The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 198 198: Same Place

The Kingdom of Wolves was destroyed for nothing. Only the ruins of the Royal Capital were left behind when Ramiun left the place.

He traveled south, toward the Franc Clan, before attempting to go to the Blood Council.

After a two day long journey, he even reached the Franc Clan, but stepping out of his carriage, he only saw what appeared like a place that was a Battlefield recently. There were marks of a battle taking place everywhere. Even the Castle wasn't completely intact. Quite a lot of it was destroyed.

Still, at least the infrastructure was still standing. Ramiun entered the castle; however, he had a feeling that he wasn't going to find anyone.

Along the way, he had seen no security. All he saw was blood, which made him feel that Vor had been here. That also explained why there were so many dead here.

Inside the castle, there was not a single person that he found. At least none that was alive. He was already quite disappointed. It appeared as if he had been quite late. However, he did find something intriguing.

He reached the cell where Atlan was kept once upon a time. The formation which was keeping Atlan imprisoned was still there, albeit a bit damaged.

There was no way for him to be completely sure that Atlan was kept here, but that's what he felt like.

He walked closer to the formation on the ground and observed it carefully. He didn't know much about imprisoning formations, but he could recognize some symbols as they had been the same that was used on Vor to bring him down last time.

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"If Atlan was actually here, that means Vor took him. And if Vor has Atlan, I have no choice but to go against him if I want the key Fragment."

He knew where Vor would be going next! It could only be the Blood Council. He had already finished the Kingdom of Wolves and the Franc Clan that supported the Wolves in their battle against him. That only left the Blood Council, which kept them hostage.

"He should go to the Blood Council. He will kill the ones directly involved first before moving further to kill the Witches and Vampires that weren't directly involved."

"It seems I have no choice but to take the risk!" He clenched his fist. "But still, it's surprising how fast he's moving. I need to get back to the Blood Council fast as well. I need to inform them so they can play the part of my pawns to keep Vor busy!"

He rushed out of the Castle, leaving the abandoned place.

"We are going back to the Blood Council!" He called out, telling the carriage driver to take him as fast as possible.


Ramiun was going back to the Blood Council, thinking that Vor was going to be there; however, he was wrong about one thing. Vor wasn't moving as fast as he expected. Instead, Vor was moving quite slowly on the contrary.

Vor had woken up after a really long time. It was taking him time to be accustomed to his surroundings once again. After killing Razil, he didn't go to the Franc Clan to kill them. Instead, he went to the forest where he had spent most of his life... At least the one where he was awake.

He went to the forest where he used to live with his pack after being banished. This was also where he trained and grew up. It's where he met Castiel, learning the meaning of being a true warrior. It's where he became the person he was! It was also the place where he lost everything!

It was where he watched his friends and family dying, being attacked by the Kingdom of Wolves, who were supported by the Witches. It was as if it was just yesterday when it all happened.

He stood before one of the trees in the forest, gazing at the ground right before it. It was where his wife and he were sitting and talking when the forest was attacked. He still remembered the attacks that came from all directions. The large scale spells and thousands of Wolves rushing inside, attacking them. It all happened so fast.

He fought back against many, even killing them while telling his wife to escape. Unfortunately, in the end, even he couldn't stay standing at the end of the day...

He sat near the tree, with its support, closing his eyes. A single tear trickled down the corner of his eyes as he remembered how much he had lost.

"I'll make everyone pay..."

He stayed in the forest for quite some time. In fact, he even fell asleep there. Since he had woken up from his long sleep, he realized that he had been feeling quite sleepy recently, but he didn't care.

He wasn't in any hurry. He wanted to embrace his revenge and take his time. He had just killed one of the main culprits. There were two more Culprits left now. The Vampires and the Witches! He wanted to cleanse the world.

He remained in the forest for an entire day. He had decided that after he finished his revenge, he was going to return to the first and finally embrace his own death, fulfilling his vow of making all supernaturals disappear from this world.

He didn't have anyone or anything to live for other than his revenge.

The sun started rising. With the first ray of sunlight falling on his skin, Vor opened his eyes. He finally bid farewell to this forest, promising to return again as he left.

As for his destination... That appeared to be the Blood Council. To be specific, he was going to the Mansion of the closest Blood Council member from the forest... The Mansion of Ramiun!


Ramiun sent his men to inform all the Blood Council Members to meet him at his castle instead of at the Blood Council main castle, especially since he was worried that Vor might go to the Blood Council Castle straight. He didn't want to be attacked by Vor in the middle of his meeting, so he called them all to his Mansion.

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