The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 82 A Troublesome Class



"Hm?" Adison sat up straight. 'Could senior Sixth be back?' He thought. The cold blooded man had went out to buy something for himself. Today was a good day since it was a day off.

Thinking up to there, he casually responded. "Come in." Ninth also did not hide considering that even she thought only Sixth would visit Adison this late.

But what both of them failed to consider was that, Sixty would never knock if he was the one behind the door. And thus, the door was opened, and a black haired beauty walked in.

"Little brother, I have something to tell... you." She paused, as her eyes immediately met those of Ninth, who also looked back at her in shock and silence.


Adison was shocked at the whole scenario as well. He found himself staring staring both his sister, and the youngest assassin of the Gray House, eyeing each other carefully. 'Uh-oh.' He thought.

The study room was laid with silence. Two beauties stared at each other, and the only guy within the room, stared at both of them, dreading his own future.

He was dreading the fact that his sister might tell his parents, and that might just put them in danger. Or the fact that Ninth might attack just to silence her.

Anything was possible. He had yet to forget his status within this whole situation. He was a future pawn, secretly being sharpened by a venomous organization.

The status quo remained the same until a moment later, when Adriana suddenly closed the door behind her, and silently locked it.


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She then crossed her arms, and leaned on the door. Her eyes playfully drifting on Ninth, she then said, "My my my... Little brother, I never knew you were so bold enough to find yourself a woman."

"Or maybe is she a spy of yours? Hm. At least you got taste. She has... quite the figure." She said in a playful tone, mischief now dancing within her eyes. "Have you already...?"

"NO!! I mean, no, big sis, it aren't like that." Adison hurriedly said, but Adriana ignored him and continued to appraise Ninth. "Hm. Hm. What nice curves. A perfect plump chest. A well drawn face. Can you take off that mask?"

She asked, and Ninth hurriedly shook her head. She did not think much about it, and continued her appraisal, "A secret relationship? Nice. Unfortunately you're sitting down, hey, missy, can you at least get up for me?"

She asked, and this time, Ninth found herself standing up. 'No!! Lady Nine, don't listen to her. I beg you, sit down!!' But Ninth could not read thoughts. Which was unfortunate.

"Can you twirl around for me? Hold on, slower. Don't be shy, big sister won't bite you." Adriana kept speaking, and Ninth awkwardly followed her instructions.

Adonis was shocked. It was as if the cold beauty he knew was just all an illusion. Because right now, the Ninth before before was absolutely cute, and just cute.

"My my, you also have a perky ass. You're perfect through and through. I'm jealous." Adriana finished her appraisal, and then told her to sit back down.

She then moved towards Adison's side, and stood behind him. And gently  massaged his shoulders, and continued taking control over the situation.

"Little brother, whose doll is this? How come big sister dies not know about her?" She asked, and Adison felt awkward. He looked at Ninth, but the girl only stared down at her feet.


Adriana saw through their interaction and smiled. "Oho? Another secret? It's alright. She seems more like a spy, than a potential doll for me. What a pity. Anyway, about what I came to tell you..."

She paused, then stopped massaging his shoulders. Her tone then changed as she asked, "Is it alright if I speak before her?" And whispered into his ears.


Adison first thought about it, and realized that since he was at their mercy, they would force the information out of him anyway. So he nodded to avoid the whole scenario.

"Hmm... Alright. About father's preposition. I know who it is that is killing the wolves. And which Stronghold they belong to." She casually said while continuing her massage.

"Really?" Adison asked in intrigue. Ninth also perked her ears to listen. "Yes, really." Adriana sternly nodded. Then she added, "You can also send your little spy to go and verify if you don't trust me."

"No, I trust you." Adison said with a bit of force. This sister of his normally would not even give him this much attention. And most times, she was just bullying him.

If he had a weak self esteem, it would definitely be her fault. But today, for sone reason, here she was, acting all close and loving with him. He wondered why.

"That's great. So, as for who it is, would you believe me if I told you that it's actually related to the Gray House?" She dropped the bomb, and both Adison and Ninth looked up at her in shock.

"I'm not lying." She faked a pout and said.

"I... I didn't say you were, big sister. I was just shocked, that's all." Adonis said in a bit of surprise and perplexion. 'So it's really related to them, isn't it? But do we have proof?'

"By the way, do you have a Class?" Adriana changed the topic, and Adison nodded. She then looked at Ninth, who hesitated for a long time and then nodded.

"Great. So do I. Mine is a Supreme Divine Class, The Seeker. It allows me to obtain either information or clues of whatever I seek. And I used it to find out who it actually is that made that old man so unsettled." She said.



Adison and Ninth then nodded. Adriana then smiled, and did not even bother asking what their Classes were. Instead, she planted a light kiss on his cheek and left.

"Well that's all, let big sister not disturb you two lovebirds. Enjoy the night. Mwah~" And just like that, she was truly gone.

Adonis waited for a moment and when he was sure that she left, he hurriedly lowered his head and apologized. "I am really sorry for my sister's behavior. She definitely acted that way to make fun of me. Please don't take her comments to heart."

"It's... Fine." Ninth replied softly, her head lowered. Below the table, she was nervously playing with her fingers. Meanwhile, Adonis felt more dread. 'She... She hesitated. I'm so dead.'

And thus, the room was laid with silence until Sixth returned. And as expected, he did not knock and just roughly opened the door. "Nine, I'm back. Damn, business was horrible tonight. Hm? What's with the somber atmosphere?"

He inquired, frowning slightly. Adonis then hurriedly began explaining the situation, afraid that if Ninth spoke, she might make matters worse for him.

"Mhm. Mhm. The fact that you let something like this occur, means that you still need more training. Maybe I should report this to the High Lady." He sighed and sat down besides Ninth.

"I'm sorry." Ninth meekly apologized. Sixth gently rubbed her head, and added, "Don't worry. You're still underaged, so maybe it's understandable that you would make such a mistake."


She did not respond, and just nodded. Sixth then wiped off the smile on his face, and stared down on Adonis. "But really... you are the most stupidest person I've ever met."

'Huh?' Adonis felt surprised. And shocked. He then mustered up the courage to ask why. "Uhm, how, how am I the dumbest person you know?"

"You just are." Sixth scoffed at him. 'Figures.' And Adonis was not surprised. Sixth then added, "The Seeker, was it? The fact that she was able to obtain information about us through desire and just curiosity is terrifying."


Adonis did not say anything and just listened. But his heart was already palpitating, terrified of the solution where they would have to silence his sister.

After all, Ninth might be cute, but Sixth... this man was a genuine cold blooded assassin. He definitely would not hesitate. And indeed, he saw the light within Sixth's eyes drop by a shade.

"Meaning that it should not be hard for her to be able to tell who we are. Even with Hidden Classes, I doubt she would fail at obtaining a single clue that we are related with the Gray House." He said, his voice bone chilling cold.



And it then clicked to both Nine and Adison, that Adriana was not just fooling around when she struck up a conversation and an interaction with Nine. She was actually at work.

"No way..." Adison's face almost lost all color. His vision went blurry as his thoughts went on an overdrive. But the most dominate one's being, 'Big sister... might die. And it's all my fault.'

Ninth felt more ashamed, and secretly clenched her fists. She seemed to be in an internal struggle with herself. While Sixth's cold eyes stared straight at Adison.

The room temperature dropped by more than ten degrees celcius. Fear and killing intent spreading out within the room.

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