The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 23: The Voting Results (2)

Chapter 23: The Voting Results (2)

As expected, a lot of people were looking at him, mainly because he threatened to kill anyone who didnt vote for him. But, there were still some people avoiding his gaze.

Hey, you over there with the round face!

Me? Uh, me?

Why arent you looking at me? You didnt vote for me, did you?

No, no, I did.

Dont lie to me. Ive been watching you, and youve been looking elsewhere!

Jo Joong-sik spent most of his five minutes pressuring people to vote for him, even threatening them, all in the hopes of gaining just one more vote.

After five minutes, the angel spoke.

Times up. We had a total of 4,988 votes, and fortunately, there were no stupid humans who forgot to vote. Shall we count the votes?

A transparent window popped up in front of everyone, displaying nicknames and numbers like a real-time voting chart. The numbers kept climbing until the results were announced:

1st Place: Life is a Documentary (2,412 votes)

2nd Place: Black Scythe (2,077 votes)

3rd Place: Black Flame Dragon on the Right Hand (249 votes)

4th Place: Puffed Up Bread (6 votes)

5th Place: Cute Baby Bird (5 votes)

Jo Joong-sik frowned. He had expected overwhelming results.

I only got 2,412 votes? And Black Scythe came in second?

The difference in votes between him and Black Scythe was only 335, a rather close gap that left Jo Joong-sik dissatisfied.

I told these guys to vote for me, but they secretly voted for Black Scythe instead?

Jo Joong-sik glared at those around him, but there was no way to tell who voted for whom.

Well, I cant do anything now that the results are out.

Jo Joong-sik smiled. As long as he won the election, he didnt care about how close the results were.

Ive become the district representative, just as expected. I now have the powerful authority to control these weaklings like slaves!

Jo Joong-siks gaze turned to Black Scythe.

You beat 5,000 humans no matter how strong you are.

If he ordered people to kill Black Scythe, even if he fights back, he would eventually die.

You bastard. Youll regret not killing me. Hehehe.

While Jo Joong-sik was inflated with anticipation, the angel announced the results.

Alright, its been decided. The winner, Life is a Documentary, is the district representative!

No one was happy with the results, as most people only voted for Jo Joong-sik out of fear.

The only one smiling was Jo Joong-sik himself.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hehehe, now everyone has to treat me with absolute respect, or else Ill use my authority to kill you all, you son of bitches.

His announcement was like that of a dictator, and the faces of the people darkened with shadows.

Then, as the zone representative, I will grant Life is a Documentary the authority to control people.

Soon, a message appeared in front of Jo Joong-sik.

[Congratulations, you have become the district representative.]

[You have obtained the unique power of the representative, the Power of Command.]

[You can check the details in the skill section of your status window.]

Hehe, finally.

Jo Joong-sik opened the status window with a sly grin.

There was a new skill added to the list called Control Authority.

He chuckled as he read the information.

[Temporary Skill Control Authority]

-Effect: You can force players to obey your commands.

The affected player cannot refuse the command under any circumstances.

Usage limitation is 10 times, and then the skill will disappear after all uses are consumed.

You can only give one command to each player.

Note: Players with jobs are immune to this skill.


Joong-siks smile faded as he read the details.

Whats this? I can only use it ten times?

He had thought that he would be able to command others as much as he wanted.

Well, its still a powerful skill, but

He was disappointed to find out that there was a limit to its use.

Whats the last line? It doesnt work on players with jobs?

In other words, those with jobs were immune to commands.

Of course, Joong-sik had no idea how to obtain a job, so he didnt feel like he should worry about it.

Well, everyone else is in the same boat.

If used properly, he could control the situation with his newfound power, as long as he kept the penalty a secret.

Best of all, he could eliminate his unwanted competitor, the Black Scythe.

That damned bastard. Ill command him to give up all of his items and commit suicide. Ah! Wait, it says only one command can be given to a single player?

Joong-siks mouth twisted into a grin.

Then Ill threaten him to give up all of his items first and then command him to commit suicide, that should work. Of course, even if he gives me his items, Ill kill him anyway. Hehehe.

The thought of being able to eliminate his hated rival made Joong-sik laugh involuntarily.

But his laughter was short-lived because the angel revealed unexpected news.

Okay, everyone. Youve voted, so its over, right? Well, no. There was a hidden quest this round.

What are you talking about?

A hidden quest?

Ignoring the bewildered onlookers, the angel fluttered its wings.

Change Jobs Before Voting Time Ends

Get the Job Change item and acquire your Job!

Reward: Receive a 50% discount coupon for todays items!

Whats this?

A sub-quest?

People were surprised by the sudden appearance of the quest.

They couldnt believe there was another quest.

There was a sub-quest hidden in this round. When you reach level 10, the job changing window will appear Did you not know? Kehehehehe.

Well, how can we level up when there are no monsters around?

Someone complained and the angel looked annoyed.

No monsters? The forest is full of monsters. Hunt in the forest to reach level 10. You can obtain the items you need for the job change by defeating the monsters.


People sighed, realizing how much time they have wasted.

Darn it, we werent supposed to argue and waste our time here!

We should have just gone to the forest to hunt

If we had done that, we could have completed the sub-quest and received the reward!

They all sighed with regret, but it was too late.

Dont be too disappointed. Anyone can change their job when they reach level 10, so just aim for it in the next round!

The angel tried to comfort the people.

Moreover, there are only 80,000 people who managed to successfully change their jobs in the entire world, which is less than 0.01% of the total 9 billion survivors!

80,000 people?

So many people have changed their jobs?

Although it was a small number compared to the 9 billion survivors in the world, it did not sound small to the players.

They felt inferior knowing that there were 80,000 people who had higher levels than them.

Oh, by the way, theres one job changer in our area too.

People were surprised by the angels words.

Theres a job changer?

Who is it?

[Shall we find out who it is by looking at the sub-quest results?]

After a moment, the result of the sub-quest appeared and peoples eyes widened.

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