The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 26: GS24 Yeonhui Branch (1)

Chapter 26: GS24 Yeonhui Branch (1)

Somewhere in a convenience store.

The owner Min Dohoon anxiously scrolled through internet articles, his trembling eyes scanning the screen.

[Four consecutive wins last month, and another first prize this time!]

[The winner only bought tickets with the same numbers worth 100,000 won. The jackpot alone is 12 billion won.]

[Five consecutive wins, totaling a staggering 68.5 billion won. Instant billionaires overnight.]

[The secret to his five wins? When asked, the winner claimed it was a dream he had that revealed the winning numbers]

Dreams revealing winning numbers?

Min Dohoons heart skipped a beat as he delved into the comments, only to find a string of absurdity.

Wow, Im so envious. I wish I dreamt of the numbers just once

As if the Lotto god would bother giving numbers maybe to a woman

Damn it.

Hey winner-nim, seems like youre unbelievably lucky. In that case, how about giving me a mere 100 million won?

Are you seriously asking for money without providing any information? Forget about the loser, my account number is Nonhyup Bank 291-2894-9311-110.

To the winner, if youre reading this, please spare me even a penny. Kihyup Bank 281-293099-39-001.

You bastards. Shamelessly begging like that. Nonhyup 291-2919-3999-912, Park Bongcheol.

I cant let myself miss out. Wuhup Bank

Are we surrounded by losers here?

No ones thinking straight. Why would the winner come here just to read comments, doesnt he have nothing else to do? Hell probably waste the money on lavish cruises and such.

In times like these?

Whats the point of having money? When lives are hanging by a thread from age 15 to 29.

Does it not matter if youre over 30?

Perhaps he used his player abilities? Like foreseeing the future

If he possesses such abilities. Hell probably hit the jackpot dozens of times more in the future.

Dont worry about that. Havent you seen the breaking news? Theyre discontinuing lottery sales after this round due to fairness concerns.

No way really?


Although the comments echoed with astonishment, for Min Dohoon, it was simply a reminder.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A while ago, he had received a call from the franchisee.

With lottery sales now halted, they were required to refund customers who had purchased tickets yesterday or today following the proper procedures.

Thats why he nervously skimmed through the article, yearning to see it with his own eyes.

And there it was.

[Breaking News! Complete Suspension of Lottery Sales Starting February 1st.]

-The government has decided to halt the sales of various lotteries, including Lotto, effective immediately.

Given the global economic turmoil caused by the death of 900 million people and the prevailing atmosphere of mourning, it is deemed inappropriate to continue selling lottery tickets.

However, this is merely a superficial reason; the underlying cause lies in the public outcry over fairness due to the emergence of players.

Players possess unique abilities through a power known as Rune, and the predicament arises from the significant disruption these powers bring to society.

For instance, it is rumored that the winner who claimed nearly 70 billion won in winnings over the past month is a player in their twenties.

The controversy over fairness had arisen since the consecutive wins of that particular lottery winner.

By the way, all citizens between the ages of 15 and 29 are now considered players.

There are approximately 870 million players worldwide, with around 4 million in our country.

Anyone who purchased tickets on Sunday or Monday can receive an immediate refund by presenting the lottery ticket at the point of purchase.

The news of the complete suspension of lottery sales was splashed across the main page of the portal site.

Naturally, Min Dohoons face contorted with concern.

Ugh What are we going to do? Sales have been shattered to pieces.

GS24 Yeonhui Branch was a convenience store that also dabbled in lottery ticket sales.

Due to the absence of other lottery retailers in the area, their business flourished.

Furthermore, recently weve even enjoyed the promotional effect of having had the 100-ticket winner visit.

But now, thanks to that very winner, they found themselves in this ironic situation where they couldnt sell lottery tickets anymore.

Sigh As if it wasnt challenging enough dealing with all the expenses

For Min Dohoon his concerns were about his daughter graduating from high school.

She had been his sole source of strength when he faced the downfall of his business, the divorce from his wife, and the struggle with debt.

To send our Juri to a decent university, I need to earn several times more than I currently do

And of all times, they were now unable to sell lottery tickets, just when money was tight.


Just as he let out a deep sigh, the door swung open, and his daughter, with eyes that were gentle and unwavering, entered.

Oh, Juri, youre here?

Dad, why are you sighing so heavily?

Sigh Its nothing. Dont worry about it.

Doesnt look like nothing. Your face clearly shows the stress. Dont hold back, tell me.

Min Dohoon couldnt help but share his concerns, as if he had no other choice, with his daughters persistent prodding.

He felt guilty for burdening his daughter, but if he didnt vent, the pent-up frustration would drive him insane.

Theyve discontinued lottery sales?

Yeah Were already struggling to cover all our expenses, and now were left wondering how well make ends meet Sigh

Worry crept onto Juris face as she listened to her fathers sigh.

Having assisted at the convenience store during school breaks, she was well aware of how significant lottery sales were for their overall revenue.

Juri forced a reassuring smile.

Dont worry, Dad. Now that Im graduating, I can assist not only during breaks but every day. That way, we can save on labor costs

Dont say that. I already feel bad for putting you to work.

Did you force me? I help because I want to.

Even so, its not right. Didnt we make a promise? Once you graduate, youll quit working at the convenience store.

Then Ill find another part-time job to contribute to the family

No, that wont do. Students should focus on their studies, not juggling part-time jobs. Ill find a way to send you to college, no matter what. You dont need to worry about this side of things.

But dad were struggling already

Oh my dear, Dad will handle it. Just focus on your studies, okay? Youre a high achiever, and becoming a doctor is your dream, right?

Dad Ive given up on that dream already.


With the current situation, whats the point of going to college? We dont even know if well survive the next round


Min Dohoon felt a sudden jolt as if he had been struck from behind.

Being overly preoccupied with earning money, he had forgotten about the harsh reality his daughter was facing.

Oh Right. Money isnt the most important thing now Lately, Ive been so absent-minded. Im sorry, Juri. I havent been able to be of help

Dad, you have nothing to apologize for. Its an uncontrollable situation, like a natural disaster.

But still

Im really okay. I survived the first and second rounds. Ill be able to endure the next one too. And guess what? I obtained a Job this time.

A Job?

Instead of answering, Juri raised her hand.

A radiant aura enveloped her, seeping into Min Dohoons mind.

W-What is this?

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