Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 155: The Grandfather’s Group

Chapter 155: The Grandfather’s Group

Haru and I went to the city of Kagura, accompanied by very reliable guards, Suke-san and Kaku-san.

「Yosh, let’s quickly find some wrongdoers! 」

Haru walks ahead while saying that full of energy.

Even today, there are all sorts of people coming and going on the main street of Kagura, we can hear lively voices coming from all over the place.

Everyone’s face looks cheerful, the city is very lively.

It doesn’t seem like we will be able to find someone who does bad things near us………

As I was thinking about that while looking around the city, Suke-san - who is beside me - mutters.

「This is your fault, you know. It’s because of the incomprehensible story you taught to Haru-sama. What if Haru-sama became someone who pokes her nose into some dangerous things!」

Nah, if someone were to truly talk about the story of Mito Kougane, then I think it’s normal for someone to get fixated over it? And also, I didn’t expect that she will even gather her guards for real.

I feel guilty that these two got caught up in this, but please resign yourself to this since this is also part of your job.

「But Suke-senpai. If we entertain Haru-sama like this and you act as Suke-san, then the name ‘Suke-san’ will be established, and then people will start calling you Suke-san, don’t you think?」


Hearing what Kaku-san said, Suke-san’s sullen expression changes to that of astonishment.

「That’s right. If you help people with the name ‘Suke-san’, and become respected by the people, then no one will make fun and call you ‘sukebe’ anymore, right. As a result, you will then become a person that helps people just like what your name means.」



The obstinate Suke-san quietly broods when Kaku-san and I converse to try to help and improve Suke-san’s complex………

「Haru-sama, please call me Suke-san by all means」

「Aah! Of course!」

Kaku-san and I smiled at Suke-san, who is now properly escorting Haru in good mood beside her.

The Grandfather group has united and deepened their bond and currently strolling the street of Kagura quietly.

And after one hour,

「Oi! There are no wrongdoers anywhere we look, isn’t it!」

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Haru finally lost her patience since she can’t find anyone doing bad things after all this time.

「But it’s great that the place is peaceful, don’t you think」

「Of course it is, but then I will be unable to display my authority and look cool like the Grandfather! Sukebee――no, I mean, Suke-san! Is there a place where there are people who are likely to do bad things!?」

「If there are such people, then I think the patrolling swordsmen will hasten to that place immediately ……」

Though Suke-san’s answer is logical, that’s not the answer that Haru is looking for

「The Grandfather is someone who punishes those kinds of people that were outside of the public eyes! Is there an out-of-the-way place out of the public’s eye where such terrible people gather?」

「……there are none」

When Haru asked him, Suke-san answered after a slight pause.



「So boring!」

Haru exclaimed, showing her displeasure when Suke-san firmly nodded at her question.

It seems like Haru doesn’t notice the subtle change in Suke-san’s expression.

Perhaps she also didn’t doubt what he said because Suke-san pretended to be serious when he answered.

Perhaps, there are places for those kinds of people, but he probably just doesn’t want to bring her near those places.

I heard that the best approach for being a guard is to keep the person they’re guarding away from danger, so I’m sure Suke-san is lying probably because of that.

「That’s because this city is originally under the protection of the Shogun's family. So there will be a rather few people who would try to do bad things in this city, a city where there are a lot of swordsmen patrolling」

「Mumumumumu, that’s certainly true」

Haru muttered as she looked convinced by Kaku-san’s remark.

「But it is hard to see what’s under your nose. So those people who do bad things in the surroundings――」

Just when I was trying to say about those people who are doing criminal acts openly, my mouth was covered by Kaku-san’s hand.

As I look up at him reflexively, I see Kaku-san smiling at me while raising his finger to his lips.

………so you don’t want me to say something unnecessary, huh?

Oh well, I was going to play around and take it easy, but it turns out I ended up with something troublesome. Though if it became reality then it won’t be a joking matter anymore. I’m just sightseeing and playing around in the city happily. So let’s not say something unnecessary.

「So those people who do bad things are what? Al?」

However, it appears that Haru was more or less listening to my remark that got interrupted.

But I still answer her without revealing any agitation,

「They run far away since the city is under the protection of the Shogun's family, rightー. I mean, the Grandfather also traveled to villages far from the capital to improve the condition」

「Indeed, the Grandfather often traveled to various places far away from the capital! Speaking about the villages, my favorite part would be the village girl who couldn’t get married because of the difference in social status――」

I smoothly mixed some truth and lies and change the subject.

After that, Haru took the opportunity and started to talk about her favorite episode of the Grandfather.

Well, I’ve been dealing with an even more difficult sister and mother back at the mansion after all. So now that I’m facing the innocent Haru, doing something like distracting her from one subject is not difficult at all.

I feel a bit guilty for deceiving her like this, but this is also for the sake of the Grandfather’s safe journey.

Just like that, we casually strolled around the city of Kagura for some time.

「It’s inevitable if we can’t find people who do bad things behind people’s back then! Let’s introduce ourselves in that place and catch some normal bad guys!」

In the end, Haru lowered her objective line to a more realistic one.

To immediately come up with a realistic way to get what she wants, truly a female-like outlook where what you said is the truth.

「Haru-sama, if we do that then I feel that it’s no different than what the patrolling swordsmen do, is it alright?」

I guess Suke-san looked a bit flustered as he didn’t expect Haru to arrive at such a conclusion and so he asked that.

「There are no famous bad guys around! It can’t be helped, right! So it’s important to punish the people who do bad things in everyone’s daily life! What, if I showed them this seal case then those people will prostrate themselves before us, and we should be able to help them to become new people. And then, the people who saw that will be full of gratitude toward us!」

Well, for those people on the street who does a bit of mischief, it would probably be absurd.

At any rate, it would be like the those who are in the privileged class like nobles in the Kingdom - rather than the people from the knight’s order or guards - who said that they will start patrolling the city and keep the criminals under control.

So I understand now when I thought about how could our territory be so peaceful. That’s 'cause the feudal lord who could also defeat a Dragon is patrolling the place and hunting the monsters that appear personally.

Moreover, we still have his wife - Elna-kaasan - and there is even Eleonora-neesan.

So it’s probably improbable for crimes and monsters to flourish in our territory.

「I’m impressed at Haru-sama’s character of wanting to protect the citizens’ daily lives. I’m sure the people would also feel grateful for it」

「Yes, it is truly a splendid idea」

「Hm! I know, right?」

Kaku-san and Suke-san also grabbed the opportunity to praise Haru.

The flattered Haru looks so happy that her nostril flared.

I feel like now she’s becoming like the Grandfather but with no dignity, I wonder if it’s alright?

Oh well, the person herself looks happy anyway, and I’m also happy just looking at her, so I guess it’s fine.

「Ooh! Al, look! Quick, there are men who look like ruffians over there!」

Just when I was thinking about those things, Haru suddenly yelled while pointing ahead of us.

「Which one?」

Looking at the direction Haru pointed to, there are a pair of men standing in front of a large mansion.

One of them has short blonde hair with green eyes, clearly a foreigner, not a Kagura citizen――what the, isn’t that Mort?

When I turn my eyes to the other person, is someone with a face that looks old and unshaven beard, Irvine.

They are not wearing the clothes we bought at the clothes shop - probably because they are now doing their escort job - but their own adventurer’s equipment.

「Those are really unfamiliar features. Probably not a citizen of Kagura」

「It looks like the citizens are pulling back from that place, I guess it’s because those two are blocking the way like that」

I think they’re guarding Tori and the others, who are having a business negotiation inside the mansion, but it looks like they have a lot of free time on their hands. But even just standing like that, the people who are walking the streets are in a way backing away from them as they look like thugs.

Well, just like Suke-san said, saying that they’re being a nuisance is not an exaggeration.

「In other words, those ruffians are being a bother to everyone! Let me make them move out of the way then!」

It seems like Haru saw Irvine and Mort as people who are doing a bit of misbehavior in public, she approaches without delay.

「Eh, wait a minute! Those two are――」

「Hey Mort. That woman over there is kinda ero? Like, her voluptuous figure is covered with the modest Kagura clothes, making her look very sensuous………」

「Yeah. Especially that shapely butt of hers」

「Ahh? What the heck are you saying? It should be her busty chest, right!?」

「Noーo! It’s her ample butt! Take a good look, will ya!」

Just when I was trying to stop Haru, Irvine and Mort are excitedly discussing such topics in broad daylight.

「’Those two are’, what Al?」

「They are undoubtedly ruffians. Let’s punish them」

「Yeah! All right!」

I’m sorry, even if people are having some misunderstanding because of your looks, I don’t want people to think that those guys are my acquaintance. It’s not something I can cover anymore.

「Ah! She ran away because you pointed at her, see!」

「Ah! My butt!」

While I’m thinking about such an excuse, Irvine and Mort have continued to cause more petty acts of evil.

「……I can’t forgive them for humiliating women like that」

「I agree that she is attractive, but, unforgivable to humiliate her in public like that」

It appears that even the guards Suke-san and Kaku-san are also seized with righteous indignation.

It looks like Irvine and Mort have already been deemed as evil people by the Grandfather’s group as people who deserve to be punished.

As someone who acts as the Grandfather role, Haru immediately rushes out to confront the small and petty scoundrels to punish them for threatening the peaceful life of the citizens.

「The two ruffians over there!」

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