The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 178 Rescuing Lerna (6)

Chapter 178 Rescuing Lerna (6)

The magic had… layers. It had several layers and each was complicated. This was not dark magic. This was inherent magic that was part of the person's soul. It was so good that the person could play with it and create layers like a child's play. If this was the capability, Felis couldn't imagine the power source he was near. He thrummed with excitement as all he could think of was how to capture the individual.

Slowly, he peeled the layers of the magic as if he was peeling the layers of onion. And each layer made him bleed. That was the price to pay to tear it off. When the first layer broke, he was left with deep gashes on his forearms. After the second layer, his nose started bleeding. By the end of it, there was blood flowing out of his eyes. As soon as he pared the last layer, he blasted the door and with it disintegrated every piece of furniture that was piled behind it. He heard the nannies whimpering and crying the moment he came inside the bedchamber. It was as if they had just come out of their unconsciousness.

"Where is Lerna?" he growled at them.

"We don't know…" the eldest one said, feeling so afraid of him that she sank to her knees. "All we remember is some Nyxers entering. They took the princess with them. One of them blasted his magic at us and we all dropped unconscious on the floor!"

The only place to escape from here was the stairs behind the tower. He strode to the bathroom, blasting its door with his magic and then ran to the window. He hoped that he wasn't too late. He wanted to capture Lerna as well as the person who possessed such raw and potent magic. He was surprised to see that the glass of the window was intact. There was a heavy blizzard on the outside and snow had gathered over it like a thick white blanket. He narrowed his eyes and stared in the gray and white background. All at once, a spark flashed from the base of the tower. He jerked his head back when realization hit him that Lerna was very far away. He was going to make a dash for her. Using his full power, he closed his eyes. He brought his energy to the core of his chest. When he opened his eyes, he let his energy out. It traveled in the form of red crackling lights to the window and blasted it to smithereens. is here!" Lerna shouted when she heard the blast above. Her heartbeat accelerated. Now the thin hope that she had of escaping was evaporating faster than the ice that melted on the stairs. Her lips quivered and a shudder passed through her body. "He is going to kill all of us," she mumbled as tears ran down her cheeks. "I don't want to go to him. Kill me."

Rigel grabbed her by the waist and hauled her over his shoulder. "Sorry!" he rasped as she squealed. The four men rushed through the blizzard but the snow was so soft that it was difficult to move with speed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Throw a portal, demon!" Ileus shouted.

"Give me the coordinates!" Rolfe shouted back. The wind had picked up and the blizzard had made the visibility very bad.

They must have traveled only a few meters when suddenly, they heard a loud thud behind them.

"Felis!" Lerna shouted a warning when her gaze fell on her brother who lunged after them.

"Run fast!" Eltanin shouted to Rigel.

Panic struck, Rigel was trying his best to run away from the demon, but the next moment a heavy force pounded on his back and he fell down. Eltanin snatched Lerna from him as Ileus pulled him up.

Rolfe jerked his head back to look at the demon werewolf. "Don't you fuck with my magic bastard!" he growled and hurled a thick beam of blue lights at him.

Felis hurled back several feet away. He stared at the man who had hurled such powerful magic. That man was his target. He roared commands to his Nyxers to come down.

By the time Ileus and his group were not more than twenty meters away, the Nyxers started jumping out of the window and landed a few feet behind.

"Use your magic wizard!" Rolfe shouted. "I will create the portal! Give me time and divert these dimwits!"

Ileus's illusion cracked. He spun on his heels and found at least a ten Nyxers behind them. Each of them was bellowing with anger. "You wolves need to cool down!" Ileus said as he moved his wrists in front of him in circles. As he moved them in circles, the snow of the mountains somewhere behind them rolled into a small ball which gained speed and size as it came down. "Sneg ikhth!" he shouted. The massive ball rolled all the way down the slope. Ileus used his magic to control the ball's path, and as soon as it was some fifty feet away from them, he forced it to crash on the Nyxers. Their bellows and grunts got suppressed in the giant ball of snow.

Rolfe had created the portal using the blizzard. Ileus rushed to him and gave him the coordinates. The coordinates traveled to the four corners of the portal. "Get inside!" Rolfe shouted.

Eltanin had put Lerna on the ground. "Run through it!" he said to her. She was so shocked seeing all the magic around her that she nodded, bereft. She dashed through the portal first, followed by Rigel and Ileus.

However, just before Rolfe was to enter, the snow ball exploded and Felis jumped out of it. He lunged at Rolfe and grabbed his legs, sending him to the ground. "Stop!" he growled. Using his brute force, he crawled over Rolfe, but little did he know that he was battling against the demon of Galahar. Rolfe's horns started curling up as his eyes became pitch black as if someone had spilled ink inside them.

"You think you can take me down, Felis?" Rolfe growled. "Well, then you don't know me." He bent his knee as Felis stared at the demon. "I am Rolfe Aramaer of Galahar." His kick slammed into Felis's chest. He got up and dashed to the portal.

Felis was surprised and stunned. Rolfe Aramaer was the demon who had inherent ancient magic. "Catch him!" he shouted to his Nyxers. If he got hold of Rolfe and entranced him, he would become invincible. He would be able to leash Eltanin's beast easily.

Rolfe chuckled at the Nyxers as he stepped into the portal. The Nyxers darted after him but the portal collapsed and then ran into the blizzard, looking confused.

"You chose to come in front of the Warsle Palace?" Rolfe huffed at Ileus who was waiting for him with worry etched on his face.

Eltanin chortled. "Brilliant!" he said. "Felis's entire army is near Lerna's tower."

Ileus had given the coordinates in front of the gates of the palace. When they had come, there was hardly anyone over here. He gave his typical lopsided smile and created another portal. Everyone stepped into—

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