The Ancient Miss Transmigrates into a CEO’s Wife

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

For those skilled in embroidery, they could tell at a glance that the person who made these tiger head shoes had superb embroidery skills.

Xu Xiuhe looked at the shoes with envy in his heart. His wife had never embroidered anything for him. The last time she made clothes for him, they were so exquisite and beautiful that he didn't even dare to wear them.

"So beautiful, I'm envious."

"Envious of what?"

"Dad is envious that Yunzheng has shoes, but he doesn't." Xu Yunzheng said while deliberately walking towards Xu Xiuhe and lifting his feet.

"Yeah, the shoes are really nice. Wife, you're so talented."

"Do you like them?"

Xu Xiuhe nodded.

"Then you can stop worrying about the competition the day after tomorrow. I can do it, you don't need to be anxious. I'll guarantee I'll bring you a championship."


"Yay, Mom is a champion."

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Rong City's competition was being held at the Rong City Museum. The venue was spacious, with a rich cultural heritage.

Rong City also had a long history and culture, with the museum housing many antiques and artifacts. On the day of the competition, the driver dropped Shen Yin off at the entrance of the museum.

Since arriving in this world, Shen Yin had never visited a museum, let alone seen any exhibits.

The museum was huge, and Shen Yin didn't know exactly which hall the competition venue was in.

"Little lady, are you here to watch the competition?" the security guard asked.

"No, I'm participating in the competition," Shen Yin replied.

"Ah?" The security guard didn't react immediately. He had been working at this museum for many years, and the embroidery competition had been held for several years, but he had never seen such a young lady participate.

"Well, it's finally good to see a young person willing to engage with this embroidery culture. Good luck, little lady. The main thing is to participate and promote the culture."

Shen Yin followed the security guard into the museum.

"Go in, turn left at the second hall, and that's the competition venue. It's still early, and not many people have arrived yet. Go in and rest for a bit, young lady."

"Okay, thank you, grandpa."

Shen Yin entered the hall, where there were about 30 tables with a main stage, and a long table on the stage with five chairs behind it.

The audience seating was on either side of the hall, so the stage must be for the judges.

There were a few people in the audience seating and a few competitors in the designated area.

Shen Yin found her table based on the information provided and sat down.

On each table were various needles, threads, and a piece of white cloth.

Every table had the same setup. Shen Yin just glanced at it but didn't touch anything. People gradually started to arrive, and the hall became more crowded.

Later, two men and three women, all quite elderly, appeared on the judges' seats.

Most of the competitors were also not young, mostly around 40 years old. Shen Yin, who looked around 20, stood out starkly in this group.

"All competitors, please take your seats."

Initially, the people in the audience seating were whispering among themselves.

After the host said those words, the hall fell completely silent.

"Welcome, everyone, to this embroidery competition. This competition has been held for five years now, and we see new faces every year. Among the competitors seated here, I'm sure there are those participating for the first time, as well as those who have participated several times before. But that's not important. What's important is that we will be evaluating your embroidery skills, techniques, and speed."

Next, the President of the Literary Federation will give an address.

The man in his 50s on the main stage took the microphone.

"Hello, competitors. Embroidery, or 'needle embroidery' as it was called in ancient China, is the art of using an embroidery needle to stitch colored threads onto textile fabrics, creating flower patterns and designs. Embroidery is one of China's ancient handicrafts, with a history dating back over 2,000 years. However, the truly legendary aspect of embroidery is not just its important role in Chinese clothing art, but also how, with the opening of trade routes like the Silk Road, the rich and exquisite Oriental style of silk and embroidery products gradually made their way into Europe, instantly becoming a favorite among wealthy merchants, nobles, and royal families. Now, embroidery has even taken the international stage, playing a significant role in the fashion world. All of you seated here are inheritors of this intangible cultural heritage, representing various cities. The top three winners of this competition will represent our region in the finals. So, I urge all of you to give your best performance, represent our region, and contribute to the preservation of this intangible cultural heritage. Of course, you will also be achieving personal success."

After the President of the Literary Federation finished speaking, the others on stage started applauding.

"Okay, next I'll explain the competition rules," said the host.

"The competition will last a total of five hours, from 10 AM to 12 PM, and then from 2 PM to 5 PM, with a two-hour break in between. During the break, no competitors are allowed to enter the venue."

"There are no restrictions on embroidery techniques, but there will be a theme. Competitors can freely interpret the theme. The materials on each table are the same. Please look at the big screen now." The host pressed a remote control, and the big screen behind the judges' seats lit up.

However, the big screen only displayed two words: "Summer."

"Please take 'summer' as the theme and choose what you want to embroider. Of course, the subject matter is not limited. The competition will start promptly at 10 AM."

All 30 competitors, including Shen Yin, began to ponder. Although the judging criteria were embroidery skills, techniques, and speed, not the subject matter, a harmonious overall embroidered image required careful consideration of the theme and composition.

It's like painting a picture - in addition to painting skills, the content of the painting also needs to be considered. In the "Six Principles" of Chinese painting theory, one principle is "Appropriate Positioning." The arrangement of elements in the composition is crucial, and this principle applies equally to embroidery designs.

Shen Yin wouldn't claim to be better than others, but she knew one thing - she had an advantage at the starting line when it came to the overall layout of the embroidered image. Having copied many paintings by literary scholars, she had a firm grasp on the proper positioning of elements.

So next, all she had to do was create a "painting" around the theme of "summer," except instead of using a brush, she would use a needle and thread.

"The competition has begun. Competitors, you may now pick up your materials and start," the host announced precisely at 10 AM.

Shen Yin picked up the white cloth and mounted it onto the embroidery frame.

Her mind, however, was pondering what theme to choose. "Summer" seemed a bit cliché; it was the same topic she had given when hiring staff.

In the sweltering summer heat, how could a painting convey the season while also offering a sense of coolness, and even beauty?

Shen Yin mused, until suddenly a brilliant idea flashed in her mind.

As Shen Yin threaded her needle, glancing sideways, she caught sight of the audience seats.

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