Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 22 - 22 Of Course I Want Them.

After five minutes, he came out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hip. After putting his clothes and drying his hair, he went downstairs. His footsteps were unhurried as he went down the stairs.

Sheng Haotin was drinking tea on a sofa at a side of the big room. Wei Airan was helping the maids in placing the dishes at the table dining table. When Sheng Ruming came down she noticed him at once.

"Xiao Ru, come. Look, I've made your favourite dishes. Let's eat together." Madam Sheng went up to him and grasped his hand with her as she brought him to the dining table area and made him sit at a wooden chair.

The table was huge. At least twenty people could eat together. The cutleries were of high quality. When the lights shone on them, they glittered brightly. Sheng Haotin didn't like these as he preferred eating in jade utensils so there was only one set of them in front of the main seat.

"Why are you still drinking now? Quickly come. Let's eat together." She looked at Sheng Haotin and said in a light irritating voice. 

This habit of drinking tea whenever he wanted, she didn't like this habit at all. Sheng Haotin placed the white jade cup down and walked to the dining table. He sat upright in his seat. When Sheng Ruming saw aunt Lin, he greeted her lightly. Aunt Lin was overjoyed as she greeted him in return.

After placing the dishes neatly in the table, the maids left. Wei Airan sat down in a chair between them. She looked at Sheng Ruming.

"Look, Xiao Ru. I've made your favorite dumplings. There are five kinds of varieties of it. You'll love them. Also I've made soup for both of you today. Taste it and tell me how it is. '' She said happily as she scooped one bowl of dumplings for him and placed it in front of him. He took a pair of chopsticks and tasted one.

"Hmm, it's good." 

"Then eat more. Mother has made other dishes for you too. You'll like them." She said as she passed many dishes in front of him. She rarely made food as she felt it was a hassle. 

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There were two people responsible for cooking so she didn't need to do anything. But today she made them. Even if the dishes were not very tasty but it was passable. 

Sheng Haotin was eating his food silently as if he was invisible. He didn't make any sound as he ate his meal slowly. Wei Airan passed him food only after she had finished stuffing food in his son's bowl. After seeing that Sheng Ruming was eating contently, she relaxed and felt happy. 

Only after, she took some food for herself and began eating. The atmosphere was harmonious as they ate their meal. It took only thirty minutes for them to finish dinner.

After dinner, both father and son went to the sofa as they sat down. Aunt Lin served them some tea for good digestion. As they drank their tea, they didn't say anything to each other.

Wei Airan came to them and sat beside him.

"Xiao Ru. Let's discuss about you."

"Ma, you don't need to worry. I'm fine."

"But your father said that you are unwell and that you'll have to go overseas for treatment." she asked him anxiously. "Is it something serious?"

"No. Just some small things. I'll come back as soon as possible. Don't worry." He reassured her.

Suddenly she thought something. They were with Sheng Haotin now and her son felt reluctant to talk freely in front of him. She also wanted to know the details and to have a heart to heart talk with him. She looked at Sheng Haotin as he was drinking tea.

The old man loved to drink tea and that's why their kitchen had fifty kinds of different tea like Long Jing tea, Huangshan Maofeng tea, Biluochun tea, Tieguanyin, Da Hong Pao etc. It was known to everyone about his obsession in this area. That's why many people would send him many rare and expensive tea as gifts. 

Wei Airan looked at Sheng Ruming and said calmly, "Let's go upstairs. I've bought something for you a few days ago." She said as she stood up and dragged him with her. 

Sheng Haotin just glanced at them slightly as he regained his nonchalant expression. It was nothing new to him. He took the remote control from the side table and turned on the news channel.

... ...

Upstairs, on the second floor, outside of the master bedroom. The Sheng couple lived in this room. As Wei Airan was walking to the second floor, she signaled aunt Lin to follow her.  

When she reached her room she turned to her, "Please guard the door and if Ah Hao comes, give me a signal."

"OK, Madam." she said as she stood at a corner and pretended to clean a very clean flower pot. 

Sheng Ruming couldn't help smiling when he looked at their little antics. It was just unnecessary but he remained muted.

Wei Airan entered the room as she closed the door behind her carefully and went to the inner area.

"Come here. Sit beside me." she sat on the bed as she asked him to sit beside her. "Tell me the truth. Don't lie to me. Why do you want to go abroad?"

Wei Airan asked him. She wanted to know about this matter from his mouth. 

"I've already said that before." He replied.

She stared at his face for quite some time.

"Is...is it because of my persuasion to you about getting married? If it is, then I'm sorry. Please don't go." she said as her voice cracked. She was on the verge of crying. 

"No." He wiped her tear which dropped down on her cheek. He sighed inwardly. "Ma, don't you want grandchildren?" 

Wei Airan choked in her crying. She looked at him abruptly. 

"Of course, I want them. Or what did you think when I was trying to matchmake you with those ladies?" She replied in resentment. 

Those ladies were all cream of the crop of the upper class yet his son didn't like any one of them. It was very saddening to her as she( with her friends) had personally picked them among several hundred ladies. But her effort was in vain.

"If you want, then I'll have to go abroad..." he didn't finish the line as he left the later half for further imagination. 

Wei Airan  thought of something as her body stiffened. 'Is my only son has some problems in that area? But how could it be?' she looked at him as she saw he was absent minded.

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