Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 189: Freeing From Manual Labor

Chapter 189: Freeing From Manual Labor

As I was almost met with Eleonora-neesan at Kikka, I switched place to the area surrounding Koryatt village from the outskirts of Kikka, to find some slimes.

Since I don’t know when Eleonora-neesan will suddenly rush over toward my location if I were to search around Kikka. I mean, I’ve seen slimes in Koryatt village before, so I should just walk around the village and would probably be able to find them.

Thinking so, I return to Koryatt village using Teleport.

With this, I guess I won’t meet with Eleonora-neesan again.

No, since she’s currently in Kikka, then she will return in around three days

That means, the time where I can enjoy my free time will end in three days. When I think like that, I felt that three days is too short.

Even though there are a lot of things I want to do besides making Slime pillows and cushions, such as expanding My Home and cooking, tinkering with magic tools, buying up ingredients, or napping all day long……

「Oi, what happened Al. What’s with the long face」

As I walked through the village while having that kind of thought, Torr - who was cooling himself under the shade of a tree in the village - called out to me.

There is also Asmo beside him but he didn’t even look at me, perhaps he’s feeling annoyed due to the heat.

He looks to be desperate in cooling his body, which got baked by the heat of the sun. He’s limply sprawled on the ground.

「……Eleonora-neesan might return soon」

「Oohhhh! So Eleonora-sama will be back soon, eh!? Did you receive a letter of something?」

When I told him the reason for the long face, Torr - who was sitting - eagerly stood up.

「There’s no way for that slovenly Eleonora-neesan to write a letter」

Elna-kaasan and Nord-tousan seem to have told her to write a letter when the date of her return has been decided, but it appears that Eleonora-neesan has completely forgotten about it.

So Elna-kaasan was complaining about that.

「Then, how did you know that she will return?」

This is a world where there is no convenient thing such as a mobile phone. So how did I know about that when Eleonora-neesan didn’t write a letter then? So it’s natural for Torr to wonder about that.

Darn it, what should I do now? I can’t say that I saw Eleonora-neesan at Kikka since I used Space magic Teleport.

「……I don’t know, but I guess it’s about time」

「What the? Don’t say something irresponsibly. You’re making me expect her for nothing」

Torr said sulkily, exasperated at hearing my answer.

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「But, it’s true that it’s about time that she returns. It makes me unhappy when I think that my free time will decrease due to that」

「Hee, but there’s nothing you can do even if you’re getting frightened by that kind of thought, right? Whether if the future is dark or bright, it doesn’t change the fact that we’re living in the present」

「……is that so, I guess you’re right. It would be wasteful if we’re being pessimistic and wastes our current precious time, isn’t it! As expected from Torr! Though you’re only did something pointless usually」

「That last remark was unnecessary. Anyhow, let’s just have fun like usual!」

Always messing around, and only making Ema-oneesama and Myula-san angry. But his thinking positive-ly. Even though he’s the idiot Torr, it might be a good idea to follow his positive thinking.

「Then, what’s your real reason for saying such a good thing pointlessly」

「That’s because my mother won’t be angry at me if the noble Al is here with us. Or rather, if I were to look out for you then I could be exempted from troublesome work」

Torr said such nonsense with no hesitation while pointing his finger to the field.

In the direction where Torr’s finger pointed to, was Myula-san - staring intently at us. And then, when she notices my gaze, Myula-san smiles at me and gave me a bow.

「See? She will usually get angry if I were to talk for a long time with others」

After I return a light bow to her, I hear Torr saying that to me while happily laughing.

Really likes to talk nonsense, but I don’t feel like blaming him for opening his mouth to talk drivel again.

「Anyway, what have you been doing today?」

「Oi oi, can’t I go outside if I have no business?」

「With this kind of heat, it’s impossible for Al to come outside without any reason」

When I retort to Torr, Asmo said that whilst still lying down - perhaps his cooling time is finally over.

That’s actually true. I don’t have the disposition to go out in this hot season. What a friend who knew me very well.

「I’m searching for slimes today」

「Slimes? What are you going to do to them, looking for slimes? You can’t eat them, nor can you make money if you hunted them, right?」

「……at most, you can just poke and use them to play around」

Just when I told them my sublime purpose in going out, Torr and Asmo cried out in shock.

Well, for the average person, they will only think like that.

However, it’s different for me - who knows about slimes' real value.

「Fufufu, it looks like the two of you don’t know about the greatness of slimes, huh」

「Then what are you going to use it for?」

Torr ask even while he got a bit irritated when I put on a little bit of air.

「You packed the slime in a pillow cover to make a pillow or cushion!」

「……the fact that Al’s head is strange is something common but, you usually manage to make something amazing as a result if you ignore the process. So I will properly listen to you, but is that really good?」

As expected from my friend, Torr. He knows about me, so it’s settled quickly.

But, I think that ‘Al’s head is strange’-part was really unnecessary.

「Have the both of you ever touched a slime before?」

「Of course. They’re squishy, but their bodies are covered with quite a slimy liquid」

「I know how it feels as it’s a monster, but don’t expect me to willingly touch them alright. 」

Hmm, if they have touched them then the explanation will be quick.

「The two of you might not know of it, but when you chill a slime with Ice magic, they will become hard while still maintaining their elasticity!」


Even though I’ve already explained them to make it easy to understand for them, Torr and Asmo still look puzzled.

Idiots. Why can’t they guess the answer even after I have provided them with all the information?

「No no, does a slime really become hard while still having its elasticity? Why can’t I imagine it to be something comfortable if we make them into a pillow I wonder?」

「No no, even if you know that they will become hard while having that kind of texture, one would normally think about using them like that you know!」

「Al’s idea is too unpredictable」

Really? But they feel that squishy. Something like ‘Will they feel comfortable if I make them into a pillow’ would be the first thing you thought about in the beginning, right? Even though I’ve also said to make a pillow using a slime before.

「In other words, is it that? Al was looking for slimes in order to complete a slime pillow with the right amount of elasticity of the slime while still being nice and cold, is that it?」

「That’s right. Due to the heat in the current season, it’s probably going to be hard for people to sleep even at night. At that time, you will be able to sleep comfortably if you have a cool slime pillow」

「……when you say it like that, it makes it feels like slime pillow is going to be comfortable」

Perhaps Asmo was imagining it after hearing my explanation, he got a soft expression on his face.

Though it’s better since there is no sunlight at night, it doesn’t mean that it’s not hot.

It’s a given that it will be hard to sleep with no cooler or electric fan. And when you woke up in the morning, you will often wake up being drenched in sweat.

「Then, we will look for the slimes! I know the place where slimes are likely gathering around here!」

「I also have an idea of such place」

After Torr said that, Asmo also said so and stood up, maybe because he was also motivated.

「Ohh, really? I’ve been walking around searching for slimes since the morning today, so it will be a great help if you can show those places」

「In exchange, we also want to hold a cool slime, alright!」

「After you make them ice-cold, I can sleep at night while hugging them after all」

Sylvio-niisan appeared to dislike the idea of hugging and putting his head on top of a slime - a monster - when he sleeps, but it looks like Torr and Asmo don’t have the same feeling of aversion towards slime.

「Will the two of you be fine hugging a slime when you go to sleep?」

「Haa, what’s to be scared about from such a monster, where even a small kid can win. Even if something happens, we can just defeat it by thrusting our arm inside the slime’s body and crushing the nucleus」

「Slimes have no strength to injure a person after all, and it won’t be able to come out since you will stuff them inside a pillow cover」

When I tried to ask them their views regarding slimes, Torr and Asmo scornfully laughed.

It looks like the two of them understand the level of danger from monsters since they’ve come into contact with monsters and animals regularly, so they’re fine with it.

Well, Sylvio-niisan doesn’t go out that much after all, so he never came into close contact with monsters. Guess it’s unavoidable that their sense of values is different.


「Then, Al! I will be searching for slimes for you, but I need you to help with me!」

「Sure, but what should I do?」

「It’s simple. You just have to stare at my mother. That’s all」

Simple he said. But I think that there’s nothing more suspicious than telling me to ‘just have to do that’.

My back was pushed by Torr, and I turned toward Myula-san who is working in the field.

And immediately after that, Torr took a deep breath and shouted out loud from behind me.

「Mom! Al is looking for slimes, so I’m going to help him and catch some slimes together!」

Uwaー, this guy deliberately raised his voice and shouted so from a distance to his mom.

He’s probably worried that he will be rejected by his mom if he were to approach and ask her face to face.

Furthermore, there’s also me - who is a noble - watching their interaction.

So if she rejects Torr’s request that he said to make her believe it was for my sake, then it would mean that she even rejects my action.

Myula-san probably can’t reject Torr’s request in front of me.

「Wha, ah yes, so you’re helping Alfried-sama to search for slimes. I understand. But, you can’t enter too deep into the forest alright. And you have to return before it gets dark」

Myula-san had a grim expression for a moment in response to Torr’s words, but then she smiled and gave him her permission.

「Understood! Asmo will also come with us, so please tell Asmo’s mom about it too!」


After Torr one-sidedly told her that, he starts running as though to escape from the place.

Asmo and I also follow behind him.

By the end, Myula-san’s eyebrows were twitching.

To be left alone in this hot weather - and adding on the Torr’s part in fieldwork - it’s understandable for Myula-san to feel like that.

「Hehehe, I knew it, if Al was there, mom is so simple」

「Yeah. Mou, I want Al to come and visit us to play every day」

Torr and Asmo said while laughing cheerfully, maybe it’s because they were freed from fieldwork in midsummer.

I know the joy of being released from work so I can’t deny them, but you’ll get trashed if you did it too much, you know?

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