Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 115: Accelerating Ship

Chapter 115: Accelerating Ship

The second morning after we leave Esport.

After finishing my breakfast, I had tea time at the stern while bathing in the pleasant sunshine.

It seems like Ilya and Aleutia like the tea I brewed, they sip the tea with a calm expression on their face.

Perhaps it’s because there is almost no wind today - unlike yesterday -, I feel that the ship’s speed is also slow.

I think having this kind of leisurely journey is also not bad, but if these kinds of days continue then our journey might take much longer than we had planned.

「Magicians-sa~n. Can we ask for a little bit of Wind magic? 」

「Yes, it’s fine.」

A sluggish voice from a sailor rang out from the deck, then Aleutia stood up from her chair.

「Are you going to use the wind power from Wind magic to speed up the ship?」

It’s a sailing ship advancing using wind power, so if people were to ask for Wind magic then it has got to be that, isn’t it.

I was also thinking about that before they asked for it, but then they immediately asked me to use Wind magic to speed up the ship if I said that, so I kept silent. I wanted to enjoy a slow voyage from the start anyway.

「Yes, that’s right. If we use Wind magic to accelerate the ship, then the speed will remarkably be different from before, you see. 」

「Why don’t we keep using it?」

Ilya answered my simple question.

「That’s because there is such timing when it can’t be used due to the weather, the wind current, and ocean current at the time. If you use Wind magic when it’s windy, then the ship will accelerate even further and it will be difficult to steer the ship, also, we’re escort magicians, so we have to preserve our magic power.」

I see. When the wind is blowing from various directions, and you use Wind magic to further boost the ship’s speed, it would certainly be difficult to steer the ship. It would instead become a hindrance.

The main role of Ilya and Aleutia - who are the escorts - is to guard us, so they won’t use their magic power with no regard to their job, except when there is leeway.

「But, it looks like the two of you have been practicing magic vigorously yesterday, using your magic power…… 」

「There is enough wind yesterday so there was no need to use magic, you know.」

Aleutia answered like that as she picked up her wand that was placed on the table.

Ilya’s not going to use Wind magic?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Perhaps she felt my doubt, Ilya let out a slightly wry smile as she answered.

「I have no aptitude for Wind attribute.」

Now that she mentions it, it was so. People have the aptitude for magic attributes and people can’t use magic without the aptitude for that certain magic. As for me, I took the fact that I have the aptitude for all attributes for granted, I completely forgot about it.

While I was having such thoughts, Aleutia headed toward the mainmast.

Then Aleutia talked to the sailor over there and she started to chant a spell.

「『I asketh thee A breath of wind from the air』!」

With the finished chanting from Aleutia, the wind started to blow into the windless atmosphere as she raised her wand.

……I wonder. When I hear that magic incantation, it made me recall Shelka’s panchira incident caused by Ra-chan. It would be unavoidable that a cloth with pink color suddenly flickered inside my mind.

The wind blows against the mainmast’s sail directly from the stern, blowing above us with a whoosh.

Strongly blowing my hair and Ilya’s long hair, so we temporarily leave the stern. We moved toward the edge of the deck.

Being pushed by the wind, the ship accelerated steadily and the scenery that wasn’t moving at all just now started to pass like crazy.

The sails that were drooping until a moment ago also swell to a satisfying level right now.

「Ohー! The wind feels good!」

The feeling of the ship breaking through the waves and wind feels so exhilarating.

Of course, the engine-powered ships and cars in my previous life are faster, but the way the ship swiftly advances without the sound of the engine feels so fresh.

「Wellー, a ship that sails slowly is good, but a ship that is fast enough as if to cut across the wind is also good isn’t itー」

When I spread my arms just like in Titanic and feel the wind with my whole body, I can hear a voice that I had heard before somewhere.

When I unintentionally looked beside me, there was Tori already standing there unnoticed instead of Ilya.

「Uwaa! You startled me. Really, Tori.」

「Ah well, you don’t have to be that surprised, yeah?」

Perhaps it’s because I didn’t see him that much yesterday, it feels like it’s been a while since I had a conversation with Tori.

Well, maybe it’s because I had been playing with those strong members like Irvine, Roomba, Mort, and Douglas that I might feel that way.

「I didn’t see you that much on the ship, what have you been doing?」

「I’ve been doing a little bit of research on the slime pillow in my cabin, y’see. And also, I’ve been thinking about the route of where I can sell it later.」

As expected from a merchant. With regard to something that can be turned into money, it seems like they will spare no effort on it.

As for me, I have completely forgotten about it and was fully enjoying the voyage.

「How’s the slime pillow?」

「The problem is with the adequate guarantee for safety and what to do with the food for the slime, right. As for safety, I need to deliberately look into it at the Monsters Research Institute. For the food, we’re selecting which one is the easiest to get, y’see. After that we had all sorts of ideas, like, making the mouth of the container in such a shape so that it will be easier to put the slime inside.」

Tori talks happily while having a serious look on his face.

I wonder at what point did we become something like a researcher.

It looks like he’s not just a lucky man who gained profit from advertising my Reversi. Seems like he’s trying to put my simple idea into practice somehow and planned to sell them.

Maybe he had always been a capable man huh, I don’t know whether he grew up doing business in the royal capital or not but, it looks like I could leave this to him with peace of mind.

「Uhahaha! A fast ship is better, after all! If we continue with this kind of pace, we will arrive in Kagura in the blink of an eye!」

「Oi, Aleutia! Keep doing it and raise the wind power, will ya! The ship’s speed is slow y’know?」

I can hear Irvine and Mort’s voice coming from the back, just when I was chatting with Tori about the slime pillow.

「Shut it! If I raise the wind power even more than this, it will quickly consume my magic power!」

To strengthen the wind, you need to further increase the amount of magic power you use. In that situation, the rate of consumption of one’s magic power will naturally increase.

I’m also interested in the maximum speed this ship can reach, but I think it’s more magic power-efficient to keep accelerating the ship at a constant speed just like in a marathon.

Aleutia’s main job is an escort after all, so if her magic power decreases by around forty percent then it would be over for her.

I also want to arrive in Kagura faster and experience a faster voyageー.

「If you can use Wind magic, how ‘bout you try it too, Alfried-sama?」

Perhaps Tori can guess it from my expression, he asked me that.

Oh, this guy just wants to make the magicians work for free, doesn't he? However, I kinda wanted to experience a slightly more accelerated voyage so I think I will take advantage of his suggestion this time.

「Well, I’m free anyway, I’ll do it.」

I said to Tori, then I headed toward Aleutia’s direction.

After that, I observe to what extent Aleutia is generating the wind power and also the trajectory of the wind blowing against the sail on the mainmast.

Un, this looks simple enough.

Ventilating the air inside my room in the mansion using Wind magic without knocking over stuff is more difficult than this.

I stand next to Aleutia and also cast Wind magic just like her.

I sent the wind to the Mizzenmast at the back and also the Foremast in front at the same time.

Matching the direction of Aleutia’s wind trajectory.

Due to the wind pushing the three sails at the same time, the ship’s speed increases even further.

As a result, the scenery is flowing past our view even faster.

The speed of the ship is approximately forty kilos per hour, I guess? But when it comes to ships, the unit of speed is a knot, isn't it?

「Uuooooooooh! This is awesome! A ship can move this fast!?」

「Amazing. If we continue like this, then it’s possible that we can arrive at Kagura in around two days.」

If we can reduce the time by that much, I wonder if we will continue using Wind magic to accelerate the ship…

When I was thinking like that, I heard Aleutia muttering beside me.

「……even though the Mainmast’s sail is the best I can do…」

「This is also thanks to practicing in controlling magic power, you know」

As I said that, I leave the place while still maintaining the magic.


Aleutia was dumbfounded as she saw me maintaining the magic.

I can stay under the mainmast all the time and it's also a leisure time. I also want to comfortably feel the wind with my whole body.

I lean on the edge of the deck while gazing at the passing scenery.

It’s exhilarating seeing the powerful ship pushing its way forward through the blue ocean. The wind caressed my skin as it also brought with it the smell of the ocean, greatly tousling my bangs.

「Wellー, there is almost no wind today, y’see, so I’d like to continue using Wind magic just like this, y’know. We’re likely to arrive at Kagura faster in this case, right」


Tori and I squint at the pleasant feeling of the flowing wind.

While I was staring vacantly into the sea, a silver fish jumped out of the sea.

It was a slim fish that looks like a flying fish with a large fin. It’s as if the fish was swimming parallel with our ship *chaponchapon*.

It looks like the speed of the flying fish and the ship is about the same.

With the fish swimming parallel to the ship like this feels like we are enjoying a sea drive together. I calmly stare at the jumping silver fish that swam parallel to the ship.

The silver body reflects the light from the sun and is beautiful.

It looks like Tori notices the jumping fish due to the reflection of the light.

「Ahh, that’s not good. That’s a Sword Fish, y’know」


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