The Abused Luna's Comeback

Chapter 127 - Alpha Under House Arrest

Chapter 127: Alpha Under House Arrest

[Patrick’s P.O.V.]

“What? You found poison in Eve’s blood?”

I was not expecting such a report from Dr. Baldwin.

“Yes, Beta. I detected a small amount of musk and saffron in Eve’s blood. These ingredients are extremely detrimental to the development and growth of the fetus. In some eastern countries, they are used to abort pregnancies. But I don’t think this is the main cause of death of Eve’s baby since it was already fully formed.”

“What is ,then?”

“When she was sent here, her body temperature was already pretty hot and I think that had caused her physiological functions to temporarily shut down. That is the most likely cause of her baby’s death. A simple fall would not have caused her body to overheat like that but I’m still unable to figure out what did. I have a feeling that black magic was involved.”

“Black magic?” The first half of Dr. Baldwin’s subsequent report made sense, but not the second half.

“Yes, it’s possible that the curse of black magic, coupled with those herbs, contributed to this tragedy. But I’m not 100% sure of my judgment. I’ve already reported my thoughts to Alpha.”

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“What did he say?”

“He said that I was old and muddle-headed. If news of this became public, he will punish me. But I couldn’t not tell anyone about this, which is why I came to you, Beta.”

“Thank you for trusting me with this information, Dr. Baldwin. But as Alpha said, please keep this matter a secret for now.”

He nodded and left. Once he was gone, I immediately called the other ranked members to my room.

“I knew it! I told you so! This was all a set up to frame Luna!”

Jane felt triumphant that her initial theory was right.

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“But I can’t think of any reason Eve would frame Luna,” said Ade.

“Perhaps she’s just a pawn,” said I, basically repeating Diana’s theory.

“This is the second poison incident that has happened to the pack within a short period of time. The last time was a maid. This time, it was an innocent child!” Luna Taylor lamented.

“Oh, also, Dr. Baldwin had told me that he had initially reported this to Alpha.”

“Edward knows about this? He should have sent people to investigate thoroughly,” said Alpha Leon.

“Well, Uncle Leon, Alpha simply thought that Dr. Baldwin is senile and threatened to punish him if the doctor told anyone else about this.”

Everyone looked at me in disbelief, but there was nothing I could do. No one complained anymore, not even Jane. A stifling and powerless atmosphere filled the room. We knew there was something amiss about Alpha, but we didn’t know what so we could not even start to find a solution to fix him.

“Edward is no longer in a condition to lead the pack. He will be placed under house arrest. Patrick, I need you to be the temporary Alpha of the pack,” said Alpha Leon all of a sudden.

“But Uncle Leon, I don’t have any intention of shirking responsibility but we currently don’t have a legitimate reason to place Alpha under house arrest. Moreover, this isn’t a long-term plan,” said I.

“It is precisely because this isn’t a long-term plan that I am not allowing Sunset Pack to fall into disgrace under Edward’s current leadership! As for the legitimate reason put him under house arrest, it will be for hurting Luna. This is my order and I will take responsibility for everything.”

I looked at the old man in front of me. He had become much more haggard these days. He had just ordered his own son to be grounded. It must have taken a lot for him to come to such a decision. All I could do now was to support him unconditionally.

Soon, we gathered in Alpha’s office and Uncle Leon delivered his decision. “You want to put me under house arrest! Just because of that b*itch? Are you trying to rebel against the heavens?!”

As expected, Alpha was quite angry. However, I never expected him to call Luna “that b*tch”.

“Edward, you must be possessed! You are to be under house arrest until you return to normal!” Alpha Leon looked straight at his son fearlessly as he spoke. Edward was a head taller than his father but that did not matter to the latter.

“Edward, my child, what is wrong with you?” Luna Taylor cried, her tears rolling down her cheeks.

“There is nothing wrong with me! It is all of you who have been bewitched by that damn b*tch! How dare you disobey me! Guards! Take my father away! He is trying to rebel against his monarch!”

Despite the presence of a few chief guards in the office, they did not dare to move. They were at a loss as to whose commands they should listen to.

I decided to give more specific orders. “Dylan, send Alpha to his room to rest. Instruct the servants to deliver his meals to his room. He is not allowed to leave his room until further notice.”

“Do it!” Alpha Leon roared with all his might and Diana shuddered beside me. Even I had never seen him so angry. Dylan finally walked forward, followed by his subordinates.

“I will execute you! How dare you disobey your Alpha!” Alpha Edward shouted the entire way as he was brought to his room, his voice echoing throughout the corridors. He also attempted to transform into his wolf, but decided against it in the end.

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