Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 112: Fishing Like This is Also Not Bad

Chapter 112: Fishing Like This is Also Not Bad

「Oーi, Al! Let’s go fishing!」

Roomba opened the door and said that to me when I’m lying down on the hammock in my cabin.


「Yeah, fishing! We’re going to get some fish to add to our dinner’s side dish.」

Roomba said and showed me the fishing rod while smiling.

Even though he said that it’s a fishing rod, it’s not a solid fishing rod that comes with a reel attached to it. It’s a reel-less rod. The pointed part has a long string, from which simple things such as float, weight, and the hook are attached.

It’s a big rod close to three meters that seems it would hit the ceiling if one doesn't hold it diagonally.

「Fishing, huh. Sitting there absent-mindedly while the salty sea wind blows on you, sounds nice.」

「What are you talking about? Fishing is nice since you can catch fish, right? 」

Roomba replied while being puzzled when I muttered, feeling so moved.

Good grief, whether it’s Eleonora-neesan or Torr, everyone said the same thing.

It would be nice to have pleasant chat while fishing as you comfortably enjoy the passage of time, don’t you think?

And being able to comfortably catch fish in between your chat is just great.

「Well, in any case, it’s to add to our dinner’s dish. Let’s go!」

After saying that, Roomba approached me and boosted me up from the hammock.

Roomba lifted me - who was light - up and was carried on his shoulder.

I was surprised by the sudden floating feeling but it’s quite fun.

「Yoshi. To the deck!」


And just like that, I arrived on the deck being carried on Roomba’s shoulder.

On the deck, there were Irvine, Mort, and Douglas whom I met for the first time along with a lot of sailors hanging their reel-less rods to the sea.

There’s no wind right now and the waves were calm, an ideal time to go fishing.

「Ooh, Al also came! Come here!」

When we walked to the deck, Irvine and Mort waved their hand as though calling us to get there.

Thus, I moved to the edge of the ship while still riding Roomba’s shoulder.

Uooh, maybe it’s because I’m on Roomba’s shoulder, or maybe because I look into the sea with plenty of space to spare but I feel scared. If I fall like it will be with a splash *dobon*.

「Yoshi, should we just drop him to the sea just like that?」

「Wait wait, since he’s light if we fix him to the hook then it will be a good bait.」

Irvine and Mort started talking about something dangerous, but I immediately jumped down from Roomba’s shoulder and turned around to their back.

「Can you really say something like that? Whether the two of you fall to the sea or not right now depends on my foot, you know?」

The two of them were sitting on a railing-like thing on the open deck, so if I were to give them a light push with my leg, they’ll instantly make a splash, down there.

「It was just a joke, stop it will ya. We had enough of saltwater」

「Yeah, yeah. It’s a joke!」

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Irvine and Mort are smiling, but their faces are stiff.

It seems that they’ve learned their lesson from the saltwater shaved ice from before.

When I pulled my leg from their back after being satisfied seeing their appearance, I can hear Mort and Irvine whispering.

「Alfried-sama’s eyes are like the eyes of a dead fish, it looks like he’s going to do it for real」

「Yeah, it made me recall the barbecue-ed fish that I ate the other day――uwaaa! Please don’t kick me! I’ll fall!?」

I hear Mort and Irvine raised an interesting cry when I pushed their back with my feet - along with a little bit of my resentment. Since the other sailors were laughing at their situation, I’ll just forgive you for your sin of insulting me.

Who has dead-fish eyes? Good grief.

「Oーsshi, Al! Your rod is ready!」

While we’re doing that kind of thing, it seems that Roomba was preparing for my reel-less rod.

I’m grateful.

「It’s long and heavy, so be careful okay?」

I received the rod from Roomba while thinking that it was a line that a father would say, but if I receive the rod earlier then it would be bothersome when I sit.

And maybe they knew about it, Irvine and Douglas - who were sitting on my left and right, respectively - opened up a wide space for me to sit.

「Thank you」

I thanked Roomba and Irvine after receiving the reel-less rod and sat on the open deck just like the two of them.

By the way, the reel-less rod in this world is commonly made using wood from a tree called shina tree that was growing on the seashore.

It is resistant to water, solid, and elastic so when it is perfectly suitable to be used as a reel-less rod

「As for the bait it’s already attached to the hook, so you can just drop it down to the water.」

Just like Roomba said, a small fish has been set on it when I look at the tip of the hook, so I can lower it down to the sea as it is. I feel like this is a little big considering it’s a small fish but, nevermind.

The bobber of the reel-less rod is lightly floating on the sea surface.

And for some reason, it’s kinda pleasant just looking at the bobber alone.

Just like this, I’m feeling the sea breeze while gazing at the deep blue sea and sky.

Fishing on the river is good, but fishing on the vast ocean is also nice. Above all, the scenery is excellent and there’s a liberating feeling while fishing.

……it’s nice I can spend the time peacefully.

Looking back at how busy I am in my previous life, I appreciate my time right now as if to absorb everything.

When I was staring at the bobber while thinking about nothing at all, Irvine who sat beside me opened his mouth and said.

「This time I’m gonna catch a huge fish.」

「You said that, but never catch anything decent.」

Looking at Irvine who is enthusiastic about fishing, Mort shrugged his shoulder as if he was fed up with him.

「What? Then, suppose I got a big catch you can’t have it, alright?

「Sure sure, but first you have to catch something alive」

I wonder what happens. Was Irvine that bad he can’t catch any fish, I wonder? As expected, I guess even fish would not want to approach someone with such ugly thoughts, right?

When I was just thinking about that beside him, Irvine’s rod greatly bend.

「It’s here!」

Seeing that, Irvine stood up while holding his rod.

「Ooh! The bobber is sinking!」

Douglas who sits on my right said, as he tried to make sure, and when he followed the string, Irvine’s bobber was sinking fairly deep.

Irvine’s rod greatly bent and the string was moving left and right.

This might be quite the big catch, huh?

「Look! Mort! It’s a big catch!」

「For real!?」

While Mort was shouting in surprise, Irvine is pulling back his rod to weaken the fish.

And finally, after a minute of struggling Irvine suddenly opened his eyes wide.


He forcefully raised the bent rod overhead.

As a result, a black shape gradually rose from the sea surface and he forcefully caught it.

And that something is fluttering in the air.

We opened our eyes wide expecting a big catch but, what we saw was a big, leather shoe.

「Gyaaーhahahahaha! That is indeed a big catch! Irvine! Aah, don’t worry! This is Irvine’s catch. No one is going to take it from you, yeah. You can eat it by yourself!」

「Uooooooohhhhh! Shaddup!」

Irvine - who was being made fun of - left the rod behind and grabbed Mort.

I see. Just like what Mort said that it would be better for him to catch something alive, so it’s like this, huh? Irvine has probably caught something other than fish, just like every time he goes fishing, no mistaking it.

「Hehehe, how do you feel after having a life and death struggle for a minute with a leather shoe? ――wa, oi This is really dangerous! I will fall into the sea!」

「Yeah, I’m trying to make you fall to the sea!」

Those guys on the left are noisy.

When you fish, you need to be quiet, you know.

「Hey, you guys are noisy. The fish will run away」


The two of them quietened down after being warned by Douglas.

The captain is the absolute ruler who manages everything on the ship. No one can defy the captain.

Thanks to Douglas scolding those two, the quiet time has come again after they became quiet.

Along with that the sailor, Douglas, and Mort were gradually catching fishes.

Irvine was gnashing his teeth after being provoked by Mort, and just when I was wondering if I can also catch a fish soon ー there’s a hit.

The bobber which is floating on the surface of the sea sink with a splosh *pochari*.

「Ooh, a catch――」

It was really for a moment.

Perhaps it’s because of the strength of the fish that my body was pulled along with the rod.

Just when I thought that I would fall into the sea as I am, Roomba’s hands firmly support my body.

「Tha, thank you, Roomba」

When I looked back and said my thanks, Roomba showed me his white teeth and laughed.

「I’m here for such a time, right! Nevermind that! More importantly, don’t let go of your hands, alright? 」


What an ikemen. I feel that I understand the feeling of those women who like wild men.

While being supported by Roomba, I hold the rod tightly with my hands.

The fish that was caught by the hook seems to be rather big, the reel-less rod seemed to scream as it made noise and bends.

The pull can’t be compared to the one from river fishes that I fished until now.

If I were to pull in a leather shoe, then I will cry.

「This is the real thing, see! Irvine!」

「Shut up!」

While Mort and Irvine were quarreling on my left side, Roomba and I pulled the rod while being watched over by the sailors.

And then, perhaps my catch finally weakened, it gradually surfaced.

The white scales and belly of the fish reflected the light from the sun, shining briefly.

「Yoshi, it’s not a leather shoe!」

「Even Roomba-san!? You’re excessively making fun of me, you know!」

Strength almost leaves my body as I heard Roomba and Irvine’s exchange, but I can somehow endure it.

The fish is struggling violently on the surface as it tries to escape, but I continue pulling while feeling nervous.

I wonder how long has it been since I pulled the fish, but the fish’s pull finally weakened.

「Al! Do it now!」


We felt that, and put our strength to the rod and raise the rod overhead with all of our strength.

The fish fly out from the sea surface and soars in the air.

It is more than sixty centimeters in length, a fish with a head that looks like a tuna.

A sharp, bluish dorsal fin. And above all, it has the characteristic large horn growing from its forehead.

Why does a fish have horns?

「It’s a Dos Tuna! 」

The Dos Tuna landed in the middle of the ship as someone among the sailors shouted.

Then its body bounces around on the deck*bichibichi*. It is still incredibly lively.

I think it jumped for around fifteen centimeters from the deck.

「You did it Al! We will have an extravagant dinner with this!」

Roomba picked me up and put me on his shoulder as he shouted in joy.

Everyone also cheered along with Roomba.

Maybe this Dos Tuna is still at the juvenile stage so I’m not sure if everyone can eat it, but I’m not going to say something thoughtless right now.

I just need to immerse myself in the joy and the sense of accomplishment of pulling a big catch.

「Nevertheless, I wonder how I can catch something this big? I thought that I will only get small fishes.」

But when I suddenly came to my senses and muttered like that, Douglas replied as if it was something obvious.

「That is, if you use small fish as bait, then you would only catch a sizable fish. You’re aiming for a big catch from the start, right?」

Ah, is that so. Come to think of it, I feel like Roomba had attached a slightly large, small fish on the hook.

So from that time on, the only fish that will be caught will only be big fish, huh?

I wonder. Even though I’m just going to fish comfortably.

When I breathe out sounding like I’m tired, Roomba strangely said to me from below.

「What is it Al?」

「……it’s nothing.」

I guess, fishing like this occasionally is not bad.

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