The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 170 They Are All Invisible?

Chapter 170 They Are All Invisible?

Soon all of them were on their way to the borders of Hydra. The sky was gray with dense clouds that hung low in the sky. Everything about the Hydra Kingdom was ominous.

"Why is it that there is only one bridge on Eridani?" Rolfe asked as he rode his horse side by side with Eltanin's.

"The river's water is extremely poisonous. They say that it would dissolve any vessel that would float on it except one that is made out of a hood of a horse. However, people have tried that, but even those vessels have dissolved." He laughed. "There's a rumor that you can cross the river on a unicorn. But seriously, a unicorn?" Eltanin scoffed. "Araniea has never seen a unicorn in their life. So, the bridge it is. Since part of the river falls in Hydra territory, they have complete control over it. They don't allow others to construct a bridge over it and the only one that exists is there because they want some form of communication with the outer world."

"Why is Felis after you?" Rolfe asked, amused by Eridani's waters.

"He wants my beast..." Eltanin replied as he stared in front of them at the vast expanse of the meadows. "He wants me to submit to him and take my beast, leash it so that he can rule Araniea." Blue eather pulsated in his eyes and spilled around him, forming a winged streak. "Felis is into dark magic and he has Nyxers under his binding spell or oath. He also has some werewolves whose beasts he has trammeled after invoking them with his dark magic."

He let out a rough exhale. "It is sad to see those werewolves. They don't want to serve him, but they can't help it. Their wolf is in his control. They work on his command. One of the reasons why you will see that this entire area is devoid of settlements and hardly anyone comes here is that the werewolves are afraid of being trapped by Felis."

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Rolfe became quiet. Araniea was in imminent danger and Felis was a dangerous werewolf demon. When he had gone with Ileus inside Hydra, he could sense his dark magic. Ileus had taken him to Hydra so that he could understand the extent of Felis's strength. And Rolfe realized that Felis was... powerful. They had to come back in a hurry because they had been  detected.

How did Felis learn the art of invoking wolves? Rolfe's eyes went to Ileus and a shudder passed through him. Ileus was a half werewolf. While Eltanin was a demi-god, Ileus was the strongest wizard of Draoidh. Both were a force to be reckoned with. "Let's see..." he muttered to himself.

A distant thunder rumbled, above them and below. Eltanin's voice held a wary note when he said, "This doesn't look good."

"Fuck!" Rigel rasped as he saw a large company of armored cavalry rising toward them. "Nyxers! At least two hundred of them. We are outnumbered." They galloped across the meadow's flat expanse, carrying a flag that sported the symbol of a hydra. The banner of the kingdom of Hydra.

"They are most certainly not here for a social visit," Ileus responded. "At least not if they come in that size!" He reined his horse and it came to a stop. He raised his hand for all of them to stop.

"A visit from the Hydra army is never good. Those are Nyxers, Felis's troops," Eltanin growled as he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. His response was punctuated by the sound of roars from the Nyxers.

Rolfe came and stood next to Ileus. He glared at the Nyxers. He muttered a spell and then immediately flung his hand forward. The air around them twirled. A strong gust of wind blew and ruffled their hair. The horses whinnied, feeling restless. Some of them even backed up, as their riders tried to calm them. A strong coppery scent wafted in the air for a fraction of a second and settled instantly. So did the strong wind. A stillness lingered, as if nothing occurred.

The Nyxers were on their horses and when they neared, Ileus realized that there were wolves amongst the horses. "Everyone, stay quiet. Not a single movement." Ileus's whisper carried through the air to all the soldiers who were waiting with tension. The tension was so thick in the air that one couldn't cut it with a knife, if one wanted. They all waited for the Nyxers to approach.

Nyxers galloped toward them with ferociousness, looking straight in their direction. They neared them like thunder. The ground shook under them. The wolves amongst them howled and growled menacingly. All the soldiers had their hands on the hilt of their sword, ready to attack. Why was Ileus asking them to stay quiet? However, as soon as the Nyxers came closer, the entire company galloped away as if they hadn't  seen them. All the soldiers watched them darting away with amazement. What just happened? Were they rendered invisible?

All the Nyxers and werewolves galloped away with dust rising behind them, leaving the stunned cavalry behind. When they were at least a mile away, Ileus signaled them all to move forward. They resumed their journey across the meadow as none of them spoke. The bridge was visible, almost an hour later, and by that time the moon had set low in the horizon.

Ileus stopped in a large thicket of trees, signaling all the rest to stop. They were a large number and with the horses, it became difficult for all of them to stay within it. He dismounted his horse and so did the others.

As soon as Rigel was approached, he asked, "How did the Nyxers not see us?" He appeared just as shocked as Eltanin as they approached Ileus.

"Ask Rolfe," Ileus pointed his chin at his demon brother-in-law.

"I just used my magic," he shrugged. Last night he had felt the layers of magic that Felis had spread over his kingdom. Rolfe was an expert at this because he had done the same in Galahar. He knew how to slice through the ancient magic that he had cast over his kingdom. This was just dark magic, nowhere near to his capabilities. Felis was no match for him, but Felis was dangerous. He had an ugly empire to himself and that was his strength.

Eltanin nodded at Rolfe with complete amazement and wide eyes.

Rolfe chuckled. "The bridge is about a mile from here. I want the cavalry to wait for us over here. Only the four of us are going to go to the kingdom of Hydra via the bridge."

"But we can't just simply walk across it!" Rigel said as he shifted on his feet. Because of him so many people were ready to risk their life.

"I know," Rolfe replied and looked at Ileus. "That's where his magic will come into play." He scanned the woods where all the soldiers were bristling with hushed murmurs. "I have enveloped them in an invisible wall. The spell will remain over that spot for the full cycle of the moon. Ask them to leave this place and return by tomorrow morning if they don't see us."

Audible gasps were heard.

"They were all invisible?" Rigel asked.

Rolfe nodded. Twenty minutes later the four of them walked towards the bridge. As soon as they were a few meters away from the cavalry, something popped. Mist blasted around them and they became invisible.

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