The Abused Luna's Comeback

Chapter 202 - The Discussion on Identity

Chapter 202: The Discussion on Identity

[Rose’s P.O.V.]

When I opened my eyes the next morning, my first thought was to look for Phil’s crib, but it was nowhere in sight. I almost jumped out of bed before I quickly realized that I was in my old bedroom, not the guest room. I felt a little more relieved.

I didn’t see Edward next to me when I got up so I decided to just wash up and find Luna Taylor. I was sure that no matter how much she loved Felix Lancaster and how many hundreds of kisses she could shower on her beloved grandson, she must have been tortured by that energetic little boy last night.

I was about to enter the bathroom when I heard the bedroom door open. I turned around and saw Edward.

“I just went to morning practice so I didn’t wake you because you were so sound asleep.” He walked over and gave me a kiss. “Did you sleep well last night, Baby?”

“Not bad, Alpha, but I think I should return to our baby boy soon. He must have caused your mother a lot of trouble last night.”

“My mother has said to me before that she would happily spend twenty-four hours with Phil. She probably loves him more than she loves herself.”

“I know, but taking care of a baby is tiring.”

“Yes, sweetheart, but I also would like to take a moment of your time. We need to talk.”

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I nodded, knowing that whenever Edward spoke to me like that, the things we were going to talk about were no small matter. I let him take my hand and lead me to the sofa for a seat.

“Darling, do you remember what you asked me last night? Right before we went to bed?” asked he and I nodded.

“I’ve already thought of two options to your predicament. Whether you want to continue living as Rose or Mona is your choice, and I will support you no matter what.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Dear. Can I hear the two options you have, then?”

“Yes, of course. Which would you like to hear first?”

“Mona’s,” said I without hesitation but not because I had already made up my mind to continue living as Mona. Honestly, I was still undecided. But I also knew that if I were to return to being Rose, everything would be so much easier.

“Let’s sort out what had happened: Emily and her accomplices had planned my car accident to keep me away from the pack. The imposter who replaced me deeply hurt my pack and Rose.”

I waited for him to continue.

“So because of him, Rose rejected me and left the pack. Eventually, I developed feelings for someone else during a business trip.”

“Yes, that’s what happened from others’ perspectives.”

“For this latter part, no one is to be blamed. Rose was not at fault for leaving me and I am not at fault for starting a new relationship. The only ones who should be blamed are Emily and her accomplices.”

“I agree with you.”

“So, what do we do if Rose and I somehow met again? How should we behave around each other in public then?”

“What do you mean?”

“If you want to choose Mona’s identity, maybe I should then focus on building my relationship with Mona and accept her as my mate. This would mean that I would have to let go of Rose because what I had with her no longer exists. In a nutshell, option one is to build a new life with Mona and her child.”

“Wait, are you saying that you don’t want me to come back as Rose and stay by your side forever? Do you love Mona more than me?”

“I don’t mean that at all, Baby. Whatever you choose will be what I choose because you are my one and only love and that will never change. You may look like Mona but you are still Rose. Even my wolf Champion will love you as always because Charlotte is still a part of you.”

“But if we go with the first option, then people will never know that Phil is your biological son. I can’t allow that reality. It’s very unfair to him.”

“I have a solution to that. A paternity test will be the best proof. I will simply tell everyone that I need to ensure your safety before the culprits are caught, which is why I didn’t tell them that Phil is actually my son. We’ll just tell some white lies.

“But the timing of his birth doesn’t match the timeline of your relationship with Mona…”

“Well, besides the ranked members and Dr. Baldwin who know the exact time of your pregnancy and labor, no one will be able to accurately do the math. I will just explain that after my car accident, I had been cast with dark magic and had lost my memory. That was when I had Phil with you, while I was far from the pack. And that I still didn’t know how I will ever do right by Rose, but I also needed to be responsible for you, which means that you still have the right to become the pack’s Luna.”

“Edward, even if I remain as Mona, Charlotte’s appearance will simply reveal my true identity and throw all these plans out the window.”

“Hmm… Baby, when was the last time you transformed into Charlotte?”

“Umm, before I became pregnant.”

“OK, that will be an additional thing we will have to figure out. Maybe her appearance will change with yours. Try transforming now.”


“Yes. Charlotte isn’t that strong anyway. Also, this place is big enough. Champion and I miss her a lot.”

“Alright…” I shrugged and started to undress. I could already feel Charlotte jumping and howling excitedly within me. She hadn’t been out for a long time.

The moment I transformed, Charlotte immediately took over, and Edward and I simply gasped the moment we saw her.

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