Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 161: Choosing By Myself In The End

Chapter 161: Choosing By Myself In The End

It’s been some time since I chose jinbei for Eleonora-neesan.

Aleutia and Ilya are finally back.

「Sorry to keep you waitingー! We have also finished choosing our clothes!」

「I’m sorry, it took longer than we thought」

Just by listening to those words of theirs, you can roughly understand their personality.

「It’s fine, we are also having it easy here」

We’ve been walking around the place since the morning after all. You won’t be bothered by it if you thought of it as taking a rest here. And this kind of thing also changes your feelings depending on how you thought about it.

「Okay then, shall we choose Kagura clothes for Elna-kaasan and the others now」

「Yes! We have also figured what to choose while choosing our clothes, now we’ll just have to choose from the list!」

Ooh, then it looks like we will be able to choose the clothes quickly.

We move to the room with Kagura clothes meant for women after being urged by Aleutia and Ilya.

「Ohー, they look completely different from the Kagura clothes for men」

「There are also a lot of different colors」

Roomba and I voiced our admiration while looking around after entering the room.

Compared with the men, there is a lot more stuff with flashy and bright colors inside the women’s clothes room, and it also has a different atmosphere from the men’s room.

From bright colored clothes to darker colors, and various colors that can meet the demand of the customers are all gathered in the room. It’s an interesting room even if you just look at it.

「……let’sーsee, this one here, this, and this, I’m sure they will suit them, right」

As we enter the room while looking around the place in curiosity, Aleutia and Ilya started to pick up the Kagura clothes they’d decided.

After placing the clothes they picked on the tatami space, they continue to impatiently pick out more clothes.

Roomba and I can only sit and wait on the tatami to not get in their way.

As we did that, more Kagura clothes were placed right in front of us,

「I guess it’s around this much?」

「That’s right! Though there are still a lot more to choose from」

「No no, it’s enough already」

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If you bring any more than this, you won’t be able to put it on the tatami.

Although I was surprised by the insatiable enthusiasm of women for clothes, I still look around at the Kagura clothes lined up in front of me.

There are red, yellow, and white Kagura clothes, but I really have no idea whose souvenirs are these for anymore.

「From the right, this are for Elna-sama, then Eleonora-sama, Sara-san, Mina-san and Mel-san」

Perhaps she senses that I was at a loss as Ilya kindly tell me that.

「Elna-sama is elegant and she has this really calm air around her, so I thought that it would be better to choose a soft color just like the proprietress-san」

There are certainly a lot of green, brown, green gradations clothes, and there are also light yellow-green and mature colors in there as I look at the clothes while listening to Ilya’s explanation.

「That’s right. These soft colors seem like they will suit Elna-kaasan」

「……yeah. And her charm as an adult woman is also amazing. What was that? Her breast size……? The world is wrong」

As Ilya and I were having a cheerful conversation, Aleutia was grumbling nearby.

Apparently, she heard about Elna-kaasan’s breast size, so now she is crushed with a sense of despair.

And since Ilya also has quite the size she can be proud of, it would probably have the opposite effect if she were to console Aleutia.

Leaving her alone now will be an act of kindness for her.

「Next is Eleonora-sama. In the end, Eleonora-sama’s strong point is that hair of hers, so we chose clothes with colors that match her hair color」

Just like what Ilya said, when I look at them there are red and black-based clothes lined up.

As expected, if you have such beautiful hair color, it would be simple to match that reddish color.

「We can choose cute clothes for Eleonora-sama, but when it comes to dressing yourself in Kagura clothes, it’s best to focus on being beautiful!」

Ilya clenches her fist and said that in a somewhat passionate tone of voice.

I also have the same thought as her, no room for rebuttal here.

「Then the next one is the Maid, Sara. Since Sara-san has lustrous black hair like the people of Kagura so we tried to pick clear colors like white, and blue」

At the direction Ilya’s hand pointed to are various clothes like white and blue floral patterned clothes.

White will certainly make Sara’s lustrous hair look even more beautiful.

I think she will have an atmosphere of serene beauty like Yuki-Onna1, it might look better than expected.

「Huh? What is this green one?」

Among those cool-colored Kagura clothes, there were simple green-based clothes lined up.

I wonder where did I’ve seen this before………

「That’s also for Sara-san. Those cool colors are good, but I thought that maybe such simple color that will make her look like a town girl is also going to look great on her」

「Ah! Come to think of it, that pretty sweets shop’s salesgirl-san also wear Kagura clothes with the same color, right!」

No wonder I thought I’d seen it before.

But, you can be well-known wearing something like this.

I thought that ‘the town girl of Kagura is so cute wearing clothes with such a color’.

「And then for Mina-san, I’ve only talked a for a short while with Mina-san but I get the impression that she’s very cute and lively, not only her looks but also her inside. So rather than trying to be cute by wearing something such as red or pink, I think that person should look charming by wearing something with such a bright color like yellow!」

Indeed, Mina will look good if she wears clothes with bright colors such as yellow or orange rather than red or pink. Even so, Ilya is clever in how she explained the reason she choose the clothes.

So when I return and they asked me ‘why did you choose such a color for me?’ I can just try to answer with Ilya’s explanation verbatim.

「And now the last one is for the head maid, Mel-san. Since Mel-san is an adult with a different type from Elna-sama, I tried to choose a light violet for her」

「Hmm, though she’s a maid-san who’s is quite sly despite her looks」

If she were to do herself up then she will become an even more beautiful woman, though I don’t have any plan to do so at all.

Though she’s a strong woman, her frugal way of life and way of thinking is unexpectedly a mystery.

「Those are the reasons and all the clothes that were picked by Aleutia and me, how was it?」

「Un, whichever I chose from these it will give the image that suits them」

「I’m glad to hear Alfried-sama say that」

When I said my real thoughts about it, Ilya happily smiles.

「……the problem now is which one to choose from all these」

I picked up each one from the choices, there are about five types of them, from the brightness of the color to the design of the clothes.

I think I can narrow the choice down with this, but as expected I can’t buy them all.

I mean, I haven’t actually seen the price of these clothes. Like this set of kimonos here, it would be normal for it to be priced at several hundred thousand.

「Let’s exclude those with a price of more than three kobans 」

When I muttered like that, employee-san - perhaps she knows the prices of the clothes - started to move the Kagura clothes that exceed the price I mentioned to the side.

Having done that, she removed one piece of clothes from the pile for Eleonora-neesan, three pieces from Elna-kaasan’, and one piece of clothes from Sara’.

Apparently, a lot of the clothes for Elna-kaasan are really expensive.

「Putting aside the maid-sans and the oneesama who doesn’t have any particular interest in clothes, is it okay to choose cheaper clothes for Elna-sama?」

When I removed the expensive Kagura clothes from the pick, Aleutia asked me as if she’s questioning my decision.

Uuh, if you said it like that, that’s certainly the case.

Elna-kaasan looked forward to the clothes the most.

If I brought something with the same price as Eleonora-neesan and the maids, then it going to be troublesome later on.

「Yosh! Then in order to display Nord-tousan’s reliability, let’s make it within the range of 50 gold coins!」

And when I announced that, two Kagura clothes meant for Elna-kaasan were returned to their original position.

I don’t want to ask the price of the other one since I’m scared of hearing it.

「Even so, is it alright to spend this much money? You’re gonna spend more than Elna’s condition of one white gold coin, y’know?」

「It’s fine! If by chance, they complain about it, then I’ll just say that Nord-tousan told me to buy expensive clothes for Elna-kaasan in advance, I can make Elna-kaasan as the excuse 」

If I did that, then Nord-tousan - as the husband - won’t be able to stay out of it, and Elna-kaasan - who are treated so importantly so loved by Nord-tousan - shouldn’t feel too bad about it.

I mean, when it comes to Nord-tousan, Elna-kaasan is so simple.

「Ooh, I see. Al is so cunning as usual」

「This is me taking care of my parents you know」

Please stop saying things that make me look bad.

In any case, I’m also making money with the Reversi. This kind of expense is considered to be something like a margin of error right.

「Then please choose for the rest, Alfried-sama」

「Eeh? Aren’t Ilya and Aleutia are going to choose them together with me?」

I was dumbfounded by Ilya’s polite answer.

「We will only help in choosing which Kagura clothes suits who. Now it’s better for the family member - Alfried-sama - to choose for them」

「Indeed, they will be happy if their own family member is the one who chose it for them」

Those two said that, but the suspicion in my heart only grows.

「……could it be, you’re not letting me decide so that I will take the responsibility for the clothes I picked in the end, right? 」

「N, no way!?」

「N, no way!?」

Those two’s expressions are somewhat stiff and suspicious.

If say, I choose some and then give it to Elna-kaasan and the others and they didn’t like it, then they will criticize me for it.

Even if I were to retort to them and say that I chose it after referring to these two’s opinions as a woman, then these girls can just say something like 「Alfried-sama is the one who chose it in the end」, then there’s no way for me to refute them.

So in order for that kind of thing to not happen, I wanted to let Ilya and Aleutia choose for me, but………

「Alfried-sama, as the one who is close to your family, you should be able to choose the best for your family!」

「That’s right!」

I wonder?

Oh well, can’t be helped. I have to choose them properly by myself in the end.

Having decided so, I chose the clothes that will suit Elna-kaasan and the others and I bought them as souvenirs.

After I bought clothes for Elna-kaasan and the others, I also consecutively purchased things like hair accessories and miscellaneous goods while asking Ilya and Aleutia for their advice despite accompanying their shopping.

By the time I quietly bought all of the necessary things I needed, the sky had already been turned completely red, and I returned to the ryokan, filled with a sense of satisfaction and relief that day.

And when we returned to the ryokan as the sun went down, we got scolded by Tori for sending too much stuff without permission.

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