The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 44: Unexpected Encounter (1)

Chapter 44: Unexpected Encounter (1)

After parting ways with Ryu Min, Ma Kyung-rok remained seated, deep in thought and murmuring to himself.

Will this amount of information suffice to demonstrate my abilities?

He believed it should be sufficient. After all, there was nowhere else to obtain information about the fourth round.

Now, we must wait to verify its authenticity.

The information relayed by Ryu Min had been nothing short of astounding. Ma Kyung-rok contemplated, Could it be true that such a catastrophic event awaits us? If it were indeed true, then caution was paramount from the very beginning. One should never underestimate the importance of being vigilant in their surroundings.

Suddenly, An Sang-cheol, who was seated next to him, lowered his head and expressed his remorse, I apologize, Director. I allowed my emotions to get the better of me earlier, raising my voice without realizing it

Ma Kyung-rok reassured him, Its alright, Director An. You were simply showing empathy towards me, werent you?

Well since you mentioned it, may I share my thoughts on this matter, sir?

Speak without reservation.

Honestly, I find this person named Ryu Min suspicious. If he can truly see the future why would he need to help us? With such an ability, he could lead a comfortable life without relying on anyone.

He claims that he wants to grow alongside our company. Perhaps he simply desires to accumulate more wealth?

Does he really need a reason for that? With 280 billion, he already possesses more wealth than he could spend in a lifetime.

Yet, human greed knows no bounds. Even someone like me would readily invest if presented with reliable information that guarantees profits.

Even so, it is too risky to place our trust solely in the information provided by one person. Furthermore, the existence of such an extraordinary rune is also questionable.

I agree with your concerns. However

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Ma Kyung-roks gaze transformed, akin to that of a predator fixating on its prey.

If he truly is a prophet capable of foreseeing the future, we must ensure his unwavering loyalty to our cause. Imagine the benefits if we could obtain information and prepare for every round. The growth of our company in the process would be an incredible bonus.

But how can we be certain of the prophets reliability?

That is a valid point.

Ma Kyung-roks lips curled slightly.

We will know once we enter that realm. Wont we?


As Ryu Min made his way back home, his steps were light, buoyed by the success of his plan. I managed to pique Ma Kyung-roks interest, just as I did in the previous regression. While he couldnt completely convince him, theres no need to worry. Once the fourth round is over, hell be convinced that I am a prophet.

Deliberately, he withheld important information such as sub-quests, and intentionally kept hidden the secrets to reaching the top ranks. I have enough on my plate to share with others. He revealed only the surface, carefully concealing the essence. This should be sufficient to establish my credibility as the prophet.

A prophet? Its not an empty claim. After all, I can glimpse the future through countless regressions. The Rune of Foresight? Yes, such a rune exists. However, it doesnt possess the far-reaching foresight Ryu Min described. At most, it grants a glimpse a few seconds into the future.

Nevertheless, I cant dismiss its significance. Its an essential rune on my acquisition list. I can obtain it in the eighth round, but thats still far off.

Regardless, if the information I provided turns out to be accurate, Ma Kyung-rok wont be able to doubt me. Even though Ma Kyung-rok and An Sang-cheol now know my home address and my status as a prophet Ryu Min exuded confidence. He believed there was no immediate danger. They wouldnt harm him or his younger brother, nor would they entertain the idea of threats.

On the contrary, they will treat me as a prophet, offering utmost respect and protection. Having me as an ally by his side is more advantageous for Ma Kyung-rok than making me his enemy. The presence of an ally named the prophet would provide unparalleled reassurance.

So, its best to inform Juri now, isnt it? To let her know that I am a prophet. Since he had committed to embodying the role of the prophet, he had to press on. Concealing things served no purpose. Delaying the revelation risked eroding trust. Its wiser to keep my identity as the Grim Reaper hidden, though. Disclosing that he was the Grim Reaper would impose restrictions on his actions in this realm. If I mishandle my darker nature, I might become disliked.

The true identity of the Grim Reaper must remain concealed, but unveiling my status as the prophet is advisable. It would allow me to openly provide Juri with information about the upcoming round and extend overt assistance. She may inquire about my occupation one day. Its better to disclose it now. Despite the suddenness, Ryu Min called Juri. Hey, Juri.

-Whats up?

I have something to tell you. Can you spare some time? Lets meet in front of the convenience store.

-What? Now?

Yeah. How about meeting in an hour?

-Oh, okay! See you then.

After setting up the appointment and exchanging handshakes, Ryu Min hailed a taxi.

Could you take me to GS24 Yeonhui Branch, please?

Yes, sir! Please fasten your seatbelt.

Lost in thought, Ryu Min gazed out the window when suddenly the phone rang.

Expecting it to be Juri, Ryu Min glanced at the screen, only to see an unfamiliar number.

Oh, this number

Is it already time for the handover?

With that thought in mind, Ryu Min answered the call, and as expected

-Hello, sir! This is Choi Tae-guk, the supercar dealer! As youve been eagerly waiting, the supercar has arrived.

I wasnt exactly waiting eagerly.

Nevertheless, since he need a car for various reasons, its good that it arrived today.

Should I deliver it to you right away? Where should I go?

What should I do? I need to meet Juri now.

Delivering it to my home immediately would take time.

Asking him to come to the convenience store seems awkward.

Its also too noticeable, and the location is cramped since its an alley.

Can you come to Seodaemun-gu? Ill send you the address via text.

Yes! Ill be there soon!

After ending the call, Ryu Min sent the address and informed the driver.

Driver, please go to a residential area near Seodaemun-gu Fire Station, not GS24 Yeonhui Branch.

Yes, sir!

The place Ryu Min mentioned was none other than the old house before moving, a shabby multi-family house.

If its there, I should have enough parking space for the car.

Just in case, I should check if theres any mail waiting.


Please stop here.

Yes, sir!

After settling the taxi fare, Ryu Min stepped out of the car.

Walking through the narrow old alley to receive the car brought back nostalgic feelings.

It has only been two months since I moved, but it feels like the good old days.

Having lived in a lush 100-square-meter apartment, Ryu Min made a stop at a shabby residential area.

Feeling a sense of disconnect in the neighborhood, it almost felt like coming back to a hometown.

As Ryu Min walked, reading the text message from the dealer, he said he will need 10 more minutes to arrive.

Upon reaching the front of the house, intending to check for any mail


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