The Academy Heroines Remember My Death

Chapter 31: Magi Manipulation

Chapter 31: Magi Manipulation

Magi Manipulation


I had no idea why Ha-eun had such a happy expression. Just looking at her made my head hurt.

Fuck, I miss Seo-ah.Seriously. I shouldnt have even thought about fighting Lee Hyun.

If Seo-ah was here, Ha-eun could at least cover for me. Should I just knock her out?

B-bring it on!

Ha-eun got into a strange martial arts stance.

I could tell it was flimsy. It was even more ridiculous for someone like her, who fights with skills and not martial arts, to get into such a stance.

She probably thought she looked stronger standing like that.

Who are you?

Even Lee Hyun-a was staring at her, confused.

At this point, she should have been embarrassed, but her expression remained resolute, which made Lee Hyun-a even more bewildered.

In addition, she didnt stop.

Who are you?! How dare you try to fight someone before me, the Dark Flame Dragon! Youre arrogant!


Im the strongest being in this world, a dragon!

It seemed Ha-eun was suffering from Chunnibyo.


Looking at Lee Hyun-as bewildered expression, which I hadnt seen in a long time, Ha-euns syndrome seemed to be super effective.

Of course, I doubted Ha-eun was intimidated, but it was enough for her to get Hyun-as attention.

I can always fight Hyun later.

If we met again at the academy, another opportunity would come.

Right now, it was important to destroy the flags. While there may be things I wanted to do, my plan to completely ruin the plans of people within the academy was more important.

Where do you think youre goin-


Before Lee Hyun-a could intercept me, I used the [Stealth] skill.

Before I regressed, Lee Hyun was able to find a persons location just by observing the flow of air. Right now, though, he probably wouldnt be able to.

The current Lee Hyun-a hadnt advanced to that level.

For now, I needed to go to other areas and destroy more flags-


As I was about to move, an attack tore the forest apart, brushing past my side.

A black substance seemed to be the cause.

Hey, isnt that


It was. And an incredible amount at that.

A concentration of magi that high outside of a dungeon? Is that even possible?

Who is it?

This concentration of magi definitely wasnt natural. Someone was attacking him.

No, that wasnt exactly right. It looked like they just wanted to threaten me since my [Stealth] skill was disabled because of it.

It was like they could have attacked me but intentionally missed.

While I was still reeling from the sudden attack, I heard a voice from behind.

Its been a while. Well, I guess its only been a few hours.

Park Ki-yeol?

Thats Professor Park Ki-yeol to you.

The man, who should have been in jail, appeared unharmed in front of me. And rather than running away, he appeared at the stadium.

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Moreover, his severed arm seemed to have regenerated completely.

[Status window]

Name: Park Ki-yeol

Level: 94 (4th #Awakener)

Status: @!@

[Strength: 4$] [Stam%: 54] [Agility: (7)] [Magic: 1*0] [Luck: 5^]

(Remaining attribute points are 0+_)


Superior Health Buff (A+), Superior Strength Buff (A+), Superior Health Buff! (A+), Superior Mag*&perfect; Buff (A+), ~*p(S) *@(E) [cli$@(* se3 more]

It definitely was Park Ki-yeol, but his status window was strange.


Is that even possible for a status window?

But there was something more important.

How are you here?

How could this damned bastard have returned so quickly? Did the chairman set him free?

But why would he appear here with such confidence? Was he sure he could handle the aftermath?

Ill kill them all.


Ill start with that girl.

Besides his earlier response about the lack of honorifics, conversing with him didnt seem to work.

I didnt recognize him from when I first met him. It was like he had become a robot.

It was eerie.

Crazy bastard.

During the second exam, I had barely won.

But the mass of magi he had formed couldnt be compared to his mana spears during that battle.

And this attack was heading toward Ha-eun.


Facing the inexplicably large attack, Ha-eun stared in shock.

Yu Ha-eun! Dodge now!

Fuck, something had definitely gone wrong.

This was definitely far beyond my ability. Where the hell did this damned bastard get this kind of power?

Even trying to stop that would be a gamble.

I didnt have time to mess around. If I couldnt block that, Ha-eun could really die.

Even in a situation where I wasnt sure if I could block it with just my mana, I had no choice.

Damn, Mana Control!

The mana that formed quickly flew to meet it. It hit Ha-eun, knocking her away from the attack.

How dare you attack me, a Dark Flame Dragon! I wont forgive-

Yu Ha-eun! Stop talking nonsense and run!

Dragons dont run!

Dammit! I cant protect you while fighting him!

Ha-eun remained irrational, which frustrated me.

I wasnt able to regress anymore, so if Ha-eun died, I wouldnt be able to bring her back.

Right now, Ha-eun was just a burden.

If so, I had to do this.

Lee Hyun! Take Ha-eun and go tell the hunters whats going on!

Hey! You have to wake up now! Hurry up and-

This wasnt the time to worry about our awkward relationship, so I quickly called out to him, assuming that Lee Hyun-a would be rational.

But my hopes were misplaced.

Whats going on?

As I strained my eyes to see his next attack, I saw Lee Hyun-a, who was in an unnatural state.

His whole body was shaking like crazy, and his face was pale white.

This was something I hadnt seen even before I regressed.


A stupidly large mass of magi formed again in an instant.

That mass began to fly toward Ha-eun and Lee Hyun-a.


It happened in the blink of an eye.

This time, I wasnt even able to react as the attack flew toward them.


Did they die?



Surely they wouldnt die.

My comrades, who had been beside me for six long years, even if they were annoying.

I had worked so hard to keep them safe, they couldnt die like th-


I was sure they would have received massive damage, but they had no injuries whatsoever.

Ha-eun didnt even seem to know what had occurred, a bewildered expression on her face.

It didnt seem like she had done anything.

Lee Hyun-a, on the other hand


His expression remained pale, and his face was pure white, but the moment before that attack had impacted, I had seen it.

He absorbed the magi?

All of the magi had been absorbed into his body, almost like a magnet.

He was still shaking, but now, I wondered if he was acting.

Still, he bought me some time.

I didnt have time to worry about how he had done it, because I needed to stop Park Ki-yeol.

Mana Control

Using the same skill as last time, I formed a spear by condensing the surrounding mana.

I was sure it would be a direct hit, but the spear missed.

Due to the overwhelming concentration of magi surrounding him, the attack was easily blocked.

What made it worse was what he did next.

This is ridiculous. Now hes recreating his domain with magi?

The same blue barrier he had created with mana was now being created with magi.

I immediately tried to use a skill to stop it, but that also failed.

All of you, die.

With the domains completion, the remaining mana in the air began to deplete at a rapid pace.

Haa haaa

And with it, Ha-euns breathing began to become labored. Lee Hyun-a continuing to shiver in terror prevented me from accurately assessing his state, but it couldnt be good since magi itself was toxic to humans.

Naturally, that should have included me.

Why am I okay?

Normally, Magi was like poison to a human.

I wasnt sure why Park Ki-yeol was able to use magi so easily, as one would normally die if exposed to it or suffer horrific aftereffects.

But he seemed calm as he used it.

At that moment, the system window appeared.

[Skill: Magi Manipulation is activated!]

[Your physical abilities within magi will be greatly enhanced.]

[Magi Manipulation is now available.]


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