The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 30: Start Of Round 3 (2)

Chapter 30: Start Of Round 3 (2)

Um, um, excuse me!

Suddenly, a towering man approached, bowing at a 90-degree angle, capturing Jo Joong-siks attention.

Hwang Yongmin? Whats your story this time?

Life feels like a documentary, sir! No, senior Jo Joong-sik of the Joong-sik Faction! I deeply respect you, sir!

A brief pause followed as Jo Joong-sik observed Hwang Yongmin, trying to discern the meaning behind his respectful address.

And who are you? Judging by your manners, you must belong to my faction Where did you come from?

Ah, Im not part of the faction yet, but Im a young man in his twenties who aspires to become a gangster.


Aspired to become a gangster?

These kinds of damn fools exist too?

Jo Joong-sik had encountered countless fools in his lifetime, but someone bowing down and worshipping him was a new experience.

Senior Jo Joong-sik is my role model. The Joong-sik Faction is the organization I aspire to join and admire.

So? What do you want?

I want to serve you for a lifetime! Please allow me!

With his imposing stature, Hwang Yongmin prostrated himself before Jo Joong-sik.

His face flushed with longing.

Jo Joong-sik couldnt help but burst into laughter.

The idea of someone worshipping him wasnt entirely unappealing.

Get up.


Are you oblivious to the peoples gaze around you?

I am!

Do you not understand that my image has been tarnished?

I do, sir.

And despite that, youre willing to cling to me?

Hwang Yongmin surveyed his surroundings.

People cast disdainful glances his way.

Its alright because I hold deep respect for you, sir. As long as Im with you, I couldnt care less about these people!

Is that so?

A wide smile spread across Jo Joong-siks face.

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That was an answer I found pleasing. Very well. I will take you under my wing and nurture you.

Th-thank you! I consider it an honor!

Hwang Yongmin bowed again, his face glowing.

Jo Joong-siks smile widened.

[Has everyone gathered? Humans? Khehehe!]

At that moment, the angel materialized, capturing everyones attention.

[It seems we have about 90 fewer participants than before. Have you been quarreling with each other?]

The number of participants decreased?

The angels words sought to dispel any lingering doubts, as its wings gently fluttered.


Protect the Relics for 3 hours.

[Entire Region]

Participants: 856,030,200

Achievers: 0/214,007,550

[ESKS45-5 Area]

Participants: 4,900

Achievers: 0/1,225

Huh? Did it really decrease?

The number of participants in the ESKS45-5 area dropped from 4,988 to 4,900.

[Surely, young adults like them wouldnt die naturally Could it be because they were fighting, both in the game and in reality? Humans, are always hungry for conflict, arent they? Kehehehe.]

Did players really fight in reality?

I havent seen any news about it.

While the angels words left people bewildered, Ryu Mins reaction differed.

News of their fights probably hasnt surfaced yet. They were dismissed as simple murder cases, lacking attention.

However, the players were secretly engaged in a power struggle, even though it hadnt garnered much public awareness.

The decrease in the number of participants was a testament to that.

It wont be long before people find out. Theyll realize that players are a dangerous existence.

Clashes between players were to be expected.

Throughout the 99th regressions, Ryu Min never witnessed players forming alliances and bonding.

They treated other players as rivals, pushing each other away.

Though they briefly joined hands for cooperative missions, it was short-lived.

Once the mission ended, they pondered how to distance themselves from one another.

Even in collaboration, it was never enough.

And its not just our region. The decrease in participants is happening worldwide.

A reduction of approximately 90 people was an understatement.

The number of participants would continue to decrease.

And it will occur occasionally.

If they werent satisfied with the situation, they would resort to violence in the real world without hesitation.

Various crimes would erupt, and even ordinary citizens would eventually become victims.

The world where players reigned was fast approaching.

I dont have much time left. I must strengthen myself as much as possibleto possess a power that can protect my brother and surpass anyone.

While Ryu Min made his determination, someone cried out.

Wait! Look at the number of achievers for this round!

Angel! Isnt something strange about this? Is it an error?

The number of participants was 4,900, yet there were only 1,225 achievers.

The achievement count, which should have been half of the participants, had been halved again.

As people grew perplexed, the angel covered its mouth with its wings and burst into laughter.

[Kehehehe! Look at how humans panic. Are you surprised that the number of achievers decreased? Is it an error, you ask? No, its perfectly normal.]

I-Its normal?

Whats happening, Angel?

The angel grinned with a mischievous smile in response to the peoples objections.

[Have you all forgotten? How typical of Humans. Its the rule that only half of the participants survive each round. But in the previous round, everyone survived due to the vote, remember? So, isnt it natural that only a quarter will survive this round?]

Well, thats

It wasnt an incorrect statement.

If they considered the number of survivors that should have remained, a quarter was accurate.

People were aware of this fact.

However, they were simply caught off guard by the lack of prior explanation.

Only a quarter of the participants can survive?

No wonder the previous round was said to be easy.

Darn it! Who would have expected such a trap in the third round?

It felt as if they had been told that their credit card bills for the current month were exempt, only to have them combined and charged the following month.

[Theres no need to feel unjust. We simply reduced the number of survivors who couldnt be reduced last time. Just work hard to be in the top 25%.]


It was absurd, but no one dared to argue.

Challenging the angels whims might make their heads explode.

After all, they were forcibly thrown into a survival game.

Given their predicament, they had no choice but to follow the rules.

[Now, let me explain the details of the third round.]

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