The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 61: Deathmatch (1)

Chapter 61: Deathmatch (1)

Before starting the extra game, the angels huddled together, engaging in a lively discussion. Not only does this new Zone need a new representative, but it also needs a new angel to guide players. [Now that the areas are integrated, we should appoint a guide,] suggested one angel. [Yeah, we cant afford to fight over it like we did before,] chimed in another. Yet, none of the angels seemed eager to step up as guides. Whether human or celestial, nobody was keen on taking up unnecessary responsibilities. [Is there any brave one willing to volunteer?] asked Elu, looking around expectantly. The silence was deafening. Not a single hand rose in response. [Well, I guess that was a pointless question,] Elu sighed. Priscilla couldnt resist throwing a teasing remark, Anyone whos easy to volunteering must be a misfit, right? Olives eyes shot open in disbelief. [Youre talking about me just now?] [What? Your name didnt even cross my mind,] Priscilla retorted, trying to downplay her earlier mockery. [You were making fun of me when I offered help earlier,] Olive insisted. [Is that how it sounded? Pfft, youre not completely clueless after all,] Priscilla chuckled. [What?] Their heated exchange was interrupted by concerned fellow angels, who stepped in before things escalated. [Hey, hey, enough of this bickering!] [Why do you two always end up fighting whenever you meet? Its like old times all over again!] [I didnt quarrel just for the sake of it! That birdbrain started it!] Olive protested. [What? Birdbrain? Youre not even worth mentioning, let alone being compared to a bird,] Priscilla shot back. [Enough, enough! The humans are watching us,] another angel cautioned. [Yeah, if we keep this up, even the Angel Master will notice,] someone added. At the mention of the Angel Master, the two angels immediately fell silent, choosing not to argue further. [Now, lets get back to the main issue. Weve established that no one wants to be the guide. So, whats our plan? Any bright ideas?] Ellen asked, trying to steer the discussion in a positive direction. Each angel voiced their opinions in response. [What if we roll a dice to decide on the guide?] [Leaving it to chance? Its not very thrilling, but it could work.] [Alternatively, we could take turns, rotating the guide role.] [But wont that be unfair? The ones at the end might never get a chance. Besides, well probably integrate the areas soon enough.] True. Various suggestions were thrown into the mix, and despite the seemingly simple task of choosing a guide, the angels expressions grew increasingly serious as they contemplated the best course of action. Priscilla, who had been keeping quiet until then, suddenly spoke up with an intriguing suggestion, How about this? Instead of relying on a random game based on luck, why dont we use this extra round to decide? the district representatives are going to fight, right? The area angel in charge of the first person who dies will be appointed the guide as a penalty.] [Oh, that would be fun, right?] [Thats a good idea.] [I like Priscillas way. Anyone who agrees besides me?] [I agree.] [I agree.] Priscillas sassy rose as the angels agreed with her. Then Olive raised her hand to object. [Rather than that, how about doing this? Not the first human to die, but the angel in charge of the last human standing wins. To spice things up, the winning angel gets to take on the role of a king.] [A king?] the others echoed in curiosity. [Exactly. The other angels must obey the kings commands. For example, if the king selects someone as the guide, they must be followed without question. It will be the kings order,] Olive explained. The idea sparked excitement among the angels, [So, if a human from our area emerges victorious, we also get to experience being rulers?] [Oh, this sounds even more fun!] they exclaimed. [A king you say I get it Kehehe, The very thought of it makes me salivate,] added another. [An inventive idea, Olive!] they praised, all except Priscilla, who couldnt help feeling a bit miffed. But her irritation was short-lived as she couldnt resist a playful smile, Hehe, proposing that the winning side becomes the king. You must be pretty confident. Yes, I am, Olive replied with a hint of cheekiness. Youre taking our area representatives a bit lightly, arent you? They wont be pushovers. Mine maintained his top rankings across all rounds, Priscilla challenged. [Oh, really?] Olive couldnt help but smirk internally, finding Priscillas confidence amusing. You think youre all high and mighty? Dont be so quick to laugh it off. If you knew who my area representative is, youd be astonished. Little did Priscilla know that Olives area representative was an unstoppable force, dominating all the areas. [So, are you up for it or not?] Olive questioned, trying to hide her amusement. [Well, I see no reason not to,] Priscilla replied confidently. [Im in too. This sounds thrilling,] another angel added. [Count me in,] said yet another. [Im confident too! My area representative is no ordinary enemy!] exclaimed another angel. With the plan now set, they decided to move forward. [Alright then, Olive, please go ahead and explain.] As Olive flew back to where the players were, her wings caught everyones attention, and she called for the beginning of the extra game to choose the unified representative. [Alright, everyone! Gather under my command, all area representatives!] she announced, and the ten representatives assembled around her. With a signal, the ground shook, and a circular hill-like arena emerged. [From now on, well have a deathmatch where you kill or be killed until only one remains. I must warn you though, if you die outside the arena, there will be no resurrection for you, so stay within the bounds. Let the game begin!] Hello Everyone, I hope you like the websites new look.For more chapters please support me on Patreon.

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