The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 110 Ascandent Humans

"Isn't that the place Lord Damien and Lady Juliette went to?" She asked, and Flint nodded with a frown of his own.

"Should we...?" He suggested, and she nodded. "Let us." And just like that, the duo flew towards the two pillars of Mana as well.

Some Falsarians also flew towards the direction as well, including Fin. She wasn't holding the <Flare Scribble>, but a cute sword her size.

But before they arrived at the two pillars, they suddenly saw them expand, and then fused together to form one single pillar of even greater magnitude.

"...What on earth?" Flint marveled at the pressure oozing out of the now fused pillars, but Fou grabbed him by the hand and dragged him forward. "Let's hurry."

"Alright." They flew over as fast as they both could, and watched the pillar from afar.

Around them were thousands of pixies, and tens of Falsarians. And the numbers were continously increasing as well.

Meanwhile, the couple responsible for all of this, had their bodies easily evaporated by the intense Mana blazing out of them, and forming the pillar.

And the only thing floating within, was their Wills. And those Wills, could gain a bit of understanding at what was occurring to them right now.

[ TING!!! ]

[ An Ascandent Achievement!! ]

[ Both your three aspects of Existence have resonated together, and were greatly exposed to one another thanks to the contract bounding both your souls together ]

[ Your "Ascandent Foundation" and your "Apex Foundation" have fused together, becoming a never before heard of Unique Foundation ]

[ You have awakened the "Ascandent Apex Foundation" ]

[ This is foundation that is spilt amongst your entire race. You've opened up a path of becoming Unique Existences to humans ]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[ Once you breakthrough, you can both become the Progenitors of the Ascandent Human Race. And as the first Unique Grade variations of Humanity, it shall forever stand above all coming variation, and incorporate them into itself ]



The two Wills, one representing Damien and the other representing Juliette, remained silent as the were both shocked at the occurring events that currently took place.

This... was a nexus point for humanity.

And as that occurred, the massive pillar of Mana slowly receded. At the same, the more of the couple's bodies were being reformed.

And once the pillar was gone, Damien and Juliette, found themselves at the same postures they had been, just a moment ago.



They remained silent, and only exchanged gazes. And from that brief exchange, they were able to tell the minor changes that took place on their bodies.

"...This was unexpected." Commented Damien, watching Juliette with her head having a mixture of black and silver hair. More of black.

Her eyes were also heterochromic, one was black with its previous beauty, while the other was blue, with a mystical rune at its center.

"...Yeah." Juliette nodded, more affected at Damien's change than he was with hers.

He also had a head full of both silver and platinum blonde hair. But unlike her, his eyes were both blue. One having a rune at its center, and the other just being sky blue.

He also had the same mark that she had on his forehead, but his four droplets were all grey in color.

And either than, there was no changes made to their physiques and the likes.

"Sir Damien, Miss Juliette..." Flint's voice flew over, as both he and Fou landed besides them.

At the same time, the pixies and remaining Falsarians also descended.

"Ah... you never cease to amaze me." The pixie prince said, with an exaggerated sigh of exasperation. "As expected from an Anomaly."

But everyone else ignored it. "Are you guys okay? What happened?" Fou inquired, personally checking up on Juliette.

"Sorry about that, Fou. We are alright. Just a minor setback and ignorance that led to all this. But ultimately, we are fine. See?" Juliette replied  with a smile.

"I'm glad to hear that." Fou sighed, and finally relaxed. Meanwhile, Flint and Damien... checked up on each other like ordinary men.


And just like that, the matter was concluded. Nobody dared to ask more about the intricacies of what truly occurred, while some, like the pixie prince, already knew.

"You should stay here. Stabilize your foundation, and bring yourself truly to the peak of mortality." Damien said to Juliette, who asked back with a frown. "What about you?"

"I'm stable as I am. I'll also be helping Flint and the Falsarians build up their new home if you need me." He replied nonchalantly.

"...Alright then." She nodded, and sat herself down. She had a lot to do.

Getting accustomed to her newly found stats, rising up all her spells to the third circle, possibly fourth, and many more. And she began as soon as Damien left.

Meanwhile, Damien went to help the Falsarians with their building process as he said.

Throughout the process, Flint sold half of the Mana related resources he had, for building materials from the pixies.

And not just ordinary materials, but things that not even demigods would easily damage, or look down upon. He also took out half of the ones remaining to use as building resources.

He was going all out.


Damien found himself speechless, but did not advise him against it. He also had similar plans when it came to building a perfect refugee for humanity.

And just like that, the day flew by. Nothing drastic occurred, and the workers spent the night working themselves off. And to the next day as well.

Sleep was unnecessary for them, and just did it for the sake of experience. But if need be, they could stay up for as long as possible.

They were demigods, and demigod equivalent powerhouses. Even spending months awake, without food or water, was not much of a problem... Just a limiting factor.

Two days after Damien involved himself in the building process, the pixies also joined, giving them enough time to rest, while increasing their pace of progress.

And during his rest period, Damien decided to open up the definition of what an Ascandent Human was. After all, 'Knowing oneself is as good as opening up a path of victory.'

He remembered such a thought from a Dragon that once taught him the tactics of war. She was a natural born war goddess.

[ Race: Ascandent Human ]

[ Potential: Godly Unique ]

[ Definition: A Unique variation of humans, born out of the sheer hard work and unforthamable talent of two humans. This variation of humans have their Mana explosively different compared to that of other races. Just by becoming one/being born as one, your base Mana will begin at a trillion units. Their strength, speed, defense and other stats are also twenty times more than average (Base requirement; Epic Profession or stronger). Their genetic trait allows them to be able to breakthrough limits and restrictions, and gives them the irreversible urge to do the impossible... regardless of the cost. Once powerful enough, they can obtain the complete Mastery over the Universal Rules of Manadynamics, Mana-nucleosis, Mana-Kinesis... and shape Reality's interior at Will ]

[ Traits: As the first variation of humanity of this world, Ascandent Humans will be able to incorporate other incoming unique variations, and reciprocate their alpha traits into itself as sub traits, always keeping itself as the Alpha Genes. This trait is considered an Ultimate effect, thus taking up the slot of other traits ]

[ Progenitic Effects: As Progenitors of this race, you're innately immune to other Ascandent Humans, regardless of strength or realm. If you desire it, you obtain "Absolute Invulnerability" against them ]

[ BONUS: Do to your Ascandent Achievement, your Unique Abilities "Wisdom Eye" and "Plot Armor", has been elevated. It's effects have been enhanced greatly and affected by your Bloodline. Your Extra Abilities "Chosen Extra" and "Dazzling Presence" have been sacrificed towards your Bloodline for a Hidden trait ]

[ Hidden Trait: Anyone carrying this Bloodline, be it a complete or half Bloodline, obtain a Dazzling Presence wherever they go. Their presence catches the attention of those around them, one way or another. Depending on the purity of their Bloodline, minor, major or even irreversible events circulate around them. And Fate and Fortune indirectly pulls them to be part of the blessed individuals circulating around it ]


Damirn felt speechless. Completely speechless from shock.

Everything about this new race was considered blasphemous to the understood principles of common sense.

Just having a base of trillions of units of Mana, while being born an Epic was fantastic. Not even the strongest of demigods had that much Mana within them.

But let alone that, the enhanced stats, the genetic trait, the influence on the Universal Rules, the trait, the progentic effects, and even the hidden trait... all of these were illogical.

"But then, it's as expected of a race of Godly Unique potential. It's almost at the level of the seven major races... which makes more sense." He thought out loud.

And that being the case, it made him wonder. "Why are you trying so hard to get on my good side?" And he wondered, his words targeted at a certain entity.

[ ...The Destiny Eater ]

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