worry." said Luo Lixiang. 

At last, he had killed his future obstacle. Now there wouldn't be anyone to bother him and he could have some peace of mind. He looked down and shrugged his shoulder.

"She was injured badly. I made sure to injure her severely so I am sure she can't survive in there." while saying he snickered.

'Even if she can get out alive from it, I'll make sure to kill her a second time.' He thought menacingly in his twisted mind.

He liked this sister of his when he was young. But as he was growing up his emotions began to change. She would forbid him to do it or that. Now it had come to a point where just the sight of her was unbearable to him. 

Also from childhood, he wasn't good at his studies. No matter how much he tried he just didn't like it. But he tried to be a good child but they ignored him and would always praise her for her good academic results in front of him as if to belittle him. Everyone loved her more than him and it was unbearable to his childish mind.

Eventually his like towards her changed into hatred. Outside he showed everyone he loved this sister of his but inside he hated her existence to the core. 

Tomorrow was supposed to be the day when their grandfather was going to announce his successor. This old man of his had always been biased towards his sister. He behaved like if he could he would bring the whole world to her. His obvious favour towards her made Luo Lixiang jealous.

Now he got the information from this butler that he would give his 60% share of property and business to her. It was the main reason why he was forced to take the final step. 

To receive her share, she had to attend the meeting herself which's now impossible. She didn't even know that she was going to be the richest woman in the country after tonight. He would make sure that old man got the news of her death tomorrow in the meeting.

'Well, it's his fault to remain biased towards her, resulting in me taking this step. I'm also his grandchild...' thought Luo Lixiang in annoyance. 

He stood there for nearly one hour while his eyes remained closed and he enjoyed the silence. 

Afterwards, he walked up to his car and drove away without the other man. 

'Let's see what that old fool will do tomorrow. Huh!' Luo Lixiang chuckled in his mind while driving. He looked very sinister.

The butler remained rooted to his spot there. After seeing Luo Lixiang's car went out of his sight, he heaved a small sigh. He hurriedly went to the side of the bridge where Luo Lixi was thrown from and stared below for some time. After making sure everything was okay, adjusting his messy emotions, he walked away from the spot with her scarf, purse and phone.

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