Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 247: The Hearty Fisherman Twins

Chapter 247: The Hearty Fisherman Twins

We were worried about Mina and Sylvio-niisan’s condition, so we tried to return back to land but the two of them insisted that they were fine, so we decided to take a short break at this place.

I know that they want to say on the sea just a bit longer since they have finally gone out to the sea, but I want both of you to forgive me for doing the reverse of what you want. I mean, the mood of your long-awaited sea experience will be ruined.

We still have some time so it’s fine to visit again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Well, I guess we should leave them alone for now?

「You two, please push the depression on the bottom back part of your earlobes and the place where there is a protruding bone. It might help you feel a bit better」

「Is it here?」

「Yea, it is said from a long time ago that if you push that part of your ears, it can help relieve seasickness. It won’t always work on everyone but there are people who feel better after doing that」

I think it was called Eifuu or something? I think it was an acupuncture point related to the inner ear and the autonomic nerves.

I looked up several coping methods for when I got seasick back in my previous life, so I have some knowledge about it. However, I mostly never used them since I had a constitution where I don’t get motion sickness even in my previous life.

Even so, we can’t make light of the age-old wisdom. Although most of them are generally wrong or partially distorted, it looks like they have been fully passed down as knowledge.

「……ah, somehow I feel like I’m getting better now」

「Hmmー, probably?」

「After you properly stimulate your body, breathe in and out and then take a comfortable position」

No matter how you look at her, it works too quickly for Mina. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but if you personally think that it made you feel better then it’s probably fine.

Perhaps Titus also understands that he only spoke to them kindly without retorting.

「Tell me immediately if you’re in pain. It will be easier to quickly return to land at that time」


「Later, just vomit them out to the sea without holding back if you think that you can’t endure it anymore. You’re gonna feel more comfortable if you don’t endure it」

「I, I will endure that much with my maiden’s willpower!」

She has a frail appearance but Mina strongly says that, guess that’s the only thing she won’t give up on.

「……the more people said that the more they will throw up on other people or on the ship」

That’s absolutely right. Let’s try to get as far as possible from Mina while we’re on the ship.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Moving away from the place where Mina and Sylvio-niisan are sitting, I crouch down and look into the water's surface.

Unlike the ship that was heading for Kagura back then, the sea is right in front of my eyes.

The swaying of the waves transmitted to my legs, the sounds of waves and wind coming into my ears, and the smell of salt tickled my nostril. I fixedly look into the sea while feeling all of that with my body.

And then, I saw yellow spots in the sea. As I stare at them, two, three black fish with yellow spots appeared, and then I realize that it was a school of fish.

The base color of those fish is a simple black color but there are yellow, fluorescent-like spots shining on their bodies that I can saw them even from the ship.

「Ooh, it’s a school of Crowana (クロワナ)」

As I stare at them, Eric muttered so from behind me.

They look like Arowana, but those are completely different fish and they even seem to be able to live in the sea.

It’s probably a fish unique to this world.

Then everyone look into the water surface - maybe they also noticed the Crowana - looking greatly interested.

「Hey, can you eat this?」

「……you can. Contrary to its black scales, there is a lot of white and fat meat inside」

「Heeー, is that so」

So what makes Eleonora-neesan interested is whether the fish can be eaten or not. Seems to be only that.

I wish you have more interest in things. If so, then the time for sword practice will decrease and that will call for celebration for me.

As I stare at the school of Crowana while thinking of such a thing, a similar fishing boat as we approach from the front.

Then, that fishing boat slowly came to a stop as it get near us.

「What is that boat?」

「It’s, probably trying to catch the Crowana」

Two men appeared from the middle of that fishing boat when Eric reply.

They are large men with light brown, crew-cut hair. Tanned, golden brown, and wearing short sleeved-shirt, with bulging muscles.

To briefly describe those two large men’s faces, they have impressive gorilla faces. And there are two of them.

「What, are those gorillas? Are they monsters that live in the sea? They look similar to the so-called Yeti or something, the monster that lives in a snowy mountain」

「……unfortunately they are human, barely. They are the twin's fishermen in the village」

Luna-san regrettably shakes her head horizontally when Eleonora-neesan asked while putting her hand on the hilt of the sword on her waist.

The two of you, don’t say something terrible without hesitation.

As I involuntarily smile wryly at them, the two gorilla twins raise their arms that were as big as a woman’s thigh and waved toward us.

「Hey, Eric-boy! Sorry for disturbing your cozy time, but allow us to fish here, okay! 」

「We found a school of Crowana」

It feels a little strange hearing a similar voice coming from their similar facial features. I completely have no idea which is which.

「Hey, gorilla boss. You have to reply」

Eric retorted 「Who’s the gorilla boss」 when I said that as if mocking him, then he shouted

「Yeah, you can fish here without minding us」.

「「Thank you very much!」」

After the two gorillas vigorously replied, they immediately move around and started preparing.

「Just how are they going to catch the Crowana」

「You’ll understand when you see it. Those two’s fishing method is impressive and interesting」

Eric proudly smiled when I ask him.

What’s so interesting about fishing. Is there an impressive manner of fishing or a particular manner of fishing or something? Either way, I’m looking forward to it, so I decided to watch over the two of them as Eric said.

Of the two gorillas, one of them went to the sail. And the other one takes up position on the edge where the Crowana school can be clearly seen.

The gorilla that is on the edge carefully observes as if probing into the movements of the Crowanas.

Although the expression of the person himself is serious, for us we can only see him as if he's making funny faces. Since his gorilla level has increased by 50%.

(Ore Monogatari Live Action)


「Oi, you jerk. Don’t laugh」

「But Eric is also smiling despite saying that, aren’t you」

He spoke reflexively to me, but Eric was also smiling himself.

「The interesting fishing method you talked about, could it be it’s his facial performance?」

「Wrong. It’ll be used soon, just watch it quietly」

Eric urges me with his chin, so I look back at them again.

Then, the gorilla that was looking into the water's surface opened his eyes wide and stood up.

After that, he started shaping the magic power in his body.

「『I ask thee O flowing water Bends to my will』! Oraa!」 」

When the gorilla recite the chant, the sea surface - where the Crowana was swimming - instantly launched into the air.

The Crowanas that were swimming in the water was trying to leave those part of the water, but the whole water in that part was already under the control of that gorilla.

The launched water current is controlled by the gorilla and heads toward the fishing boat's direction.

The Crowanas that were trapped in the seawater had no other choice than to be put in the net in the middle of the fishing boat.

「It’s in!」

「It is! We also have a big catch today!」

The gorillas are delighted when they see the Crowanas that have seemed to enter the net.

「Oi, little brother! The school went over there!」

「Leave it to me big brother! We’ll chase after them!」

The gorilla who looked to be the little brother nod and then he spread open the closed sail with a thud.

「『I ask thee A breath of the wind from the air』!」

As the little (little brother) gorilla chants the spell, the wind starts to blow, and the fishing boat started to skillfully chase after the school of Crowana. The sight of the boat turning skillfully and then going straight to chase after the school really look as though it was a swimming fish in the sea.

「Ou! A little bit to the right!」


「Osshaa! Let’s do it one more time!」

Maybe the fishing boat has caught up to the Crowana since a column of water can be seen rising up into the air again in the distance. Then, they fall down to the net in the fishing boat as though it was being sucked by it.

I see. So they’re making full use of Water and Wind magic to fish, huh. It’s a fishing method unique to this world that has magic.

「The older brother - Garibas (ガリバス) - uses Water magic to catch the fish, then the younger brother - Urbas (ウルバス) - uses Wind magic to freely move the fish to the boat. Those twins are preciously talented magicians even in the village」

Eric proudly said when I was impressed with their method.

The older brother is controlling the water magic in a simple manner, but if you want to control that much seawater, it will use up quite the amount of magic power. Contrary to their appearance, it looks like they have a considerable amount of magic power.

And the younger brother also used the Wind magic by controlling it delicately, then he moves the boat swiftly. Though their technique is still unrefined, they are quite talented.

「I, certainly never thought of using magic like that」


Eric smiles and lets out a「Kukuku」 when I say that as though thinking about their method out loud. It was a very innocent-like smile just like a kid who had succeeded in playing a prank on someone.


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